
解夢佬 0

1. 用聰明的英文clever造5個英文句子

1. she seems an unusually clever girl.

2. which will he be, clever or weak?

3. the clever boy jumped the fifth grade in school.

4. he's clever but won't succeed because he lacks drive.

5. the "clever" solution is, in fact, no solution at all.

2. 【將來地球會怎麼樣,用英語表達,5個句子,例如:

There will be more pollution.將有更多的污染People in the world will be smarter than now.世界上的人們將比現在更加聰明(精明)The science will be more advanced.科技會更先進.The transport will be faster and more convenient.交通會更加方便快速.The relationship between countries will be more complex.國家間的關系將會更復雜.Many people think that there will be no lives on the earth in the future.許多人認為未來地球上將沒有生命.。

3. 英語翻譯翻譯句子:1.他上了去上海的火車.2.我聽見有人敲門.3.這使我

1.他上了去上海的火車.He was on the train to Shanghai2.我聽見有人敲門.I heard someone knocking the door3.這使我思考起來.This render me thinking.4.他們描述這孩子非常聰明.As they said ,he is a talent boy5.他對這條街非常熟悉.He knows this street very well翻譯下列句子(注意主謂一致):1.要麼運動員要麼教練對此次失敗負責.Leaving the choice of athletes or coaches should response for current failure.2.這里的病人得到很好的照顧.The patients here are all well treated 3.地球表面的四分之三是海洋.The surface of three fourths on the earth covered with ocean 4.八小時睡眠足夠了.Eight-hour's sleep is enough5.父親留給他的僅是幾本舊書.Those were some old books that his father left him6.錯誤之處數目驚人.The mistakes are considerable句型轉換:1.He goes home every three weeks.He goes home every third week2.Not all my friends smoke.Some of my friends somke3.The path to the house was very narrow.The way to the house was a narrow path.That's all。