
解夢佬 0

1. 英語造句11個

Louis refused to hand over anything except to me personally.There will be a football match tomorrow.The dangers I run are nothing compared with those of our soldiers at the front.I paid 100 yuan for this shirt.Tom is getting on well with anyone else in his class.He spends almost three hours studying English every day.Your hobby is the same as mine.The local government found it difficult to fight against unemployment.Linda asked her teacher for advice.It's sheer non-sense to fight with each other over his favors.。

2. 英文造句10個超簡單造句不要太長一共10句

It doesn't matter.

I often have a stomache.

I have got a sore throat.

I have a toothache.

I have a high fever.

Drink water with honey in it.

I want to be a dentist.

You should be careful.

Get up early tomorrow morning.

They've got a big problem.

3. 英語造句(簡單的)1.carry2.shout3.find4.break5.win6.send7.leave8

1.They carry the boxes into the room.他們將箱子搬進室內.2.The sick child shouted with pain.那病童痛得叫了起來.3.I didn't find my english book .我沒有找到我的英語課本.4.He fell down and broke his arm .他跌斷了手臂.5.Their team has won the game.他們隊贏了這場比賽.6.She sent me a Christmas card.她給我寄來一張圣誕賀卡.7.We will leave for London next week.我們下周動身去倫敦.8.He put his textbooks on the table by the window.他把課本放在窗邊的桌上.9.Tom lost his job last month.湯姆上個月失業了.10.The boy picked up the hat for the old man.男孩替老人拾起了帽子.。

4. 用英語造句(10句哦~)

disagree with you on this matter.這件事我與你不能達成一致。

I lost interest in the computer games.我對電腦游戲不感興趣了。

The trees line up along the road.大道兩旁的樹木排成排。

The great movie had distract all my attention .這部好電影分散了我所有的注意力。

The watch tells time acurately.這只手表報時很準。

I went home before long.我不久就回家了。

He acclaimed after hearing the good news.他聽完好消息之后歡呼起來。

I suspect that he is the thief.我懷疑他是小偷。

It is suspicious of you to think he is the thief.認為他是小偷你太多心了。

It is no doubt that he will win.毫無疑問他會贏。

The mother is disappointed by her unfilial son.媽媽對她那不孝的兒子失望了。

5. 英文短句造句

1.break into

2.take turns

3.take a shower

4.take charge of

5.take part in

6.take away

7.look around

8.come from

9.come out of。

10.come out

11.ask for

12.talk over

13.pay for。

14.think about

15.think of

16.fall down

17.fall sleep

18.find out

19.clean up

20.pour into

21.turn off

22.raise questions

23.make a list

24.make a decision

25.make the bed

26.make mistakes

27.make a living

28.bump into

29.vote for sb

30.be dependent on sb


32.be make into。

33.ask sb to do sth

34.remember to do sth

35.use。to do sth

36.make sb do sth

37.steal sth from。

6. 用英語造句子

.I will appear on the stage.我將登場表演.Some girls are dancing on the stage.一些女孩在舞臺上跳舞.The roses are very bright.這些玫瑰花很鮮艷.They are socks.I have stockings.

第一句是I will appear on the stageappear.的造句.第二句Some girls are dancing on the stage.是stage的造句.我已經造了5句了.socks才是短襪.stockings才是長筒襪,少了s意思就不一樣了.

7. 【英語造句,英語高手來回答,分別用下面的四個句型造句

The day is getting longer at the approach of summer.夏天臨近白天變的越來越長了Children should learn how to make approaches to strangers.小孩子應該學者如何跟陌生人打交道.The professor takes a new approach to a problem.教授對一個問題提出了新方法.The reporter should make an approach to the stars to dig the news.記者們應該接近明星來挖掘新聞.。