
解夢佬 0

1. 求一篇關于緊張的英語作文

As we all known,during the last term--Grade Three,everyday is full of hard working and a lot of practise.It's really a speical time ,we are all under stress because of too many exams,too much homework.Time flies,three years' middle school life will be end,when we look back,actually we regard that not only do we have complain,want to give or be be nervous of exams but also we have a colourful and unforfetable life!Memories is an wonderful thing,maybe it's time to say good bye ,I jus t want to say :"I 'll never forget my friends,my teachers,my classmates,my study building even the tall and old trees around our playgrand,among which the smlilngs and tears for everyone of you is the best present given to me by God!"。

2. 求一篇關于緊張的英語作文

As we all known,during the last term--Grade Three,everyday is full of hard working and a lot of practise.It's really a speical time ,we are all under stress because of too many exams,too much homework.

Time flies,three years' middle school life will be end,when we look back,actually we regard that not only do we have complain,want to give or be be nervous of exams but also we have a colourful and unforfetable life!Memories is an wonderful thing,maybe it's time to say good bye ,I jus t want to say :"I 'll never forget my friends,my teachers,my classmates,my study building even the tall and old trees around our playgrand,among which the smlilngs and tears for everyone of you is the best present given to me by God!"

3. 描寫人物緊張的英語作文

The person who I worship)I worship my dad most. Not only is he a highly educated and successful businessman, he is also a caring family man.My dad was born and grew up in China. He is a highly educated professional who received his master's degree from University of Cambridge in Uk. My dad is a very successful financial expert in China. Being a caring family man, my dad loves me and my mom; he shows great respect toward his parents. Last and certainly not least, I worship my parents and love everybody in my family!2)、根據提示寫一篇“My English Teacher”Name: Mr.King Age: 31 Years of teaching: 10 Hobby: playing sports, watching Tv , reading . Relation with his students: strict, kind, patient. 評論:teacher, friendMy English TeacherMr.King is our English teacher. He is 31 years old. He became a teacher 10 years ago.He likes playing sports, so he is very strong. He likes reading and watching Tv and he has good knowledge. All of us love to listen to his class because he has a good way to make his lessons interesting. Mr King is kind to us, but very strict with us in our studies. He is patient,too. He is a good teacher and also a good friend。

4. 緊張的英文短語



英[ˈnɜ:vəs] 美[ˈnɜ:rvəs]

adj. 神經質的; 緊張不安的; 焦慮的;

對感到緊張: be nervous about

非常緊張: very nervous /pretty nervous


1. 什麼事情使她這樣緊張?

What's she so nervous about?

2. 戰爭結束了,緊張氣氛緩和下來了。

The war was over;the tension was relieved.

3. 她起初很緊張,但很快就鎮靜下來。

She was nervous at first but soon composed herself.

5. 緊張的的英語


一、anxiety n. 焦慮,憂慮; 切望,渴望; 令人焦慮的事; 掛念; 例句: 1、Her voice was full of anxiety. 她的聲音滿是焦慮不安。 2、Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country. 許多社論對該國經濟的混亂狀況表示憂慮。

二、tension n. 緊張,不安; 緊張氣氛; [物] 張力,拉力; 矛盾; vt. 緊張; 使緊張; 例句: 1、Thetensionbetweenthetwocountriesislikelytoremain 那兩個國家間的緊張局面可能會持續下去。 2、Shehasdoneherbesttokeepcalmbutfindsherselftremblingwithtensionandindecision 她盡力保持鎮定,可還是由于緊張、猶豫不決而抖個不停。

6. 形容人發怒 緊張 高興 悲傷的生動英文句子 寫作文用 高考水平








7. 表示緊張的句子

他看起來像熱鍋上的螞蟻 ,急得不知所措。






