
解夢佬 0

1. 安妮日記 幾個句子翻譯

1. But at the moon gave far too much light. I didn't dare open a window. 對著肆意流淌的月光,我不敢打開我的窗扇。

2. I didn't go down stairs until the window had to be shut .The dark rainy evening the wind the thundering coulds held me entirely in their power;it was the first time in a year and a half that I'd seen the night face to face. 除非那扇窗被關上我不輕易下樓去。外面暗夜當中的冷風凄雨雷鳴閃電會把我整個吞沒; 那就是一年半來我第一次和夜面對著面。

3. I'm only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing really must be experienced. 我不得不透過積滿塵灰的窗臺上那滿是污垢的簾子看到自然的景象。但這樣的張望已不再有愉悅,一旦自然也變成你必須經歷的一部分。

2. 用英語復述《安妮日記》

Anne diary" this book is about the Second World War: thirteen years later, the Jewish girl Anne Frank with his family to hide in his father's company in the chamber of secrets in the attic, they lived for twenty-five months. This time, Anne uses her pen, recorded in a narrow space your growth. In the face of the fear of death, she began to think about war, nature, religion, and gradually grow into a mature, life has the very deep sentiment。

3. 求安妮日記的翻譯~~~~

安妮最好的朋友 你是不是想有一位無話不談能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是擔心你的朋友會嘲笑你,會不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮?弗蘭克想要的是第一種類型的朋友,于是她就把日記當成了她最好的朋友。




安妮自從1942年7月起就躲藏在那兒了,現在,來看看她的心情吧。 親愛的基蒂: 我不知道這是不是因為我長久無法出門的緣故,我變得對一切與大自然有關的事物都無比狂熱。




漆黑的夜晚,風吹雨打,雷電交加,我全然被這種力量鎮住了。這是我一年半以來第一次目睹夜晚…… ……令人傷心的是……我只能透過臟兮兮的窗簾觀看大自然,窗簾懸掛在沾滿灰塵的窗前,但觀看這些已經不再是樂趣,因為大自然是你必須親身體驗的。

Do you whether be or not want to have one friend who is in each other's confidence being able to be loyal in friendship? You whether be or not worry about that your friend may make fun of you or , may not understand you at present difficult position? That Anne · Frank wants has been the first kind type friend , she should become her best friend thereupon right away with the diary. Anne's Amsterdam living Dutchly in Second World War period. Her one family all is Jew , hide self therefore they have to they are only capable to do otherwise by Germany Nazi grasp go to. Her and her family has hidden self being found that just now 2 years later. Within this paragraph of time, her unique loyal friend has been her diary. She said "I am unwilling to write down a current account in the diary like most people did. I want to regard this diary as my friend , I want to call my this friend Kitty ". That state of mind taking a look at Anne during the past now, after going into hiding getting along having taken shelter from more than 1 year. Thursday on June 15 , 1944 Beloved Kitty: I do not know this whether be or not has no way to go out because of I am long reason, I become extremely fanatical to all object relevant to nature. Before I keep a perfectly cleat in memory,azure the sky , bird's singing , moonlight and fresh flower, never have caused my heart fan to yearn for. Since I arrive in here,all these has all changed. 。 。

In the evening the weather is very warm for instance , having a day , I endure to not going to bed partly intentionally at 11 o'clock, moon for being to try to be in a fix alone. Because of but moonlight has been very bright,I do not dare open a window. Still have an once , happen to right away in a before evening of five moon , me upstairs, the window is to be coming untied. I always come downstairs while must close a window going to. A pitch black night, is battered by the wind and the rain, lightning and thunder clove the air, I have been lived entirely by this strength town. This is that I am an eyewitness to night since half for the first time for 1 year, 。 Your Anne。

4. 安妮日記中安妮個人的英文簡介

Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is among the most enduring documents of the twentieth century. Since its publication in 1947, it has been read by tens of millions of people all over the world. It remains a beloved and deeply admired testament to the indestructable nature of the human spirit.

Restore in this Definitive Edition are diary entries that had been omitted from the original edition. These passages, which constitute 30 percent more material, reinforce the fact that Anne was first and foremost a teenage girl, not a remote and flawless symbol. She fretted about, and tried to copie with, her own emerging sexuality. Like many young girls, she often found herself in disagreement with her mother. And like any teenager, she veered between the carefree nature of a child and the full-fledged sorrow of an adult. Anne emerges more human, more vulnerable, and more vital than ever.




5. 各位請幫我翻譯8句安妮日記中的臺詞好麼~


My happiness is all about some tiny things.2任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,總是能夠變得簡單。Anything you willing to do, is simple.3容易傷害別人和自己的,總是對距離的邊緣模糊不清的人。

those who subject to hurt others and whom-self, is whom obscure about the edge of distance4渴望占有愈多而愈脆弱。More thirst for, more fragile5沒有欲望只能說是麻木不仁。

No desire means indifferent6短暫的瞬間,漫長的永遠。Short moment,long permenant7鳥的翅膀在空氣里振動。


Winges of bird vibrate in the air, that's blatant and chilly, a sound full of fear. a flow of uncertainty.8人的寂寞,有時候很難用語言表達。Longness is hard to be expressed by words sometimes.9總是需要一些溫暖。

哪怕是一點點自以為是的紀念。Warm is always needed, even some self-comfort souvenir10感情有時候只是一個人的事情。

和任何人無關。愛,或者不愛,只能自行了斷.Sometimes love is about oneself. it has nothing todo with anyone else. love or not love , decide it yourself11傷口是別人給與的恥辱,自己堅持的幻覺。

Wound is shame given by others,while I insist on my illusion12我大概是一只鳥。充滿了警覺,不容易停留。

所以一直在飛。Maybe I'm a bird, full of Alert, hard to stop.so keep flying13痛徹心扉的愛情是真的,只有幸福是假的。

那曾經以為的花好月圓…… 愛情只是宿命擺下的一個局。hurt of love is real, but the happiness is just illusion, those former belived mirage。

love is a joke of destiny 14我的世界是寂靜無聲的,容納不下別人。My world is silent, can not hold anyone else.15像我這樣的女人,總是以一個難題的形式出現在感情里。

Woman like me, Always emerges as an enigma in love.16我們可以失望,但不能盲目。we may be disappointed, but can never be blind。

6. 安妮日記的英文背景

diary notes from 12 June 1942 – 1 August 1944) by Contact Publishing in Amsterdam in 1947. She observed that she had many ", some 5.First published under the title Het Achterhuis.. The Jews of Holland assume that the Jews are being murdered in the camps, the closest friend Anne had during her tragically short life was her diary; she writes, when her family were hiding in Amsterdam from German Nazis. The third existing notebook contains entries from 17 April 1944 to 1 August 1944;s texts were published in 1986, frustrations (困惑), the only other girl mentioned in her diary from the often reproduced photo;s trusted colleagues they remained hidden for two years and one month, her family relationships.3The Holocaust is the name given to the murder of six million Jews by the German Nazis in World War II. The final entry is Aug, 1944 she decided to rewrite her earlier texts, giving them later to his close friend. On March 31, three weeks prior to going into hiding with her mother Edith;;s death was confirmed in the autumn of 1945, to the imaginary ", until their betrayal in August 1944;s diary;doomed.Frank', but it gives no direct insight into the full horror of what was happening. First translation into English was made in 1952 and published under the title The Diary of a Young Girl, when the first notebook ends, she reacts to the news that Hungary has been occupied by German troops.The DiaryAnne Frank received a diary in 1942 for her 13th birthday;, thinking he might evolve into that one. Jacqueline van Maarsen agreed but Otto Frank assumed his daughter had her real acquaintance in mind when she wrote to someone of the same name, whose drawings Anne dreamed about in 1944) and the only comparable example of Anne writing unposted letters to a real friend are two farewell letters to Jacqueline van Maarsen from September 1942, she remarks that she is not in love with Helmut ", prepared a list of pseudonyms and cut scenes she thought of little interest or too intimate for general consumption. After the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, but Anne Frank was clearly aware of what was happening to the Jews, this missing period is covered in the version Anne rewrote for preservation, ". On March 27, true friend, 1944.", ",", possibly the nicest of all. Anne', clashes with her parents. Its first version, and in 1933 the family fled from Frankfurt to the Netherlands;Kitty. Wiesel and his father were two of those one million Jews in Hungary who were sent to Auschwitz, a prewar friend of Frank', anti-Jewish decrees followed in rapid succession, Auguste van Pels.About AnneAnne Frank was born in Frankfurt. Anne adopted the group and addressed her diary entries to Joop', Cor Suijk. Also Anne Frank Huis - the hiding-place - was opened in Amsterdam on the Prinsengracht 263, also, Hanneli Goslar, prepared by the Anne Frank Foundation, and equally many admirers. Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl had rescued them along with other personal possessions after the family': ": Dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 – 1 Augustus 1944 (The Annex;s already budding literary ambitions were galvanized on 29 March 1944 when she heard a broadcast made by the exiled Dutch Minister for Education, 1943, was retrieved from the hiding place after the arrest and given to Otto Frank with the original notebooks when his daughter'. The first covers the period between 12 June 1942 and 5 December 1942 but since the second volume begins on 22 December 1943 and ends on 17 April 1944 it is assumed that the original volume or volumes between December 1942 and December 1943 were lost - presumably after the arrest when the hiding place was emptied on Nazi instructions, she reports on the harsh and inhuman conditions in Westerbork, but also her dreams, Westerbork, she was still attending the Jewish secondary school. However. The book is in several lists of the top books of the twentieth century, but that was only partially successful, and possible publication, Henri van Praag, and they have heard (correctly) on the BBC radio that the method of murder is by gas, where Otto Frank continued his career as a businessman, calling for the preservation of "Hello". Ultimately, which appeared in 1947. 1, when Anne wrote for the last time before her arrest. Anne'Pop". The reader therefore gets a glimpse of the Holocaust through the diary, in fear of being discovered. Anne and her sister were transferred from the Dutch concentration camp, Frank depictes the nightmare reality of eight persons crowded into tiny living quarters. The million Jews 。