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1. 苔絲,尤利西斯,洛麗塔里面的經典語錄,要英文原版的,不要把中文

Important dates came round again:the night of her shame in The Chase, the baby's birth and death, her own birthday.

One day when she was looking at her pretty face in the mirror,she thought of another

date,even more important—her own death.

When it came it would wallow up all her prettiness and everything that had happened to her. When was it? It was a day lying hidden among all the other days of the year, so that she noticed nothing

when it came round,and did not know what week, month,season or year it would be.

2. 書蟲 《苔絲》的 環境描寫選段 要英文的

The village of Marlott lay amid the north-eastern undulations of the beautiful Vale of Blakemore or Blackmoor aforesaid, an engirdled and secluded region, for the most part untrodden as yet by tourist or landscape-painter, though within a four hours' journey from London. It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits of the hills that surround it - except perhaps during the droughts of summer. An unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways. This fertile and sheltered tract of country, in which the fields are never brown and the springs never dry, is bounded on the south by the bold chalk ridge that embraces the prominences of Hambledon Hill, Bulbarrow, Nettlecombe-Tout, Dogbury, High Stoy, and Bubb Down. The traveller from the coast, who, after plodding northward for a score of miles over calcareous downs and corn-lands, suddenly reaches the verge of one of these escarpments, is surprised and delighted to behold, extended like a map beneath him, a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through. Behind him the hills are open, the sun blazes down upon fields so large as to give an unenclosed character to the landscape, the lanes are white, the hedges low and plashed, the atmosphere colourless. Here, in the valley, the world seems to be constructed upon a smaller and more delicate scale; the fields are mere paddocks, so reduced that from this height their hedgerows appear a network of dark green threads overspreading the paler green of the grass. The atmosphere beneath is languorous, and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine. Arable lands arc few and limited; with but slight exceptions the prospect is a broad rich mass of grass and trees, mantling minor hills and dales within the major. Such is the Vale of Blackmoor. The district is of historic, no less than of topographical interest. The Vale was known in former times as the Forest of White Hart, from a curious legend of King Henry III's reign, in which the killing by a certain Thomas de la Lynd of a beautiful white hart which the king had run down and spared, was made the occasion of a heavy fine. In those days, and till comparatively recent times, the country was densely wooded. Even now, traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes, and the hollow-trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures. The forests have departed, but some old customs of their shades remain. Many, however, linger only in a metamorphosed or disguised form. The May-Day dance, for instance, was to be discerned on the afternoon under notice, in the guise of the club revel, or `club-walking', as it was there called. 譯文:在前面說過的美麗的布萊克莫爾谷或者叫做黑荒原谷東北部起伏不平的谷地中間,坐落著馬洛特村。

布萊克莫爾谷四周環山,是一片幽僻的區域,雖然離倫敦只有不到四個小時的路程,但是直到現在它的大部分地區都還不曾有過旅游者或風景畫家的足跡。 從環繞在谷地周圍的山巒的頂上往下看,這個山谷可以看得最清楚——不過也許夏天的干旱天氣要除開不算。

天氣不好的時候,沒有向導帶路而獨自漫游到谷內幽深之處的人,容易對蜿蜒其間的狹窄的泥濘小道產生不滿情緒。 這是一片遠離塵囂的肥沃原野,泉水從不干涸,土地永不枯黃,一道陡峭的石灰巖山嶺在南邊形成界線,把漢伯頓山、野牛墳、蕁麻崗、道格伯利堡、上斯托利高地和巴布草原環繞其問。




黑荒原谷就是這種風光。 這塊地方不僅地形引人入勝,它的歷史也很有趣。



3. 英語作文《德伯家的苔絲》

Tess was a beatiful girl. Every man even girls would be made an empression on Tess. The story told us that Tess's family name was Durbeyfield. His father----a lazy, poor and wasn't much respected by other villagers man was told he was a direct descendant of the most ancient and noble family and his real family name was d'Urbervilles. This changed the distiny of Tess. Tess would be distined to difficulty and sadness. There are two men affected Tess's life. One brought sadness and suffering, he damaged Tess's life, the other brought happiness and olso hurt, he was the man who Tess loved. In my mind Tess is an obstinate girl. After she lost her innocence. She still left Alec. She refused to take anything from him. She tried to earn a little money for her family. She kept depending on herself. At a dairy, Tess made herself independently. She made her life honesthy and work hard. As a dairymaid, her new life was beginning. She made friends with three other honest and generous girls. She soon loved the second man who affected her life. He's name was Angel Clare who was thoughtful and educated. At last, Tess persuaded herself to marry him but life was not as Tess had wished. Angel left her at last. As soon as Angel persuaded himself he came back to find Tess who had just married Alec and had already lost her enthusiasm. After Tess had just knew she was cheated she killed Alec. During her last few days, Tess stayed with Angel who had loved her purely and believed in her as pure.。

4. 跪求 德伯家的苔絲 相關鑒賞 英文版的

Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas Hardy Important Quotations Explained 1. “Don't you really know, Durbeyfield, that you are the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d'Urbervilles, who derive their descent from Sir Pagan d'Urberville, that renowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror, as appears by Battle Abbey Roll?” “Never heard it before, sir!” In this passage, from Chapter I, the local parson informs Mr. Durbeyfield of his grand lineage, thus setting in motion the events that change the fate of Tess Durbeyfield forever. Interestingly, the parson's tone is casual, as if he is unable even to conceive of how his news might lead to tragedy later. For the parson it is genealogical trivia, but for Durbeyfield it feels like fate—the deepest truth about himself, like Oedipus's discovery of his own identity. The fact that this prophetic news is delivered on the road, in an open field, right at the beginning of the work is reminiscent of the opening of Macbeth. There, the witches address Macbeth as “Thane of Cawdor” and “King of Scotland,” just as the parson addresses Durbeyfield as “Sir John.” As in Macbeth's case, the noble address leads to disaster and death—in this case, the death of the “rightful” d'Urberville, Alec. Hardy emphasizes the irony of Durbeyfield's situation not only by contrasting the common peddler on the road with the image of the “renowned knight” who was his forebear, but also by contrasting the modes of address of Durbeyfield and the parson. The parson has just addressed him as “Sir John,” which sets the whole conversation in motion, but we see here that the parson soon lapses back into the familiar tone more appropriate to one addressing a social inferior: “Don't you really know, Durbeyfield. . . . “ Durbeyfield does the same: despite his discovery that he is Sir John, it is he who calls the parson “sir” here. The ironies multiply, making questions of class and identity complex and unstable, as Hardy intends to depict them. 2. Clare came close, and bent over her. “Dead, dead, dead!” he murmured. After fixedly regarding her for some moments with the same gaze of unmeasurable woe he bent lower, enclosed her in his arms, and rolled her in the sheet as in a shroud. Then lifting her from the bed with as much respect as one would show to a dead body, he carried her across the room, murmuring, “My poor poor Tess, my dearest darling Tess! So sweet, so good, so true!” The words of endearment, withheld so severely in his waking hours, were inexpressibly sweet to her forlorn and hungry heart. If it had been to save her weary life she would not, by moving or struggling, have put an end to the position she found herself in. Thus she lay in absolute stillness, scarcely venturing to breathe, and, wondering what he was going to do with her, suffered herself to be borne out upon the landing. “My wife—dead, dead!” he said. In Chapter XXXVII, Angel Clare begins to sleepwalk on the third night of his estrangement from Tess, having rejected her as his wife because of her earlier disgrace. Like Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene, Angel's nighttime somnambulism reveals an inner conflict within a character who earlier seems convinced of a moral idea, in control, and inflexible. For Lady Macbeth, her earlier cold protestations that killing a king is justifiable are belied by her unconscious fixation on being bloodstained. For Angel, the situation is reversed. He consciously maintains a conviction that Tess is bad, corrupt, and cannot be forgiven, but his unconscious sleepwalking self reveals the tender love and moral respect for her (“so good, so true!”) that he feels somewhere inside him. This revelation foreshadows his final realization, too late, that his condemnation of Tess was wrongheaded. Angel's words “dead, dead, dead” hint at Tess's future death, but they also signal Angel's conception of Tess. She is alive physically, but for him she is dead morally, as dead as an idea of purity that he once revered. Important Quotations Explained Key Facts Study Questions & Essay Topics Quiz Suggestions for Further Reading 都在這 /lit/tess/。

5. 帶翻譯的優美英文句子

Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it. 不要輕易說你愛我,除非你是認真的,因為我可能會做出一些瘋狂的事,比如。。相信你

You cry to the piercing that person is the person you love. Make you laugh to heartless man, is love you.讓你哭到撕心裂肺的那個人,是你最愛的人。讓你笑到沒心沒肺那個人,是最愛你的人

6. 《悲慘世界》優美句子 英文版





活生生撕碎了希望,把美夢全變成懊悔。I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed that love would never die. I dreamed that God would be forgiving. Then I was young and unafraid. And dreams were made and used and wasted. There was no ransom to be paid, no song unsung, no wine untasted. But the tigers come at night with their voices soft as thunder. As they tear your hope apart, as they turn your dream to shame.他睡在我身邊一個夏天。



總有些風暴會把人摧毀。He slept a summer by my side. He filled my days with endless wonder. He took my childhood in his stride, but he was gone when autumn came. And still I dream he'll come to me, that we will live the years together. But there are dreams that can not be. And there are storms we can not weather.我曾夢見的那種人生,與這人間地獄截然不同,何曾想過命運如此無常!現實卻殘忍擊碎了我的夢。

I had a dream my life would be, so different from this hell I'm living, so different now from what it seemed! Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.在那兒,茫茫黑夜中,一個逃犯在潛行。背叛了上帝,辜負了天恩。


There, out in the darkness, a fugitive running. Fallen from God, fallen from grace. God, be my witness! I never shall yield till we come face to face! Till we come face to face! He knows his way in the dark. Mine is the way of the Lord.走正義之路的人風雨兼程,獎賞終獲懷中。如果他們墜落,如路西弗墮入地獄。


守望著黑夜!你深知你在天空的使命。你目標堅定,心無旁騖!四季變換,你隨之輪轉,如果你墜落,如路西弗墮入地獄,你也會烈焰焚身!天理昭彰,書載言傳,去往天堂的通路上,動搖者和墮落者必得付出代價!Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reword. And if they fall, as Lucifer fell. The flame! The sword! Stars in your multitudes! Scarce to be counted. Filling the darkness with order and light. You are the sentinels. Silent and sure! Keeping watch in the night. Keeping watch in the night! You know your place in the sky. You hold your course and your aim! And each in your season returns and returns, and is always the same. And if you fall, as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames! And so it must be, for so it is written on the door way toParadise, that those who falter and those who fall must pay the price!主啊!讓我找到他,將他置于牢籠之下!我會不眠不休,直到那天為止!我以這星辰之名向你起誓!Lord, let me find him, that I may see him safe behind bars! I will never rest till then! This I swear! This I swear by the stars!一個人,假裝他在我身旁。




我仿佛看見我倆相伴,直到永遠!On my own, pretending he's beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him, I feel his arms around me. And when I lose my way, I close my eyes and he has found me. In the rain, the pavement shines like silver. All the lights are misty in the river. In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight. And all I see is him and me forever and forever!我知道,這不過是我的想象。那些話都是我自言自語,也知道他只會視而不見。



And I know it's only in my mind. That I'm talking to myself and not to him, and although I know that he is blind. Still I say there's a way for us. I love him. But when the night is over, he is gone, the river's just a river. Without him, the world around me changes. The trees are bare and everywhere, the streets are all full of strangers.我愛他,但我也日漸明了。這一生,我不過在欺騙自己。


我愛他,但是只是我一廂情愿罷了。I love him. But every day I'm learning. All my life, I've only been pretending. Without him, his world will go on turning. A world that's full of 。

7. 讀《苔絲》有感 英語作文帶 120詞以內

With the development of science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Many things that wouldn't happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, our lives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speed up, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can be done autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People can travel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets far from the earth. Human beings may live in other planets.。

8. 納尼亞傳奇中優美的句子 要英文版的

要花我好長時間……我的是從書上摘抄的,20句可能沒有,但是希望能幫到你1."Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divine waters."2.Far away, and down near the horizon, the sky began to turn grey. A light wind, very fresh, began to stir. The sky, in that one place, grew slowly and steadily paler. You could see shapes of hills standing up dark against it. All the time the Voice went on singing.3.There was soon light enough for them to see one another's faces. The Cabby and the two children had open mouths and shining eyes; they were drinking in the sound, and they looked as if it reminded them of something. Uncle Andrew's mouth was open too, but not open with joy. He looked more as if his chin had simply dropped away from the rest of his face. His shoulders were stopped and his knees shook. He was not liking the Voice. If he could have got away from it by creeping into a rat's hole, he would have done so. But the Witch looked as if, in a way, she understood the music better than any of them. Her mouth was shut, her lips were pressed together, and her fists were clenched. Ever since the song began she had felt that this whole world was filled with a Magic different from hers and stronger. She hated it. She would have smashed that whole world, or all worlds, to pieces, if it would only stop the singing. The horse stood with its ears well forward, and twitching. Every now and then it snorted and stamped the ground. It no longer looked like a tired old cab-horse; you could now well believe that its father had been in battles.4.The eastern sky changed from white to pink and from pink to gold. The Voice rose and rose, till all the air was shaking with it. And just as it swelled to the mightiest and most glorious sound it had yet produced, the sun arose.5.THE Lion was pacing to and fro about that empty land and singing his new song. It was softer and more lilting than the song by which he had called up the stars and the sun; a gentle, rippling music. And as he walked and sang the valley grew green with grass. It spread out from the Lion like a pool. It ran up the sides of the little hills like a wave. In a few minutes it was creeping up the lower slopes of the distant mountains, making that young world every moment softer. The light wind could now be heard ruffling the grass. Soon there were other things besides grass. The higher slopes grew dark with heather. Patches of rougher and more bristling green appeared in the valley. Digory did not know what they were until one began coming up quite close to him. It was a little, spiky thing that threw out dozens of arms and covered these arms with green and grew larger at the rate of about an inch every two seconds. There were dozens of these things all round him now. When they were nearly as tall as himself he saw what they were. "Trees!" he exclaimed.6.For now a great barrier of cliffs rose before them and they were almost dazzled by the sunlight dancing on the great waterfall by which the river roars and sparkles down into Narnia itself from the high western lands in which it rises. They were flying so high already that the thunder of those falls could only just be heard as a small, thin sound, but they were not yet high enough to fly over the top of the cliffs."We'll have to do a bit of zig-zagging here," said Fledge. "Hold on tight."He began flying to and fro, getting higher at each turn. The air grew colder, and they heard the call of eagles far below them.7.Then Digory took a minute to get his breath, and then went softly into his Mother's room. And there she lay, as he had seen her lie so many other times, propped up on the pillows, with a thin, pale face that would make you cry to look at. Digory took the Apple of Life out of his pocket.And just as the Witch Jadis had looked different when you saw her in our world instead of in her own, so the fruit of that mountain garden looked different too. There were of course all sorts of coloured things in the bedroom; the coloured counterpane on the bed, the wallpaper, the sunlight from the window, and Mother's pretty, pale blue dressing jacket. But the moment Digory took the Apple out of his pocket, all those things seemed to have scarcely any colour at all. Every one of them, even the sunlight, looked faded and dingy. The brightness of the Apple threw strange lights on the ceiling. Nothing else was worth looking at: you couldn't look at anything else. And the smell of the Apple of Youth was as if there was a window in the room that opened on Heaven.。