
解夢佬 0

1. 求幾道初一的英語書面表達,高分



(初一的)The summer vacation is coming, I feel so happy and I will write a lot of thing I'm going to do in this two months.I will finish my homework and I will help my mother do some house work.I will go to have some English Class and Music Class and Drawing Class as well.I will learn swim and football with my father and I will play some game with my friends and classmates if they have time.It will be a very busy vacation and I hope I can have a vacation that not so busy like this.My mother say:if I grow up,I can have more time to play,But the only one who is not busy in this buidling is my grandma.and she is very old.when can I get old? 2。書面表達Jeany是你的新朋友。


初一的)tall,long,brown,straight hair,good-looking,kike,sunglasses,a littlebit quietJeany is my new friend,she is kike,she's tall,she has a long brown straight hair and a good-looking face.she likes wear sunglasses and she is a littlebit quite.but I like her. 3.書面表達。以“My English teacher"為題寫一篇說明文。


和藹可親。還有的自由發揮疑問,迷彩褲camouflage pants這樣的詞初中都學了,天啊……我還是用Colorful pantsMy English teacher is a very nice woman,She is middle height,like to wear red shirt and colorful pants.She always smiles.In her class she gives us some gifts if we can answer her questions.She let us only use English in her class,if I speak Chinese,she will look at me and let me try it again in English,sometime my answer is wrong,she smiles to me and let me try it againI learn a lot in her class and we all like her.when my homework is wrong at home.my mother will not smile to me ,I think my English teacher can teach my mother smile and I will be very happy. 4.書面表達。

愉快的暑假就要結束了,你有什麼收獲。寫一寫吧,50詞左右The happy summer holiday is over.I have a lot of good memories.I finished the homework and went out to travel with my father.I played with my friends and made some new friends.we are very happy.The only thing I'm not happy with is the summer holiday is finished.I have to say good bye to my friends and these happy memories and go back school.I like to study,but I like to have a happy time more.If study can be very happy like holiday,this will be best thing I can think.But mother told me ,it's time to stop play and go back to study.so I have no time to think this.I will do everything my mother and teachers ask me.Goodbye,my summer holiday!Good bye,my happy time!。

2. 英語作文書面表達初三的

My life at weekends has changed a lot since last year. In the past I had to get up at six at weekends.After breakfast I hurried to school.I was always busy with my lessons—four lessons in the morning and four in the afternoon.But now I don't have to go to school,of course I needn't get up so early.I can do what I like to do.For example,I can go for a picnic with my friends,or play basketball.In the evening,I used to do my homework or go over my lessons,but now I can watch TV,surf the Internet or do some reading,and so on.In the past,I didn't go to bed until half past ten.but now at half past nine.I have more free time than before.

Best wishes.

Your friend,

Li Ming

3. 初二英語作文 (書面表達)


The National Day is coming.And I will have a seven-day break.So I have already made a plan for that.During the first two days .I would have trip with my parents.We are going to Dalian.I am so excited.And I would go to visit my grandparents after that.Maybe I should leave some time for my study.So I decide to do my homework at last three days.That's my hoilday plan.

4. 高考英語作文怎麼寫得流暢不要背萬能句子或模版.只是個疑問,怎麼

根據考綱,英語高考中的書面表達要求考生根據情景,寫一篇120-150字的短文.短文不但要有內容描述,還要有觀點和感想.其目的主要是考查考生是否能夠用所學的英語知識,用合乎英語習慣的表達方式傳遞信息,進行思想交流.考查形式是圖表、文字和圖畫任選其一.因此,考生要具有連詞、組句和謀篇布局的能力,對圖表類比、分析的能力和對圖畫的觀察、信息轉換的能力. 根據考試說明和評分要求,考生應該做到: 一、切中題意.切題與表達是不可分割的統一體,內容不切題,再好的表達也無濟于事.其中,審題是做到切題的第一步.所謂審題就是要看清題意,確定文章的中心思想、主題,并圍繞中心思想組織材料. 二、情節信息完整.這里的情節信息,就是書面表達所提供的內容要點,這是短文的核心部分.在提示說明中,有時把情節信息,一、二、三、四逐個列出,當然一目了然,但有時不一定交代得很具體,只給了大致輪廊,這就要求我們自己思考確定,逐條列出,寫作時不致漏掉要點.特別是寫由幾幅圖畫組成的短文更需要動腦筋,通過現象抓本質,確定每幅畫的信息點. 三、語言基本無誤.所謂語言無誤,包含兩層意思,一是用詞準確,能充分表達原意.二是語法規范,符合英語習慣.寫出來的句子,讀起來語感正常,不牽強附會,不生搬硬套,通篇讀完,有英語味道.縱使達不到nativespeakers的寫作水平,但起碼得讓人家覺得acceptable.我們寫作中最大的毛病是Chinglish(漢語式英語),既糟蹋了英語,又曲解了漢語.下面的句子,貌似正確,其實都是病句: 1.Don't persuade him.He won't listen to you. 2.Why did you against me at the meeting? 3.He promised his daughter to go with him. 4.Is the house belonged to you? 5.My father was only ten when the war was broken out。

5. 求幾道初一的英語書面表達,高分


1。書面表達 愉快的暑假開始了,你有什麼計劃呢?寫一寫吧,詞數50左右。

(初一的) The summer vacation is coming, I feel so happy and I will write a lot of thing I'm going to do in this two months.I will finish my homework and I will help my mother do some house work.I will go to have some English Class and Music Class and Drawing Class as well.I will learn swim and football with my father and I will play some game with my friends and classmates if they have time. It will be a very busy vacation and I hope I can have a vacation that not so busy like this.My mother say:if I grow up,I can have more time to play,But the only one who is not busy in this buidling is my grandma. and she is very old.when can I get old? 2。書面表達 Jeany是你的新朋友。


初一的) tall,long,brown,straight hair,good-looking,kike,sunglasses,a littlebit quiet Jeany is my new friend,she is kike,she's tall,she has a long brown straight hair and a good-looking face.she likes wear sunglasses and she is a littlebit quite.but I like her. 3.書面表達。 以“My English teacher"為題寫一篇說明文。

詞數50左右 提供:中等身材,紅襯衫。迷彩褲。

和藹可親。還有的自由發揮 疑問,迷彩褲camouflage pants這樣的詞初中都學了,天啊……我還是用Colorful pants My English teacher is a very nice woman,She is middle height,like to wear red shirt and colorful pants.She always smiles.In her class she gives us some gifts if we can answer her questions.She let us only use English in her class,if I speak Chinese,she will look at me and let me try it again in English,sometime my answer is wrong,she smiles to me and let me try it againI learn a lot in her class and we all like her.when my homework is wrong at home.my mother will not smile to me ,I think my English teacher can teach my mother smile and I will be very happy. 4.書面表達。

愉快的暑假就要結束了,你有什麼收獲。寫一寫吧,50詞左右 The happy summer holiday is over. I have a lot of good memories.I finished the homework and went out to travel with my father. I played with my friends and made some new friends.we are very happy. The only thing I'm not happy with is the summer holiday is finished. I have to say good bye to my friends and these happy memories and go back school. I like to study,but I like to have a happy time more. If study can be very happy like holiday,this will be best thing I can think. But mother told me ,it's time to stop play and go back to study.so I have no time to think this. I will do everything my mother and teachers ask me. Goodbye,my summer holiday!Good bye,my happy time!。

6. 英語書面表達范文

中考即將到來的時刻,英語復習應更多地集中在中、難度題型的練習上,今天和同學們談談書面表達這個題型。寫作是英語綜合能力的形式,這個形式體現學生本人的詞匯量大小;單詞、詞組和句子的運用能力及邏輯思維能力。下面就一個有關鍛煉身體的話題和一封寫給父母的信,從構思、文章結構到寫作的方法來看如何完成這樣的書面表達。 例1: 隨著陽光體育運動在全國開展,政府對中學生身體素質有所下降這個問題給予了高度重視,提出了這樣的標語:“EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY”。同學們參加了各種體育鍛煉之后,校園里出現了可喜的變化,強身健體,增強了學習效果,校園生活豐富了。請你報道一下學校開展這一活動的情況。 注意:1. 詞數80—100左右。 2. 要求文章結構合理、內容通順、句子連貫。 參考詞匯:build up one's body strength 強健身體 reduce diseases 減少疾病 構思方法: 1.認真閱讀、理解和思考題目中給出的所有信息點。信息點是圍繞著提示從文字中扣出來的。 2.這個題目的信息點應該是: a.陽光體育; b.政府重視中學生身體; c.提出的標語; d.參加了各種體育鍛煉; e.有利于強身健體; f.增強了學習效果; g.校園生活豐富了。 寫作方法: 1.安排以上信息點在文中的邏輯關系。 2.用所掌握的詞匯、詞組、固定句型將所有信息點表現在文章中。(the Sunny Sports, pay attention to the health of the students, raise the slogan, take part in the exercise, build up one's body strength, reduce diseases, make study effective, school life, colourful) 3.文章最后加入個人評價(觀點)。 下面是學生的作文: (1) As the Sunny Sports is developing in our country, the government has paid attention to the health of the students and raised, "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY". So far our school life has changed a lot. Now we have more time to do sport in the morning or after school. We play football, basketball, badminton and swim. They let our brains relax and make our school life more colorful. We have become more energetic. Above all our study has all been improved. Let's take exercise every day. It can build up our body strength and reduce diseases. (2) Doing sport builds up our body strength and reduces diseases. Though we lead a better life, our health is becoming worse now. So "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY,KEEP ILLNESS AWAY" has been raised by the government. At noon or after school we play ball games, swimming and running. Look!The playground seems smaller because lots of students are play


7. 初中英語書面表達

1.尋物啟示and招領啟示 ------------------Seeking Mobile!!!------------------- Anyone who ever found my mobile, please kindly returen to it's anxious owner. My mobile is a red Nokia. I lost it in a restaraunt, located at 11 Evergreen Street. I have many important telephone numbers stored in my phone. I am a doctor. the numbers are my patient's phone numbers. They need my help! I have to contact them regularly to make sure they're in good health. Please give me your hand. You can call me by this number:123456 or You can visit me at 234 Sunshine Avenue. My name is : Mr. Jimmy thank you. 2.給家人的一封信 Dear brother: How are you? I am fine. Do you miss me. I like my new school. I made a lot of friends. They are really nice to me. Now I am taking Math, English, Chinese, Art, PE, history, and so on. My favorite subject is PE. We are currently learning how to play baseball. Baseball is hard but it is fun. Math is hard for me. I am going to see you on Sunday. Take care. Best wish. 3.給朋友的一封信 That day I really tired! So this matter I brought to the pressure so great! I am not forcing you to do. You do not have any further commitments. No matter what I am worried about is that yes or no. I do not mind the. Still take the best to you. Gamble. Even if I had been seriously wounded also considered. I am conscious of. On good passionate toward. Receptive to a variety of ideas. Emotional support confidence. I trust you. Going to be hard feelings can be distinguished out. So. Husband. What I do not want to. Asked nothing. Then you still love me when I want to make you happy. Happy. 4.介紹自己的體育收藏品I like sports, I have a lot of sports collectibles. I have 10 basketball, baseball 5, 8 soccer. My favorite is table tennis, I have 20. I play tennis every day. 5.我的三餐Today ,I want to tell you about my favourite food . I like bread and milk best . I always eat bread and milk for my breakfast . I often have rice and meat for my lunch and supper . I usually eat an apple or a peach after supper . That is tasty! Sometimes ,I do not eat lunch or supper .Because I think I am fat and I want to keep slim .But now I think it is not healthy . So I have lunch and supper as usual now . 6.服裝店廣告One day sunset, One person has a dream, Life there is a favorite. 。

All met reunite in the fate of the sky slowly interpretation. A gentleness subtle Dressed in distinctive clothing or clothing, you will become an extraordinary necessary magic weapon. The world is large, but really belong to your own, but the soul touching clothing can be met without elusive. In Latin American youth, warm and flowing in the summer of ocean, you will choose what kind of interesting? Classic? Callous? Mild? 。 Perhaps you can not choose. Then to XXXXXXXX! Here is the temperament you should choose the source. Here the boys and girls are different. Here interpretation of fashion, spread personality. Here, you will find their favorite 。

XXXXXX, X, clothing clothing World Health grand opening. During the opening, all customers have gift.20-percent discount, single purchase of 80 yuan sent a membership card (by this card can enjoy 20 percent or lower long-term discounts). 7.最喜愛的電影I love Spiderman very much It's so exciting that I can't forget it. The Spiderman said "With great power comes great responsibility" The story is about love ,power and responsibility. It tell us how to be a better man . The Spiderman is always ready to help others and face to difficulties and never afraid of them. The story also tell us that we should brave enough to face the problems in our daily life and learn to settle them. That's the reason why I like Spiderman!8.學校藝術節招聘啟事Are you a musician?Can you sing?Can you dance?Can you play the piano,the drums,the trumpet,or the guitar.Then you can be in our school music festival.please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033. 9.我的日常生活Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country. I get up at six o'clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o'clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o'clock.then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 10.最喜歡的一天學校生活I was on duty today,so i got up early and went to school.as soon as arrived,i began to sweep the floor,then i went to the classroom and did the morning reading.after that,i did some exercises and had breakfast.then the classes began.in the afternoon,i first had lunch then went bach to the classroom and had some 。

8. 初一英語 書面表達

Our classroom is very big. There are two maps on the wall. There are forty desks and forty chairs in our classroom. We like our classroom.

Hi,my name is Tom Green. Tom is my given name and Green is my family name. I am from the America. I am in Class Three.I am thirteen years old.Nice to meet you.

9. 初三英語書面表達

The great teacher in my mind

After i read ZHANG LI LI's story,that reminds me of my teacher.Zhang LILI is a good teacher,so does my teacher.Now let me tell you my teacher's story.His name is MissWang,and he is a math teacher.He is tall and always wears a glasses.He makes his classes very interesting and everyone likes his classes.When someone is in trouble,he say;“It's doesn't matter,believe yourself,and everyyhing will be better."One day a boy fell into the river,he jumped into the river and saved boy's life.He is a really good man,isn't he?