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1. 英語中 最高級 表示什麼


的要用最高級形容詞,最高級前一般要加the,并有介系詞片語、子句或所有格表示比較范圍。 I am the tallest in our class. 我是咱們班里個子最高的。


My movements are the most graceful of us three. 三個人中我的動作是最優雅的。 表示在不少于三者的同類中“最。”

和of或among引導的介系詞片語連用。 Racing is the most interesting sport I've ever known. 賽跑是我知道的最有趣的運動。


You are always my fondest star. 你永遠是我最喜歡的明星。 用代名詞的所有格表示比較范圍。

最高級的用法 ①三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度時,用“ the十最高級”的結構表示.這種句式一般常有表示比較范圍的介詞短語.例如: Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three. He works (the) hardest in his class. ②最高級可被序數詞以及 much,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,nothing like等詞語所修飾. 例如: This hat is by far/much/nearly/almost/not nearly/by no means/not quite/nothing like the biggest. How much did the second most expensive hat coat? ③表示“最高程度”的形容詞,如 excellent,extreme,perfect等,沒有最高級,也不能用比較級. ④形容詞最高級修飾作表語或介詞賓語的名詞、代詞時,被修飾的詞往往省略. He is the tallest(boy) in his class. ⑤作狀語的副詞最高級前可以不加定冠詞.例如 0f all the boys he came(the) earliest。.。

2. 7個最高級的英文句子

we are the best friends .

China is the largest country in the world .

my mother is the most beautiful in my heart.

do you know who is the most clever boy in our class ?

I like singing best, what about you ?

Mary is the tallest girl in her class.

Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.

3. 英語中 最高級 表示什麼


I am the tallest in our class.



My movements are the most graceful of us three.



Racing is the most interesting sport I've ever known.



You are always my fondest star.




①三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度時,用“ the十最高級”的結構表示.這種句式一般常有表示比較范圍的介詞短語.例如:

Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three.

He works (the) hardest in his class.

②最高級可被序數詞以及 much,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,nothing like等詞語所修飾. 例如: This hat is by far/much/nearly/almost/not nearly/by no means/not quite/nothing like the biggest. How much did the second most expensive hat coat?

③表示“最高程度”的形容詞,如 excellent,extreme,perfect等,沒有最高級,也不能用比較級.


He is the tallest(boy) in his class.


0f all the boys he came(the) earliest.

4. 幫忙寫15個最高級句型的英語句子

the problem is the most difficult

English is one of the most widely used language.

she is the third tallest girl in our class

Today is my happiest day.

Who is the most beautiful people in the world?

This pen is most expensive in the shop.

Gao Ling is the best student in Grade 2.

This picture is the most popular of the three.

changjiang river is the longest river in china.

My movements are the most graceful of us three.

Racing is the most interesting sport I've ever known.

You are always my fondest star.

He works (the) hardest in his class.

0f all the boys he came(the) earliest.

I found it most difficult to get to sleep

5. 英語造句最高級的6個句子

He is the best student in his class

I wonder who is the most beautiful person in the world

She runs fastest of her three sisters

Does the libration army man has the warmest heart

Your drawing is the worse in the world.

6. 英語中最高級的表達法


一般情況下,直接給詞尾加-est,例如,tall-tallest:以輔音字母加Y結尾的變y為i加-est,例如happy-happiest.以e結尾的,直接加-st:少數以-y, -er, -ow, -ble結尾的雙音節最高級是在詞尾加 -est 構成。

clever(原級) cleverest(最高級)

以一個輔音字母結尾其前面的元音字母發短元音的形容詞的最高級是雙寫該輔音字母然后再加 -er和-est。

big (原級) biggest (最高級)


good / well ---better---best

ill /bad/badly--- worse---worst

many / much ---more---most

little ---lest ---least

far有兩種1.距離上的遠和更遠 far---farther---farthest

2.程度 far---further---furthest

old有兩種1.比……大 old---older---oldest

2.作定語修飾其他名詞 old---elder---eldest 如elder sister

【注】形容詞前如加 less 和 lest 則表示"較不"和"最不"

important 重要

less important 更不重要

the least important 最不重要