
解夢佬 0

1. 求十句怪獸大學經典臺詞


I want to be scared commissioner.2、“歡迎來上驚嚇入門課程”“嚇人根本不用學,放膽去嚇就好啦”"welcome to scare an introductory course on" "scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!"3、如果你不嚇人,那算哪門子怪獸?if you don't scary, that kind of monster?4、我的特長是多長了個腳趾,但沒帶在身上。how long is my specialty is a toe, but didn't bring in the body.5、發自內心,你才能兇相畢露。

from the heart, you can be various.6、自古以來,全世界的孩子都知道,怪物就躲在他們的柜子里。但他們不知道的是,這些怪物并不總是那麼嚇人。

Since ancient times, children all over the world know, monsters hiding in their cupboard. But they don't know is that these monsters are not always so scary.7、我不能去上學,衣服還沒穿嘛,他們必須先去上大學。I can't go to school, the clothes haven't wear well, they have to go to college.8、哈哈,很好笑,蘇利文你看上去很棒,大眼仔如果你想惡作劇,就來一些有創意的。

Ha ha, very funny, you look great, Sullivan large seed, if you want to trick is to some creative9、我愛死大學了。I love the university10、怪獸大學站!有下車的嗎?The monster university station! Have to get off?11、我這輩子都盼著這一天,我終于要成為驚嚇專員了。

I are looking forward to this day, in my life I finally to become frightened commissioner12、蝸牛:糟糕,我可不能開學第一天就遲到(努力奔跑,原地不動)。The snail: oh, I'm not the first day of school is late (running hard, stands motionless)13、我的手和臉一樣大。

my face and hands as big14、真想按住那個萬事通來擦地板。Really want to hold the know-it-all to mop the floor.15、你一點也不可怕,但是你無所畏懼。

“you are not scary at all, but you are fearless”16、你從小學四年級開始就嫉妒我長得帥 。"You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade".17、My homework ate my dog.我的家庭作業把我的狗吃了。

18、如果你想惡搞某人,起碼捯飭點有智慧含量的事情來。You know, if you're gonna prank someone, the least you could do is think of something clever.19、什麼?發生什麼事了? 我不知道怎麼變成這樣的。

What? What's happening? I don't know how to get it.20、但他們不知道其實怪物們也有呆萌的時候。But what they don't know is those monsters weren't always so scary.。

2. 怪獸大學經典臺詞求大神幫助


I want to be scared commissioner. 2、“歡迎來上驚嚇入門課程”“嚇人根本不用學,放膽去嚇就好啦”"welcome to scare an introductory course on" "scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!" 3、如果你不嚇人,那算哪門子怪獸?if you don't scary, that kind of monster? 4、我的特長是多長了個腳趾,但沒帶在身上。how long is my specialty is a toe, but didn't bring in the body. 5、發自內心,你才能兇相畢露。

from the heart, you can be various. 6.自古以來,全世界的孩子都知道,怪物就躲在他們的柜子里。但他們不知道的是,這些怪物并不總是那麼嚇人。

Since ancient times, children all over the world know, monsters hiding in their cupboard. But they don't know is that these monsters are not always so scary. 7.我不能去上學,衣服還沒穿嘛,他們必須先去上大學。I can't go to school, the clothes haven't wear well, they have to go to college. 8.哈哈,很好笑,蘇利文你看上去很棒,大眼仔如果你想惡作劇,就來一些有創意的 Ha ha, very funny, you look great, Sullivan large seed, if you want to trick is to some creative 9.我愛死大學了I love the university 10.怪獸大學站!有下車的嗎?The monster university station! Have to get off? 11.我這輩子都盼著這一天,我終于要成為驚嚇專員了I are looking forward to this day, in my life I finally to become frightened commissioner 12.蝸牛:糟糕,我可不能開學第一天就遲到(努力奔跑,原地不動)The snail: oh, I'm not the first day of school is late (running hard, stands motionless)更多。

3. 描寫人物神態的句子

作業君找到的參考例題: 【問題】:描寫人物神態的句子 【答案】:一 1.牙齒咬得“格格”作響,眼里閃著一股無法遏制的怒火,好似一頭被激怒的獅子。

2.仇恨,像怪獸一般吞噬著我的心,使我不思飲食,坐立不安。 3.辛辣味嗆得我直翻白眼,恨得牙根直發麻,手指骨節癢,想揍他一頓。

4.他怒不可遏地吼叫著,這聲音像沉雷一樣滾動著,傳得很遠很遠。 5.看著這景象,憤怒的人群如同漲滿河槽的洪水,突然崩開了堤口,咆哮著,勢不可擋地涌進了大廳 二 他嚇得面色如土,舌頭僵住了,說不出話來 冷若冰霜,令人生畏 窘得面臉通紅,不知如何是好 聚精會神地苦苦思索 興奮得面臉通紅 只見他的臉憋得通紅,雙眉擰成疙瘩,就連胳膊上的青筋都看得清清楚楚。

老師看到題后,皺著眉頭,習慣地把左手的大拇指放在嘴唇下面來回移動,思考著。 他習慣地用雙手捶著朐,像人猿泰山似的嗷嗷叫幾聲,才出去玩兒。

他的臉慘白慘白的,嚇得眼睛瞪得大大的。 她笑了,圓圓的臉就像一盤盛開的金葵花. 七種神態、七種心情,描寫人物神態的句子,描寫的惟妙惟肖!很經典! ◆神態之絕望 他絕望得像掉進了沒底兒的深潭一樣萬念俱灰。

一般絕望的情緒像狂潮一般涌上我的心頭,使我感到渾身冰涼。 他像被誰用榔頭擊昏了似的,倚在客廳的門框上。

◆神態之思索 他想得腦袋快要炸了,想安靜一會兒,但無論如何平靜不下來。 他心里像有七八十個轆轤在旋轉。

他走起路來,總是背著手、低著頭,那神情,好像在思索全人類的前途和命運。 ◆神態之專注 走到跟前,他的眼珠像生了銹的鎖心,再也轉不動了。

觀眾的目光,像無數條探照燈的光柱,緊緊地追逐著正在表演的武術運動員。 爸爸兩眼盯著我的“三好獎狀”,站立在那里出神,好像在看著一件價值連城的寶物。

◆神態之嚴肅 他的表情和聲音,好像在閱兵典禮時發出立正口令那樣嚴肅。 此時,伯父的面孔十分嚴肅,簡直像生鐵鑄成的。

他的臉一下子拉了下來,像刷了層漿糊般地緊繃著。 ◆神態之害羞 她臉兒紅得像熟透了的山柿子,忙低下頭去,不敢再看我一眼。

她的臉一下子紅到了耳根,仿佛做了什麼不道德的事情似的。 她是個不經夸的人,這時臉紅得簡直像墻上貼的對聯紙。

◆神態之灰心 這意外的失敗,使同學們一個個像霜打的樹葉子,霎時無精打采地蔫了下來。 失敗的消息傳來,他如同浸入冰水,心完全涼了。

他這次沒有考上大學,整天耷拉著腦袋,真像冬天吃冰棒——一直涼到心了。 ◆神態之失望 他失望極了,淚臉比挨霜打的芭蕉葉還要蔫黃。

一個接一個的失敗,像滅火劑一樣把我心頭的希望之火澆滅了。 我突然感到一股失望的苦水,淹沒了全部期待。

4. 怪獸大學的英文臺詞

1. i want to be scared commissioner

2. welcom to scare an introductory course on, scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!

3. if you don't scary, that kind of monster?

4. how long is my specialty is a toe, but didn't bring in the ody

5. from the heart, you can be various.

6. since ancient times, children all over the world know, monsters hiding in their cupboard. but they don't know is that these monsters are not always so scary.

7. i love the university

8. you are not scary at all, but you are fearless.

9. i are looking forward to this day, in my life i finally to become frightened commissioner.


5. 神偷奶爸、馬達加斯加、功夫熊貓、怪獸大學臺詞(快

神偷奶爸who are you texting? 你在給誰發短信? No one! Just my friend Avery. 沒誰!只是一個叫Avery的朋友 Avery。

Eh? Avery? Avery……呃?Avery? Is that a girl's nameabcor a boy's name? 這是一個男名還是女名? Does it matter? 有什麼關系嗎? No! No, it doesn't matter, 不!不 沒關系 unless it's a boy! 除非 是個男孩! I know what makes you a boy. 我知道是什麼使你成為男孩的 Uhh, you do? 呃……你……懂? Your bald head. 你的禿頭 Ohh. Yes. 哦 是啊 It's really smooth. 它好光滑 Sometimes I stare at it, 有時候我看著它 and imagine a littleabcchick popping out. 然后想象一只小雞蹦出來 Peep-peep-peep! 嗶嗶嗶 Goodnight, Agnes. 晚安Agnes Never get older. 永遠不要長大 Hey, yo! 嗨 喲! Hey, Tim, nice haircut! 嘿Tim 發型不錯! Tommy, hang in there, baby! Tommy 加油 寶貝! 2.We are the Anti-Villain League. 我們是除惡聯盟 An ultra secret organization dedicatedabcto fighting crime on a global scale. 旨在全球范圍內對抗犯罪的絕密組織 Rob a bank, we're not interested.abcKill someone, not our deal. 搶銀行?我們不感興趣 殺人?關我們屁事 But you were to melt the polarabcice caps, or vaporize Mount Fuji, 但是 如果你想融化極地冰蓋 或者蒸發富士山 or even, 甚至 Steal the moon。 盜竊月亮…… Then, we notice. 那就會引起我們注意了馬達加斯加Gloria:河馬 Alex:獅子 Marty:斑馬 Melman:長頸鹿 Monkey:猴子 -Gloria:Whoo, it's Marty's birthday! 哇噢,Marty的生日! -Alex:Open it, just open it! 打開,打開嘛。

-Marty:What is it? What is it? 是什麼?是什麼? -Gloria:Come on, open it up! 拜托,打開吧。 -Marty:Yeah! Thermometer! Thanks. I love it Melman, I love it! thermometer: 溫度計 耶!溫度計!謝謝。

我喜歡它,Melman,我喜歡它! -Melman:Yeah, I wanted to give, you something personal. You know that was my first rectal thermometer. rectal: 直腸 是啊,我想給你一件私人的禮物。那是我的第一個直腸溫度計。

-Marty:Mother。 天啊。

-Alex:Ok,I'll miss that bad boy. 好吧,我會想念哪個壞孩子的。 -Marty:Get the cake,Melman,come on. 快拿蛋糕來,Melman,快。

-All:”Happy birthday to you! You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey. And you smell like one too.” “祝你生日快樂!你生活在一個動物園里你看上去象個猴兒,而且„„你聞起來也象個猴兒。” -Monkey1:I say。

我說„„功夫熊貓 Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似這潭湖水,如果波瀾起伏,就會模糊不清,但是如果平靜下來,解決之道必將自現。 小四之所以把英文聽記下來,是因為中文在翻譯時,有時候會失去英語韻味,比如下面這句話: Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未來還未可知。

此外還有一些話,蠻好的啦,乍一看很普通,結合影片,結合實際,結合自己來看的話,感覺會很不同。 There are no accidents.世間無巧合。

You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必須完全相信。 師父與熊貓的對話,也可以感受到一些,熊貓的現狀不就是大多數人的現狀嗎?心懷夢想,卻總以為是奢望,不想做的事情卻逼不得已去做,想要改變,卻發現,改變很難。

---那你為什麼不放棄?And then why didn't you quit? ----是的,我留下來了,因為···每次你向我扔磚頭,說我很臭,都很傷自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,這些傷害遠遠比不上,我原來那樣過日子的傷害大。

But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下來,我覺得如果有人可以改變我,讓我不再像現在這個樣子!那就是你!中原最偉大的武林宗師! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊貓有個“鴨子爸爸”,這個一直想讓自己的兒子繼承自己的面條生意的,阻擋在熊貓夢想之路的爸爸,也說出來平凡的“真理”。大家一直以為熊貓家的面條是秘方調制,所以才那麼好吃,其實什麼秘方也沒有! 認為它特別了,它就特別了。

To make something special,you just have to believe it special!怪獸大學1、你從小學四年級起初就嫉妒我長得帥。 You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth. 2、“歡迎來上驚嚇入門課程”“嚇人根本不用學,放膽去嚇就好啦!” “welcome toscare an introductory course on” “scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!” 3、如果你不嚇人,那算哪門子怪獸? if you don't scary, that kind of monster? 4、我的特長是多長了個腳趾,但沒帶在身上。

how long is my specialty is a toe,but didn't bring in the body. 5、發自內心,你才能兇相畢露。 from the heart, you can be various. 6、自古以來,全世界的孩子都知道,怪物就躲在他們的柜子里。


6. 神偷奶爸、馬達加斯加、功夫熊貓、怪獸大學臺詞(快

神偷奶爸 who are you texting? 你在給誰發短信? No one! Just my friend Avery. 沒誰!只是一個叫Avery的朋友 Avery。

Eh? Avery? Avery……呃?Avery? Is that a girl's nameabcor a boy's name? 這是一個男名還是女名? Does it matter? 有什麼關系嗎? No! No, it doesn't matter, 不!不 沒關系 unless it's a boy! 除非 是個男孩! I know what makes you a boy. 我知道是什麼使你成為男孩的 Uhh, you do? 呃……你……懂? Your bald head. 你的禿頭 Ohh. Yes. 哦 是啊 It's really smooth. 它好光滑 Sometimes I stare at it, 有時候我看著它 and imagine a littleabcchick popping out. 然后想象一只小雞蹦出來 Peep-peep-peep! 嗶嗶嗶 Goodnight, Agnes. 晚安Agnes Never get older. 永遠不要長大 Hey, yo! 嗨 喲! Hey, Tim, nice haircut! 嘿Tim 發型不錯! Tommy, hang in there, baby! Tommy 加油 寶貝! 2.We are the Anti-Villain League. 我們是除惡聯盟 An ultra secret organization dedicatedabcto fighting crime on a global scale. 旨在全球范圍內對抗犯罪的絕密組織 Rob a bank, we're not interested.abcKill someone, not our deal. 搶銀行?我們不感興趣 殺人?關我們屁事 But you were to melt the polarabcice caps, or vaporize Mount Fuji, 但是 如果你想融化極地冰蓋 或者蒸發富士山 or even, 甚至 Steal the moon。 盜竊月亮…… Then, we notice. 那就會引起我們注意了 馬達加斯加 Gloria:河馬 Alex:獅子 Marty:斑馬 Melman:長頸鹿 Monkey:猴子 -Gloria:Whoo, it's Marty's birthday! 哇噢,Marty的生日! -Alex:Open it, just open it! 打開,打開嘛。

-Marty:What is it? What is it? 是什麼?是什麼? -Gloria:Come on, open it up! 拜托,打開吧。 -Marty:Yeah! Thermometer! Thanks. I love it Melman, I love it! thermometer: 溫度計 耶!溫度計!謝謝。

我喜歡它,Melman,我喜歡它! -Melman:Yeah, I wanted to give, you something personal. You know that was my first rectal thermometer. rectal: 直腸 是啊,我想給你一件私人的禮物。那是我的第一個直腸溫度計。

-Marty:Mother。 天啊。

-Alex:Ok,I'll miss that bad boy. 好吧,我會想念哪個壞孩子的。 -Marty:Get the cake,Melman,come on. 快拿蛋糕來,Melman,快。

-All:”Happy birthday to you! You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey. And you smell like one too.” “祝你生日快樂!你生活在一個動物園里你看上去象個猴兒,而且„„你聞起來也象個猴兒。” -Monkey1:I say。

我說„„ 功夫熊貓 Your mind is like this water,when it agitated,it becomes difficulit to see.but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.你的心好似這潭湖水,如果波瀾起伏,就會模糊不清,但是如果平靜下來,解決之道必將自現。 小四之所以把英文聽記下來,是因為中文在翻譯時,有時候會失去英語韻味,比如下面這句話: Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery.昨日已成往事,未來還未可知。

此外還有一些話,蠻好的啦,乍一看很普通,結合影片,結合實際,結合自己來看的話,感覺會很不同。 There are no accidents.世間無巧合。

You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必須完全相信。 師父與熊貓的對話,也可以感受到一些,熊貓的現狀不就是大多數人的現狀嗎?心懷夢想,卻總以為是奢望,不想做的事情卻逼不得已去做,想要改變,卻發現,改變很難。

---那你為什麼不放棄?And then why didn't you quit? ----是的,我留下來了,因為···每次你向我扔磚頭,說我很臭,都很傷自尊。 Yeah,I stayed beacuse ,everytime you throw a brick on my head,or said I am smelly.It hurts. 但是,這些傷害遠遠比不上,我原來那樣過日子的傷害大。

But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just been ME. 我留下來,我覺得如果有人可以改變我,讓我不再像現在這個樣子!那就是你!中原最偉大的武林宗師! I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊貓有個“鴨子爸爸”,這個一直想讓自己的兒子繼承自己的面條生意的,阻擋在熊貓夢想之路的爸爸,也說出來平凡的“真理”。大家一直以為熊貓家的面條是秘方調制,所以才那麼好吃,其實什麼秘方也沒有! 認為它特別了,它就特別了。

To make something special,you just have to believe it special! 怪獸大學 1、你從小學四年級起初就嫉妒我長得帥。 You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth. 2、“歡迎來上驚嚇入門課程”“嚇人根本不用學,放膽去嚇就好啦!” “welcome toscare an introductory course on” “scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!” 3、如果你不嚇人,那算哪門子怪獸? if you don't scary, that kind of monster? 4、我的特長是多長了個腳趾,但沒帶在身上。

how long is my specialty is a toe,but didn't bring in the body. 5、發自內心,你才能兇相畢露。 from the heart, you can be various. 6、自古以來,全世界的孩子都知道,怪物就躲在他們的柜。

7. 怪獸大學的英文臺詞

I want to be scared commissionerWelcom to scare an introductory course on, scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!If you don't scary, that kind of monster?How long is my specialty is a toe, but didn't bring in the odyFrom the heart, you can be various.Since ancient times, children all over the world know, monsters hiding in their cupboard. But they don't know is that these monsters are not always so scary.I love the universityyou are not scary at all, but you are fearless.I are looking forward to this day, in my life I finally to become frightened commissioner.希望可以幫助你。