
解夢佬 0

1. 有沒有描寫星星月亮的優美的英文句子

Good word stars, stars, star, lone star, the morning star, stars, stars, constellations, nebulae,star, silver star, glittering and translucent, the blink of an eye, flow star, galaxy, ten thousand stars, brilliant stars, bits and pieces, Zhongxingpengyue, stars, sparse stars Dan Yue, star bright, thin sparsely, dotted, Hyosung sinking and residual star points, Hyosung flicker,extragalactic nebula, Kochi Hoshiwoon, stars twinkling, the galaxy now, Beidou shrinkage, five-star rendezvous, zhongxinggongyue, starry, starry, stars, sparkling stars, sparsely scatteredstars good sentences, little stars like pearl, mosaic in the sky, shining with light hair. Naughty little stars to draw a golden arc in the deep blue sky, like Weaver Kam line thrown together.Winter night, a few bare stars piteously, next to the cold, shivering almost hear their teeth coldcatch a couple struck voice. The little stars in the cold air swing, as if the cold trembling. The stars are full of feelings, like naughty children, in the childish, dedicated to watching the world,as if with that bright eye about a beautiful myth. Venus like someone carefully holding candlesaway, quietly shining in the sky above. The dark blue sky shines with a dazzling white light as diamond stars -- star. A starry night, the sky without a cloud, the deep blue sky, the stars are covered with diamonds. The sparkling stars, like a jewel like, densely strewn with the boundless sky. The Milky Milky way, from the northwest sky, across the meridian, slantingtoward the southeast earth diarrhea. The stars in the summer is like the naughty child cute. A few big and bright stars in the sky at night, as if the sky people carrying lanterns in the patrolof the vast space. The stars are reflected in the rough sea, with wave dance up and down,when the current arc. Venus appears most early, in the deep blue sky flashing up. It is so large, so bright, the vast day only a scene where it emits impressiveness light, like a light hanging in the sky. Early in the morning, the storm stopped, but also have a long time before the dawn. A few residual Xing secretly opened his eyes and looked into the white silver whiteworld. Gradually, the remnant star close be sleepy straws. eyes, disappeared in the morningair retreat. A meteor to draw bright lines in the night sky, like searching in the world the most beautiful future. The stars more than ever, big, bright, they are neither the blink of an eye, do not blink, is quiet, serene. This is how the cool clear autumn night! The stars more than everto the bright。

Like silver gray sky studded with many brilliant jewel, SA crystal soft brightness, everything on the earth have become so refined, so quiet. The numerous smallstars all over the sky, falls on the mirror like the river, like a pearl agate, shining. Deep blue sky starry, like countless pairs of eyes, flashing. Ink blue sky hanging many stars, as if theyhad just from the Milky Way bathed in like, bright. The stars like a cup of small lights, flashingin the sky. Black blue blue sky, like a sprinkle sesame like sa a stars in the sky. The East hasfloating fish maw and color of clouds, a few pieces of evacuation of the stars, flashing wink and make signs to one another is still in the sky. Above, a few bright stars look like from the water just like in the flashing out. Fade black clouds, some stars blinked abuse to shy. Sparse stars close tired sleepy eyes, retired disappeared. Venus is so big, so bright, the vast sky onlyone where it emits impressiveness light, like a light hanging in the sky. A bright meteor, like the river spilled a drop of water from the Milky Way like flowers, which, flew out, over the deep blue of the night sky, quietly falling to the north. The meteor has become a flash, pierced the night sky. A meteor dragged long tail like blue phosphorescent, draw a long curve in the sky, a long time before gradually disappearing. The deep blue sky as charming, air flashing a little stars,they are getting more and more, as if dancing in the blue carpet, like in the eyes blinked and talk to me.。

2. 形容月亮的英語句子有哪些

1、The moon rose.Your dreams will come true.月亮升起來了,你的夢想一定能實現的。

2、The moon is very beautiful.月亮很美。3、The moon in foreign countries is extraordinarily round yet maybe I won't be able to see the less round moon any more.外國的月亮特別圓,可能無法再看到那個不夠圓的月亮。

4、The moon has a misshapen beauty.月亮有殘缺的美。5、The moon changed oddly as it set. A dome, a flying saucer, a lens, a line。

and then gone.月亮在她落山時奇妙地變化:從一個圓屋頂,變成一個飛著的托盤,再到一塊透鏡,一條線……然后消失不見。

6、People will appreciate the on scene in the yard, imagine the scene on the moon Chang E.人們會在院子里欣賞月景,想象著嫦娥在月亮上的景象。7、Moon light,moon bright.I want to make a wish tonight.Wish i may,wish i might.Have my wish come true tonight!月亮很亮,月亮很明亮。


讓我的愿望在今晚實現吧!8、In China's history, has very many about moon's fable, for example: Chang E rushes the month and so on.在中國的歷史上,有很多關于月亮的傳說,如:嫦娥奔月等。9、I heard on the moon, Chang E sister and a little rabbit.聽說月亮上有嫦娥姐姐和一只小白兔。

10、15 Moon how beautiful!Wish Lantern Happy!十五的月亮多麼美麗!祝元宵節快樂!11、水調歌頭 Prelude to Water Melody明月幾時有? How long will the full moon appear?把酒問青天。 Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky.不知天上宮闕, I do not know what time of year今夕是何年? It would be tonight in the palace on high.我欲乘風歸去, Riding the wind, there I would fly,又恐瓊樓玉宇, Yet I'm afraid the crystalline palace would be高處不勝寒。

Too high and cold for me.起舞弄清影, I rise and dance, with my shadow I play,何似在人間! On high as on earth, would it be as gay?轉朱閣, The moon goes round the mansions red低綺戶, Through gauze-draped windows to shed照無眠。 Her light upon the sleepless bed.不應有恨, Against man she should have no spite.何事長向別時圓? Why then when people part, is she oft full and bright?人有悲歡離合, Men have sorrow and joy, they meet or part again;月有陰晴圓缺, The moon is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.此事古難全。

There has been nothing perfect since the olden days.但愿人長久, So let us wish that man千里共嬋娟。 May live long as he can!Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she displays.。

3. 用英語介紹月亮,最好具體一點的

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It has no formal name other than "The Moon", although in English it is occasionally called Luna (Latin for moon), or Selene (Greek for moon), to distinguish it from the generic "moon" (natural satellites of other planets are also called moons)。

4. 關于月亮的英語文章

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.), people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D)that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming (1368-1644 A.D. and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911A.D.), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense(熏香), planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon. Whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thinking of their relatives and friends far from home, and extending all of their best wishes to them.

Moon Cakes

5. 有沒有一些關于月亮的優美句子和評析大概5,6句就行

1月上柳梢頭,人約黃昏后月上柳梢頭”二句含“賓”就“主”,再現了那令人沉醉的情景.“黃昏后”,交待主人公與其情侶相會的時間.“月上柳梢頭”,既是對“黃昏后”這一時間概念的形象示現,也是對男女主人公歡會的環境的補充描繪——明月皎皎,垂柳依依,是那樣富于詩情畫意!2 大漠沙如雪,燕山月似鉤 平沙萬里,在月光下像是鋪上了一層白皚皚的霜雪,燕然山上的新月,如彎刀般高懸.這「月似鉤」帶有思戰之意,而燕山也是要讓讀者想到戰斗.2句主要表現月亮下的大漠雄渾之美3共看明月應垂淚,一夜鄉心五處同這句表現對親人,對家鄉的思念4新月如佳人,出海初弄色從海上升起的月亮象多情的美女,為了招惹人們的喜愛,故意賣弄姿色.用佳人和月亮放在一起,表現婉約之美5春江潮水連海平,海上明月共潮生.這個很牛 被聞一多說是詩中之詩,由春天、夜晚、江水、花樹、明月構成了一幅清麗優美的畫卷.。

6. 描寫月亮的英語作文

During the summer vacation, my aunt in the country with the Qiandao Lake for a period of time. Every night, I and aunt one family sitting in front of the new bridge. I found that the moon is very beautiful very beautiful. The moon seem like very ordinary, but it can not. The light is soft, not too bright, no light reflection. Although it is not like the sun to shine on the earth, but bright and clear. The moon looks are always different, sometimes round as a plate, sometimes sad, sometimes as small as small as 。 。 Beautiful beautiful. But it seems to always have a touch of sadness, but reduced its beauty. But no matter how the moon change, there is a kind of beauty that can not say, I want it.


7. 有關于月亮的英文詩歌

月出時分I thought you a fire

On Heron-Plantation Hill,

Dealing out mischief the most dire

To the chattels of men of hire

There in their vill.





But by and by

You turned a yellow-green,

Like a large glow-worm in the sky;

And then I could descry

Your mood and mien.






How well I know

Your furtive feminine shape!

As if reluctantly you show

You nude of cloud, and but by favour throw

Aside its drape . . .







How many a year

Have you kept pace with me,

Wan Woman of the waste up there,

Behind a hedge, or the bare

Bough of a tree!






No novelty are you,

O Lady of all my time,

Veering unbid into my view

Whether I near Death's mew,

Or Life's top cyme!







8. 求關于月亮的英語小詩

The Moon R.L.Stevenson The moon has a face like the clock in the hall; She shines on thieves on the garden wall, On streets and fields and harbour quays, And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees. The squalling cat and the squwaking mouse, The howling dog by the door of the house, The bat that lies in bed at moon, All love to be out by the light of the moon. 月 R.L.史蒂文森 月兒的臉圓圓像大廳的鐘; 她現出了院墻上偷兒的影兒, 照亮了港灣田野和等角, 還有樹岔上醋睡的眾小鳥. 貓兒喵喵鼠兒吱吱叫, 守門的狗兒汪汪叫, 還有蝙蝠--午間還在睡大覺, 月光下大家出來玩玩多麼好.英語詩(看月亮) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh! look at the moon, 噢! 瞧那月亮, Look at the moon, 瞧那月亮, Likeb a big silver spoon. 多麼象大大的銀勺。

So round and so bright, 那麼圓,那麼亮, In the sky at night. 高高的掛在夜空上。I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild, 每當我漫步荒野凝視明月, And feel that my mother now thinks of her child, 便想起母親正惦念著她的孩子, As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door, 當她從茅舍門口遙望明月時, Through the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more. 穿過冬忍樹叢,濃郁樹香再也不能安慰我的心靈。

Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!家啊!家啊!甜蜜的家啊! There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!沒有地方比得上家!沒有地方比得上家!請采納。