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1. 《巴黎圣母院》的英文版好詞好句

fig-油脂對國內觀眾而言,美國社會的“油脂現象”(Grease)是很難理解的,要去觀看這部過時電影的最大動力,無非就是如今噸位升級成“肥尊”的約翰·特拉沃爾塔(John Travolta)在26年前的骨感以及當年他電動馬達般的矯健身姿。


電影《油脂》改編自百老匯同名音樂劇,導演朗戴爾·克利瑟(Randal Kleiser)原本只是想拍一部針對青少年觀眾的青春校園歌舞片,但沒想到竟然成就了幾個“第一”:約翰·特拉沃爾塔主演的第一部大制作、奧莉維亞·紐頓·強(Olivia Newton-John)(片中扮演女主角珊迪Sandy)的銀幕處女作、影史上最賺錢的歌舞片之一、美國銷量最高的電影原聲專輯……而《油脂》的音樂劇同名原型也并非泛泛之輩,它以一出實驗劇的身份慢慢滲入外百老匯,最終攻克百老匯舞臺,直到1980年4月下檔,以3388場演出的成績,成為當時百老匯有史以來最長壽的音樂劇,這個紀錄后來被音樂劇《歌舞線上》(A chorus line)打破。電影《油脂》的劇情很簡單,高中生丹尼和珊迪兩情相悅,但就像歌舞片中任何一對小兒女一樣,他們在進入最終的和諧境界前總要經歷一些無傷大雅的小波折:矜持、猜忌、患得患失……最后在高中畢業嘉年華會上,丹尼與珊迪終于重歸于好,他們倆乘著一輛鮮紅的跑車,竟然就像是童話結局一般飛上了天空。


《油脂》不問世事的純真也許的確是種頭腦簡單,但它那樣放肆以致到了古怪地步的青春表白,無論何時何地對你日漸沉悶的生活都將是次刺激。fig-奧莉維亞·紐頓·強與片中約翰·特拉沃爾塔充滿年代特色的演唱相比,奧莉維亞·紐頓·強的歌聲似乎更經得起時間的考驗,26年過去了,珊迪那首柔腸百轉的《不可救藥愛上你》(Hopelessly devoted to you)聽來依然是那麼動人且自然。

這首女聲獨唱是電影《油脂》為扮演女主角的澳大利亞女歌手-奧莉維亞·紐頓·強度身訂做的,因為在音樂劇原型里,屬于女主角的唱段并不是很多,于是在經紀人-約翰·法拉(John Farrar)的一再堅持下,制作人羅伯特·史蒂伍德(Robert Stigwood)同意由約翰·法拉親自為奧莉維亞創作了一首抒情歌曲。隨著電影的熱映,在無數觀眾的心目中,這首《不可救藥愛上你》便成了楚楚動人的女主角-珊迪的象征,歌中那種少女情竇初開的感覺,就像這一幕場景時的皎潔月光,慢慢沉入水底的粉紅色信紙和浮現在珊迪腦海中揮之不去的丹尼笑臉,一切讓人既惆悵又依戀。


奧莉維亞·紐頓·強是四座格蘭美獎、九座全美音樂獎的得主,由她一人便締造了26首英美十大金曲,而這首《不可救藥愛上你》則是她最著名的代表作之一。《不可救藥愛上你》在26年間被許多女歌手翻唱過,國內音樂愛好者恐怕更多是在瑪麗亞·凱瑞(Mariah Carey)的夏威夷演唱會上首次聽到這首歌曲,瑪麗亞·凱瑞的翻唱可謂絢麗,但卻把原唱襯托得更加清新質樸,奧莉維亞那種發自天然的少女情愫在今日看來當真千金難求。

奧莉維亞·紐頓·強在《不可救藥愛上你》中那些綿綿不絕的嘆息真是令人刻骨銘心,盡管珊迪的相思跳不出“少年不識愁滋味”這句老話的概括,但她的全心全意卻仍不失為一次最深情的傾訴,同時也在電影《油脂》動感十足的跳躍色彩上添加了沉靜的一筆,令其動中有靜,音樂層次更為飽滿。個人主頁 | 引用 | 返回 單曲 luanbu發表評論于2004-12-31 18:38:54 fig-星幻《星幻》,法語音樂劇堂堂開山鼻祖,其題材之另類不禁令她被籠罩在了一片神秘云霧之中。



2. 急求巴黎圣母院的精彩段落(英文)

雨果的英文原文 see Book II, VII. A Wedding Night

“Oh, love,” she said, and her voice vibrated and her eyes shone, “that is to be two and yet only one—a man and a woman blending into an angel—it is heaven!” (“喔!愛情,”她說道,聲音顫抖,目光炯炯。“那是兩個人卻又只有一個人。一個男人和一個女人融合為一個天使。那就是天堂!

3. 誰有名著《巴黎圣母院》英文的經典句子

What is love?

Is a wonderful addition: a miss with a miss, 15 will be able to become the moon.

Are an extraordinary hearing: Even across the mountains, but also exciting to hear each other's heartbeat.

Are a bunch of wonderful languagebe, earth-shattering.

Is a solid lock: it put the situation such as intimate lovers such as language, then lock into the memory of the dream.

Is a letter from the Principal: inside are packed in a sweet kiss send a kiss to the greetings

“Oh, love,” she said, and her voice vibrated and her eyes shone, “that is to be two and yet only one—a man and a woman blending into an angel—it is heaven!”

4. 巴黎圣母院英文經典語錄

1.奮斗需要堅持!《巴黎圣母院》 2.愛情是什麼? 是一道神奇的加法:一個思念加上一個思念,就能變成十五的月亮。

是一輪非凡的聽力:即使隔著千山萬水,也能聽到彼此的激動的心跳。 是一串美妙的語言:可以是柔情似水,如同煙波,也可以風風火火,驚天動地。

是一把牢固的鎖:它把親密戀人如情如語的話,鎖進記憶的夢里。 是一種特等的信函:裝在里面的是一個甜甜的吻,寄出去的是一個親親的問候。

······································ 說行天下:小說網站上千個,總有一個適合您。 說行天下。

5. 巴黎圣母院英文好詞好句

Gaximo abandoned, in a chance meeting was Fuzhujiao Claude. Corfu Luoluo justice for the adoption of adulthood

After him on the Notre Dame de Paris when the bell people. Although he is very ugly but also multiple disabilities, but different spiritual

Often noble and pure.

Bohemian long street girls Rafah. Esmeralda, and could sing and dance, naive beauty and carefully Namsoon

Thick. Dole Biaier poor young poet. Sweet Fruit watts accidental encounter with her, and in a more casual occasions become her name

Meaning husband.

Wang, deputy leader of the famous have always concentrate on the "priesthood" and suddenly one day enjoy the Bohemian girl

Dance, worry about doing everything possible to take her appropriation of her threats even a trap, and also this is not

Learn to play despicable means to deceive the use of his son Gaximo justice and more students Sweet Fruit watts. In any case it is also a glance

Esmeralda is not possession of criminal attempt to end they Qinshouba that cute girl into a gallows.

On the other hand, many private Gaximo also love the Bohemian girl. She was entrapment, the more skillfully Gaximo

Of the rescue, in a confined space, Notre Dame asylum the bell with a very simple and sincere feelings of comfort her -

Guarding her. When she once again at a critical time in the bell person to assist her, demonstrated extraordinary bravery and resourcefulness. And

When he inadvertently found themselves "Yifu" and the "benefactor" far up there on the gallows Looking at the girl and the Bohemian

Ningxiao like a demon, Gaximo more immediately to the hypocrisy that the final judgement Qingshouba Claude.

Corfu Luoluo from pushing up the sky Belfry, he threw the pieces.

6. 巴黎圣母院英文好詞好句

Gaximo abandoned, in a chance meeting was Fuzhujiao Claude. Corfu Luoluo justice for the adoption of adulthood After him on the Notre Dame de Paris when the bell people. Although he is very ugly but also multiple disabilities, but different spiritual Often noble and pure. Bohemian long street girls Rafah. Esmeralda, and could sing and dance, naive beauty and carefully Namsoon Thick. Dole Biaier poor young poet. Sweet Fruit watts accidental encounter with her, and in a more casual occasions become her name Meaning husband. Wang, deputy leader of the famous have always concentrate on the "priesthood" and suddenly one day enjoy the Bohemian girl Dance, worry about doing everything possible to take her appropriation of her threats even a trap, and also this is not Learn to play despicable means to deceive the use of his son Gaximo justice and more students Sweet Fruit watts. In any case it is also a glance Esmeralda is not possession of criminal attempt to end they Qinshouba that cute girl into a gallows. On the other hand, many private Gaximo also love the Bohemian girl. She was entrapment, the more skillfully Gaximo Of the rescue, in a confined space, Notre Dame asylum the bell with a very simple and sincere feelings of comfort her - Guarding her. When she once again at a critical time in the bell person to assist her, demonstrated extraordinary bravery and resourcefulness. And When he inadvertently found themselves "Yifu" and the "benefactor" far up there on the gallows Looking at the girl and the Bohemian Ningxiao like a demon, Gaximo more immediately to the hypocrisy that the final judgement Qingshouba Claude. Corfu Luoluo from pushing up the sky Belfry, he threw the pieces.。

7. 巴黎圣母院英文好詞好句

Gaximo abandoned, in a chance meeting was Fuzhujiao Claude. Corfu Luoluo justice for the adoption of adulthood

After him on the Notre Dame de Paris when the bell people. Although he is very ugly but also multiple disabilities, but different spiritual

Often noble and pure.

Bohemian long street girls Rafah. Esmeralda, and could sing and dance, naive beauty and carefully Namsoon

Thick. Dole Biaier poor young poet. Sweet Fruit watts accidental encounter with her, and in a more casual occasions become her name

Meaning husband.

Wang, deputy leader of the famous have always concentrate on the "priesthood" and suddenly one day enjoy the Bohemian girl

Dance, worry about doing everything possible to take her appropriation of her threats even a trap, and also this is not

Learn to play despicable means to deceive the use of his son Gaximo justice and more students Sweet Fruit watts. In any case it is also a glance

Esmeralda is not possession of criminal attempt to end they Qinshouba that cute girl into a gallows.

On the other hand, many private Gaximo also love the Bohemian girl. She was entrapment, the more skillfully Gaximo

Of the rescue, in a confined space, Notre Dame asylum the bell with a very simple and sincere feelings of comfort her -

Guarding her. When she once again at a critical time in the bell person to assist her, demonstrated extraordinary bravery and resourcefulness. And

When he inadvertently found themselves "Yifu" and the "benefactor" far up there on the gallows Looking at the girl and the Bohemian

Ningxiao like a demon, Gaximo more immediately to the hypocrisy that the final judgement Qingshouba Claude.

Corfu Luoluo from pushing up the sky Belfry, he threw the pieces.