
解夢佬 0

1. 介紹北京英語作文,簡短的

Beijing is capital of China. Last summer, we went to Beijing by plane. First, we went to the Great Wall. It's very tall. No wonder many visitors come to here. Then, we ate the roast duck. It tastes good and wonderful. Finally, we went the Summer Palace, Tian'an men's Sqaure and Beihai Park. We had a good time in Beijing.

2. 關于人物介紹的英語優美句子

1. 我是王珊,一名十六歲的女孩子,就讀于北京紅星中學。

I'm Wang Shan, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Beijing HongXing Middle School.

2 我很開朗,善于與人交流。

I'm sociable, easygoing and good at communicating with others.


As a Senior 3 student, study and sports make up my life.


As a Senior 3 student, I have been working hard at my lessons and have managed to get fairly high grades.


I'd like to attend English lectures, from which I can get more information on British and American culture.


My hard work doesn't pay off, and I am quite proud of what I have achieved / of the progress I have made.

7. 令我高興的是我在英語演講比賽中獲得了一等獎。

To my great joy, I won the first prize in the English speech competition.


A good command of English enables me to gain more chances to communicate and exchange ideas with foreign students in our school.


He has been working hard at every subject, which sets a good example to us.


He took part in the English Speech Contest held in our school and won the first prize/

3. 描述北京的句子


1) 北京,是中國經濟文化的中心,也是一個歷史悠久城市,它凝聚著中華古代文明的精華,有著燦爛的文化、悠久的歷史、豐富的古跡,其文化內涵博大精深,文化現象絢麗多彩,猶如一座豐富的寶藏,無窮無盡。北京的歷史構成了它最鮮明的城市特征。萬里長城幾乎是中國形象的最生動代表,也是世界建筑史的一大奇觀,以其無比宏偉的雄姿聞名于世。長城的修建上自公元前的春秋戰國,下迄公元十七世紀的明朝末年,延續達兩千年之久。

2) 街兩旁的建筑都是老北京的建筑風格,有個胡同口還有個牌樓,和西單、東單、中關村等地比起來,這里好像是另一個年代,但是讓人覺得心情舒暢,可以全身放松。

3) 北京有著余年的悠久歷史和多年的建都史,是世界歷史文化名城和中國四大古都之一。其地理位置優越,是中華全國政治中心的理想所在。早在萬年前,北京周口店地區就出現了原始人群落“北京人”,北京最初見于記載的名字為“薊”。 全球只有極少數城市像北京一樣長時間作為一個國家的政治和文化中心。

4. 描述各種學科的英語優美句子

既體現著主觀思想之美,又讓人領略語言之博大精深數學,在所有的學科中獨樹一幟, like fog loose layer after uncovering beautiful like fairyland attracts you. (數學是一門很深奧學科, in all the subjects, which embodies the unique beauty of subjective thought, and let people understand the language of the broad and profound.(語文很清新淡雅。

它很奇妙,就像解開層層迷霧之后露出的美麗仙境一樣吸引著你。) 語文: , like the light open lilies.The language is very pure and fresh quietly elegant,就像那淡淡開放的百合花:Mathematics is a very profound discipline. It is very wonderful。