
解夢佬 0

1. 【英語】表達愛好的短語,句式,句子[有幾種寫幾種]

1. I like / love playing guitar best. 2. In my spare time, I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. 3. I'm interested in collecting stamps. 4. I'm really fond of skating in winter. 5. My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter. 6. I adore listening to popular music. 7. I'm crazy about sports. 8. I find great pleasure in listening to pop music. 9. I like nothing better than swimming.。

2. 以“興趣愛好”為主題的10句英語好句

1.A hobby brings you renewed energy and excitement. This will carry over to the rest of your activities.愛好帶給你全新的能量和激情,讓你在接下來的活動中精力充沛。

2.I find that when you are doing your hobby it sparks your creativity. You are more likely to have creative breakthroughs. Solutions to problems you are facing will come to you.我發現,當你做喜歡的事情時,靈感會突然閃現,你很可能取得新的突破。面對的問題也會迎刃而解.3.We all need to keep growing both professionally and personally. I don't care if your hobby is gardening, weightlifting, or reading, you will grow from it.我們都需要獲得專業與個人成長。

不管你的愛好是園藝、舉重還是閱讀,你都能獲益匪淺。4.Remember not to “Say No” to yourself. Invest in activities that lead to growth and renewal. Spend more time on yourself and you will have more productivity at work and all areas of your life.請記住:千萬別對自己“說不”。

去參加一些讓自己成長、給自己充電的活動吧,多為自己花點時間,你不僅工作更有效率,生活中的其他方面也能做好呢!5.Spending time on yourself results in more time and more focus in your other endeavours.多花點時間在自己身上確實能多出時間來,使你在其他事情上更加專注。 雖然只有5句話,卻是非常有用的5句話,值得珍藏。


3. 求列舉一下英語中 “我喜歡


1、I'm fairly/pretty keen on⋯⋯


例:I'm fairly keen on drawing pictures.

I'm pretty keen on drawing pictures.


2、I'm actually quite keen on⋯⋯


I'm actually quite keen on drawing pictures.


3、I'm really into⋯⋯


I'm really into drawing pictures.


4、I'm quite a big fan of⋯⋯


I'm quite a big fan of drawing pictures.


5、I simply adore⋯⋯


I simply adore drawing pictures.


6、I'm quite enthusiastic about⋯⋯


I'm quite enthusiastic about drawing pictures.


7、I generally prefer⋯⋯(use only when comparing)


I generally prefer drawing pictures.


8、I'm pretty passionate about⋯⋯


I'm pretty passionate about drawing pictures.


9、I'm quite partial to⋯⋯


I'm quite partial to drawing pictures.


4. 關于興趣愛好的英文句子有哪些

1、Knowledge must be according to their own interests, can benefit.學問必須合乎自己的興趣,方可得益。

2、Life is just a field of improvisation, until every journey, be my stage.人生本來就是一場即興演出,直到每段旅程,變成我的舞臺。

3、Looks worship, each having a good.望經拜道,各有一好。

4、Love is the beginning of knowledge.愛為學問之始。

5、Love is the first step to knowledge.愛好即獲得知識的第一步。

6、Read a book is I most loves, it increased my knowledge, broaden my horizons, so I know more truth.看書是我的最愛,它增長了我的知識,開闊了我的視野,使我懂得了更多的道理。

7、Things get to the good.物聚于所好。

8、Interested in their interest in us.對自己抱有興趣的人使我們感興趣。

9、Try try but do not cry.勇于嘗試 決不放棄。

10、In principle to produce a problem, be firm as a rock; in the interest issue, should conform to the trend.在原則產問題上,要堅定如磐石;在興趣問題上,則要順應潮流。

11、Any kind of interest include nature have tendencies to cry, maybe also contains a kind of in a state of nature in the flash of genius.任何一種興趣都包含著天性中有傾向性的呼聲,也許還包含著一種處在原始狀態中的天才的閃光。

12、Each heart love, raw onions and leeks.各人心里愛,生蔥拌韭菜。

13、Every time I read a book being immersed in the ocean of books, forget everything, forget myself.每次看書我都會沉浸在書的海洋里,忘記一切,忘記自我。

14、Good to finish.好者能精。

15、I think for all situations, only the" love" is the best teacher.我認為對于一切情況,只有“熱愛”才是最好的老師。

5. 英語中的表達喜好的詞

like love favorate fond(一般作短語be fond of來用)

be crazy about。 prefer enjoy

be keen on lose one's heart in appreciate admire

would like to do would rather do than do

prefer A to B

be satisfied with to one's satisfaction

starve for sth.(渴望) look forward to(盼望)