
解夢佬 0

1. 最好的故事英語小短文80詞左右


Do You Know My Work?

One night a hotel caught fire, and the people who were staying in it ran out in their night clothes.

Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

“Before I came out,” said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don't think of money when they're afraid. When anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it. So I took all the bills that I could find.No one will be poorer because I took them.”

“You don't know my work,” said the other.

“What is your work?”

“I'm a policeman.

“Oh!” cried the first man. He thought quickly and said,“And do you know my work?”“No,”said the policeman.

“I'm a writer. I'm always telling stories about things that never happened.”



一天晚上,一家旅館失火,住在這家旅館里的人穿著睡 衣就跑了出來。








2. 英文小故事,80詞左右

THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE A Hare mocked a Tortoise for his slow manner. The Tortoise promptly challenged her to a race.The Hare quickly agreed. They began and soon the Hare left the Tortoise way behind.Midway through the race she became bored and began to snack on some leafy grass. The noon day sun was glaring in the sky and the Hare grew quite warm.Seeing she was far ahead,she found a shady spot and went to sleep,knowing she could always catch the Tortoise. Meanwhile he plugged along in his slow way, passing and then overtaking the sleeping Hare. 烏龜和兔子 兔子嘲笑烏龜,說他做什麼事都是慢吞吞的.烏龜立刻向她挑戰,要跟她賽跑.兔子不假思索就答應了 比賽開始了,很快兔子便把烏龜遠遠拋在后面.跑到中途,她開始覺的有點悶,于是停下來吃起美味的 青草.晌午的太陽高掛在空中,照的兔子全身暖洋洋的.看到自己已遙遙領先,她找了已個陰涼的地方 想美美睡上一覺,她深信自己總會超過烏龜的.與此同時,烏龜在苦苦趕路并超過了熟睡的兔子.。

3. 10篇英文小故事(附中文)80詞以上

Virtue Many years after receiving my graduate degree, I returned to the State University of New York at Binghamton as a faculty member. One day in a crowded elevator, someone remarked on its inefficiency. I said the elevators had not changed in the 20 years since I began there as a student. When the door finally opened, I felt a compassionate pat on my back, and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me. "You'll get that degree, dear," she whispered. "Perseverance is a virtue." 美 德 獲取研究生學位多年以后,我回到位于賓翰頓的紐約州立大學當教員。



Difference "I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles. "When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon." But the graduate students just write it down." 區 別 “研究生班和本科生很容易就能區別開來,”在洛杉磯加利福利亞州立大學給我們研究生上工程學課的老師如此說。“我說‘下午好’,本科生們回答說‘下午好’。

研究生們則把我說的話記在筆記本上。” Flunking Math My son, who made the dean's list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., called home a few weeks after starting his sophomore year as a psychology student. "Mom," he said excitely, "I have found the answer to surviving college! It isn't the grades that are so important, but the quality of what is learned and how it is applied to daily life. I'm lucky to be having these wonderful experiences!" "And just what does this mean?" I asked. "I'm flunking math," he replied. 數學沒及格 我兒子是印第安那市曼西爾波州立大學的學生,大學一年級就上了系主任的名單。

第二年他學心理學,剛幾個星期他就給家里打了個電話。 “媽媽,”他激動地說:“我找到了如何在大學里生存下去的答案!重要的不是分數,而是具備將學到的知識應用于日常生活的素質。

我很幸運地有了這種奇妙的經歷。” “你到底是什麼意思?”我問道。


Part-time Job When my son was a hign-school sophomore, he got a part-time job sacking groceries at a supermarket. He came home all smiles. "How was your first day?" I asked. "It was great, Dad," he replied. "I got to talk to some good-looking girls." Since Stephen is not very talkative, I asked, "What did you say to them?" "Do you prefer paper or plastic?" 業余工作 我兒子在一所中學讀二年級時,在一家超級市場找到了一份包裝商品的業余工作。他滿面笑容地回到了家。

“第一天感覺如何?”我問。 “好極了,爸爸。”

他答道,“我跟許多漂亮的女孩子講了話。” 由于斯蒂芬不善言談,我問道:“你跟他們說了些什麼?” “你是喜歡紙包裝還是塑料包裝?” Keys? Kiss? A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adult who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. The class went very smoothly and the students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until when my friend turned to an Italian student and said, "Give me the kays." The man looked surprised and somewhat at a loss. Seeing this, my friend thought that the student hadn't heard him clearly, so he repeated. "Give me the kays." The Italian shrugged his shoulders. Then, he threw his arms around the teacher's neck and kissed him on both cheeks. 鑰匙還是接吻 我的一位朋友在給一個成人學生班級上英語課。





Prepare Yourself A story around campus has it taht a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: "Mom - flunked all courses. Kicked out of school. Prepare Pop." Two days later he received a response: "Pop prepared. Prepare yourself." 自己做好準備 校園里流傳著這樣的故事:一個。

4. 灰姑娘故事的英語作文,80詞左右

There is a girl lived in a poor family in the countryside .Even tough she didn't have any beautiful clothes,she was the most beautiful girl in the countryside.She sings well and likes dance,she is always in a happy mood. People call her Cinderella There is prince who was handsome and charming.On the day he was anounced as the successor of the crown,he comes to this countryside for fun.Then a beautiful voice comes,he followes it and finds the dancing beauty--Cinderella.The prince fell in love with her at the first sight.They fall in love and have a few happy days.But when the old king knows his son was fallen in love with a countryside girl,he was so angry as to say that if the prince marries Cinderella,he will give nothing to him,lest to say the crown.The prince said firmly that Cinderella is everything to him,he would like giving up the crown and all his privileges for her.When Cinderella knows all about this,she was very touching and painful.She knows the prince very well--he cannot live as a farmer at all.For his sake,the girl married an ordinary man who she did not love.At last,the prince become the king and keep looking for the girl.But he will never find her,for she was immigrated to another country on the day the prince becomes the king.。

5. 英語作文80詞

快樂的暑假生活-Happy Summer Holidays My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.今年的暑假生活非常愉快。




他們的父母為此很感激我。I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers and lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain and sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.I liked not only the scene of the countryside, but also the people there. I helped them to do farm work. I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. The children were interested in English. They were good at reading and writing, but did not do well in listening and speaking. I helped them improve their listening and speaking. Their parents thought highly of me. I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.今年我去農村過暑假。





I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of the countryside is very beautiful. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning breathing the fresh airlistening to the birds singing and enjoying the green trees red flowers and the river. I like fishing with my friends. When night comes I sit under the tree with my grandma listening to her telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go backI am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country. 暑假期間我經常去看望我的爺爺奶奶,他們都已經70歲了,住在鄉下。夏天的鄉下非常漂亮,我可以在那里做很多有趣的事情。




6. 15篇英語短文 80詞的

1 Tom is an American boy. We oftenspeak English with him . But he didn't come to school yesterday because he was ill.We went to see him and helped him with his lessons after class. 2 It was Tree Planting Day last Sunday. The student of Class Two went to HongXing Farm. As soon as they got there, they began to learn to plant trees from the farmers, They said is was interesting(for them)to spend a holiday on the farm. 3 Mary and Kate are good friend. Marywanted to give Kate a birthday present.Yesterday afternoon Mary went to the shops and found all the things in the shops were very expensive. Finally she decided to make a card with the words " Happy Birthday"in the centre and hoped she (Kate)would be happyto receive it. 4 It was Sunday yesterday.Weall went to Xiang Shan Park. But Wang Dong didn't go there because his father was ill.He had to look after him at home. 5 Li Ming is a good student.Yesterday afternoon he saw an old woman carrying a basket on his way home.The basket was heavy and she was walking slowly.Li Ming helped her carry the basket and sent her home. 6 Li Hai rode a bike to school yesterday morning.On his way to school,he saw an old man lying on the rode.He came over and found he was ill. He sent him to hospital.When he got to school,classes ere just beginning(had just bejun or just began) 7 Mike is an English boy.He learns Chinese from us from every day.But he didn't come to school yesterday because he was ill.Some of us went to the hospital to see him and helped him with his lessons after school. 8 Yesterday,Joan and Kate went to cinema.It was very late when the film was over.On their was home,they saw an old lady carrying a big box. They helped her carry the box and sent her home.Her son thanked them for helping his mother. 9 Our net-school has made teaching and learning more interesting,students can get more information and knowledge in class,students and teachers can send E-mails to all parts of the world on the Internet,they can also get the latest news from the Internet.Our long teaching system has made it possible for anyone who has a computer to stuay the lessons in our school. 10 I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. At 6:40, I have my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room. After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates.1 Tom是美國男孩。

我們與他的oftenspeak英語。 因為他不適,但是他昨天沒有來到學校。

我們去看他并且在類以后幫助了他有他的教訓的。 2 It上星期日是樹木種植天。

類二的學生去HongXing農場。 當他們到那里,他們開始學會種植從農夫的樹,他們說是有趣(為他們)在農場上度過一個假日。

3 Mary和Kate是好朋友。 給Kate生日禮物的Marywanted。

昨天下午瑪麗去商店并且發現所有事在商店是非常昂貴的。 最終她決定做與詞“生日快樂"的一張卡片在中心,并且希望她(Kate)會是happyto接受它。

4 It昨天是星期天。Weall去Xiang撣人公園。


5 Li Ming是一名好學生。昨天下午他看見一個老婦人運載在他的方式家的一個籃子。


6 Li Hai昨天早晨乘坐了自行車到學校。在他的對學校的途中,他看見說謊在的一個老人乘坐了。

他過來,并且找到他不適。 他派遣了他到醫院。

當他到學校,開始的類(有bejun或開始了) 7 Mike是英國男孩。他學會從我們的中文從每天。


8 Yesterday、Joan和Kate去戲院。當影片結束,非常晚。

在他們家庭,他們看見一個老婦人運載一個大箱子。 他們幫助她運載箱子并且送了她的家。

她的兒子感謝了他們幫助他的母親。 9 Our網學校做教學和學會更加有趣,學生能獲得更多信息,并且在類、學生和老師的知識可能送電子郵件到世界的所有地區在互聯網的,他們可能從長的教學系統使成為可能為人有一臺計算機對stuay教訓在我們的學校的Internet.Our也得到最新的新聞。

10 I通常起來在6:15早晨。 然后我在操場做早晨鍛煉。

在6:40,我食用我的早餐。 您能看到許多學生和老師在dinning的屋子。


7. 10篇英文小故事(附中文)80詞以上

Virtue Many years after receiving my graduate degree, I returned to the State University of New York at Binghamton as a faculty member. One day in a crowded elevator, someone remarked on its inefficiency. I said the elevators had not changed in the 20 years since I began there as a student. When the door finally opened, I felt a compassionate pat on my back, and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me. "You'll get that degree, dear," she whispered. "Perseverance is a virtue." 美 德 獲取研究生學位多年以后,我回到位于賓翰頓的紐約州立大學當教員。



Difference "I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles. "When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon." But the graduate students just write it down." 區 別 “研究生班和本科生很容易就能區別開來,”在洛杉磯加利福利亞州立大學給我們研究生上工程學課的老師如此說。“我說‘下午好’,本科生們回答說‘下午好’。

研究生們則把我說的話記在筆記本上。” Flunking Math My son, who made the dean's list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., called home a few weeks after starting his sophomore year as a psychology student. "Mom," he said excitely, "I have found the answer to surviving college! It isn't the grades that are so important, but the quality of what is learned and how it is applied to daily life. I'm lucky to be having these wonderful experiences!" "And just what does this mean?" I asked. "I'm flunking math," he replied. 數學沒及格 我兒子是印第安那市曼西爾波州立大學的學生,大學一年級就上了系主任的名單。

第二年他學心理學,剛幾個星期他就給家里打了個電話。 “媽媽,”他激動地說:“我找到了如何在大學里生存下去的答案!重要的不是分數,而是具備將學到的知識應用于日常生活的素質。

我很幸運地有了這種奇妙的經歷。” “你到底是什麼意思?”我問道。


Part-time Job When my son was a hign-school sophomore, he got a part-time job sacking groceries at a supermarket. He came home all smiles. "How was your first day?" I asked. "It was great, Dad," he replied. "I got to talk to some good-looking girls." Since Stephen is not very talkative, I asked, "What did you say to them?" "Do you prefer paper or plastic?" 業余工作 我兒子在一所中學讀二年級時,在一家超級市場找到了一份包裝商品的業余工作。他滿面笑容地回到了家。

“第一天感覺如何?”我問。 “好極了,爸爸。”

他答道,“我跟許多漂亮的女孩子講了話。” 由于斯蒂芬不善言談,我問道:“你跟他們說了些什麼?” “你是喜歡紙包裝還是塑料包裝?” Keys? Kiss? A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adult who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, he asked various members of the class to give him the ruler, the book, the pen and so on. The class went very smoothly and the students seemed interested and serious about the work that they were engaged in until when my friend turned to an Italian student and said, "Give me the kays." The man looked surprised and somewhat at a loss. Seeing this, my friend thought that the student hadn't heard him clearly, so he repeated. "Give me the kays." The Italian shrugged his shoulders. Then, he threw his arms around the teacher's neck and kissed him on both cheeks. 鑰匙還是接吻 我的一位朋友在給一個成人學生班級上英語課。





Prepare Yourself A story around campus has it taht a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: "Mom - flunked all courses. Kicked out of school. Prepare Pop." Two days later he received a response: "Pop prepared. Prepare yourself." 自己做好準備 校園里流傳著這樣的故事:一個學生一次給父母拍了一份電報,上面寫著:“媽媽-我所有功課。