
解夢佬 0

1. 英語句子中倍數的表達方法

(一)A + be + 倍數+ as + 計量形容詞原級+ as + B

例如: This bed is three times as big as that one.


This tree is three t imes as tall as that one. 這棵樹


His father is twice as old as he. 他父親的年紀有


(二) A + be + 倍數+ 計量形容詞比較級+

than + B

例如: The Yangtze River is almost tw ice longer

than the Pearl R iver. 長江差不多比珠江長兩倍。


This rope is twice longer than that one. 這根繩比


This hall is f ive tim es bigger than our classroom.



(三) A + be + 倍數+ the + 計量名詞(如

size, heigh,t w e igh,t length, w idth等) + of + B

例如: The new ly broadened square is four times


the size of the previous one. 新擴建的廣場是未擴建


This street is four times the leng th o f that stree.t


This hill is four t imes the height o f that sma llone.



2. 英語倍數七種表達方式及例句



1. 表示“幾倍大小(長短;數量)”,由“倍數+ the size(length,amount……)”結構組成。


The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon. 地球是月亮的49倍大。

2. 表示“……比……大幾倍”,由“倍數+形容詞(副詞)比較級”結構組成。


This box is three times bigger than that one. 這個盒子比那個盒子大三倍。

The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年比去年糧食產量增加8%。

3. 表示“……是……倍”,由“倍數+ as +形容詞+ as +”結構組成。


Our factory is twice as big as theirs. 我們的工廠是他們的三倍。

I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那麼多。

[注] 一倍用once,兩倍用 twice。


The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. 今年糧食產量增加了4倍。

3. 英語倍數七種表達方式及例句



1. 表示“幾倍大小(長短;數量)”,由“倍數+ the size(length,amount……)”結構組成。


The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon. 地球是月亮的49倍大。

2. 表示“……比……大幾倍”,由“倍數+形容詞(副詞)比較級”結構組成。


This box is three times bigger than that one. 這個盒子比那個盒子大三倍。

The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年比去年糧食產量增加8%。

3. 表示“……是……倍”,由“倍數+ as +形容詞+ as +”結構組成。


Our factory is twice as big as theirs. 我們的工廠是他們的三倍。

I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那麼多。

[注] 一倍用once,兩倍用 twice。


The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. 今年糧食產量增加了4倍。

4. 英語中倍數的表達方法,最好有例句

我們要表達甲是乙的幾倍時,通常用下面三個句型來表示: 1. “A+倍數+形容詞或副詞的比較級+than+B”,表示“A比B大(長、高、寬等)多少倍”。

如: This rope is twice longer than that one. 這根繩子是那根繩子的兩倍長(比那根繩子長一倍)。 This hall is five times bigger than our classroom. 這個大廳比我們的教室大四倍(是我們教室的五倍)。

The car runs twice faster than that truck. 這輛小車的速度比那輛卡車快一倍(是那輛卡車的兩倍)。 2.“A+倍數+as+形容詞或副詞的原級+as+B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。

如: Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亞洲的面積是歐洲的四倍。 This big stone is three times as heavy as that one. 這塊大石頭的重量是那塊。

如, the output of July was 4。

This hall is five times bigger than our classroom。 4。

The car runs twice faster than that truck. 倍數/.,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。 The plane flew ten times as high as the kite. 這個大廳比我們的教室大四倍(是我們教室的五倍), etc+of+B”. 用double表示倍數 1. times as many/: There are five times more books in our library than in yours。

This big stone is three times as heavy as that one。如..“ . 我們廠去年的工業產量比2001年增加了35%。

如. 這塊大石頭的重量是那塊的三倍: The output has been doubled in the past six years。 The industrial output of last year in our factory was 35% up on that of 2001。

This brought a steady rise in the grain yield.. 現在的產量比十年前增加了兩倍. 亞洲的面積是歐洲的四倍.“A+倍數+as+形容詞或副詞的原級+as+B”. “ .. 這座山的高度是那座小山的四倍; s output of TV sets in the first six months of this year was 10% up compared with last year;height/。如. 我們今年生產的糧食是去年的兩倍. 這輛小車的速度比那輛卡車快一倍(是那輛卡車的兩倍). 那個村的糧食產量是2002年的兩倍. 學生數量是我們預期的六倍,到2002年產量已經比1980年翻了一番. “ : Asia is four times as large as Europe. double用作動詞。

6.。如;length/. 這個車間7月份的產量是1月份的4: Our factory '.5 times that of January: 1.times+compared with+被比對象”. times+more+名詞(可數或不可數)+than+被比對象”.. 那架飛機的飛行高度是那只風箏的十倍. times+that+of+被比對象 ”;百分數(percent)+compared with/。

We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year. 我們學校的學生人數比1980年增加了三倍。 5. In 2002 it nearly doubled that of 1980.: This street is four times the length of that one: This rope is twice longer than that one. “ 。

This hill is four times the height of that small one. “A+倍數+the size/: The production is now three times what it was ten years ago。如.. 在過去六年中產量已經翻了一番。

如: The production is now double what it was ten years ago。 2.. 這條街是那條街的四倍長. 今年頭六個月我們廠電視機的產量與去年相比增加了10%.5倍。

如,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”. 現在的產量是十年前的兩倍。 二。

三,我們更要注意的是其常規句型的變形及其特殊規律. 我們圖書館里的書比你們圖書館多四倍: The grain output in that village is twice over that of 2002. “A+倍數+形容詞或副詞的比較級+than+B”。如。

一。 There are six times as many students as we expected. 常規句型的變形 1。

如: There is four times as much water in this pot as in that one、高。 2;much+名詞+as+被比對象”,表示“是……的兩倍.times+what+從句”,表示“A比B大(長. “;width。

如: The number of the students in our school has increased 4 times compared with 1980. “、寬等)多少倍”. times+over+被比對象”。如. 這使糧食產量不斷增長: In this workshop. double用作形容詞. 這根繩子是那根繩子的兩倍長(比那根繩子長一倍).。

除掌握倍數表達的三個常規句型外。 2。

3. 這個壺里裝的水是那個壺里的四倍.,表示“兩倍的”。 3;up on +被比對象我們要表達甲是乙的幾倍時,通常用下面三個句型來表示。

5. 英語句子中倍數的表達方法

你好!這位朋友,下面是關于倍數英文表達,請查收,另外你告訴我你QQ 號碼,下次我可以直接發到你QQ 郵箱,謝謝!表示倍數比較:一倍用once; 兩倍twice / double ;三倍以上用基礎詞+times ;常用表示倍數詞有 double ; twice; three。

four times ; as many /much as ; N +Times size of 。;N+times +what從句;N+Times +比較級+than ; 比較姐+than +by +倍數程度。

【1】This SUV car cost three times as much as the KIA car 這輛SUV車價錢是那輛KIA 車的3倍 【2】This avenue is twice / double the width of that one 這條大街是那條大街的兩倍寬 【3】China is almost twice /double size of Mexico in area 在面積上,中國幾乎是墨西哥的兩倍大 【4】The old man is twice my age 這個老人年齡是我的兩倍 【5】Many things now cost double what they did a few years ago 許多東西現在比數年前貴了一倍 【6】People's average income is almost five times what they earned before 人們平均收入是以前人們掙錢5倍 ★ 以下是表示A 是B 的幾倍的英文表示方法 A+ is +倍數+as +形容詞 /副詞原級+as +B A+ is +倍數+ 形容詞 /副詞比較級+than +B A +is +倍數+the size ;length ; height; width ; weight of B A+ is +形容詞 /副詞比較級+than +B+ by +倍數 (表示增加了多少倍) ◆ This hall is twice larger than yours This hall is twice as large as yours This hall is twice the size of yours 這個大廳你們大廳大1倍/ 2倍 ◆ The line is longer than that one by twice 這根線是那根線的3倍長 (大2倍) 知識拓展:分數,和百分數,也用于表示比較及倍數正確翻譯 【1】I usually spend half what I earn on books 我通常將賺的一半錢用于買書 【2】We increased 20% as much as products as last year 我們產量比去年提高了百分之二十 【3】We lost the game by one score 我們以一分之差輸了這場比賽 【4】This hall is five times bigger than our classroom 這個大廳比我們教室大4倍(是我們教室的5倍那麼大) 【5】The car runs twice faster than that truck 這輛小轎車/小汽車的速度比那輛卡車快1倍/小汽車是卡車速度2倍 【6】This big tree is four times the height of that small 這棵大樹高度是那棵小樹的4倍(比小樹高3倍)。

6. 英語倍數的幾種表示方法

1.表示“幾倍大小(長短;數量)”,由“倍數+ the size(length,amount……)”結構組成.例如:The earth is forth-nine times the size of the moon.地球是月亮的49倍大.2.表示“……比……大幾倍”,由“倍數+形容詞(副詞)”結構組成.例如:This box is three times bigger than that one.這個盒子比那個盒子大三倍.The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year.今年比去年糧食產量增加8%.3.表示“……是……倍”,由“倍數+ as +形容詞+ as +”結構組成.例如:Our factory is twice as big as theirs.我們的工廠是他們的三倍.I have three times as many as you.我有你三倍那麼多.[注] 一倍用once,兩倍用 twice.4、還可以用by+倍數,表示增加多少倍.The production of grain has been increased by four times this year.今年糧食產量增加了4倍.。