
解夢佬 0

1. <舞出我人生2>全部英文臺詞


這是出場時的:I remember the first time I saw someone move like they were from another planet.I couldn't keep my eyes away.When I was little my mom took me to watch a jam session in the neighborhood.It started out small, but word spread.Soon, some of the best dancers around were showing up to compete in something they eventually called:"the streets."It became the hub, and I got a front row seat to history.I wanted to glide and spin and fly like they did.But it didn't come easy.My mom would tell me, "don't give up, just be you,Cause life's too short to be anybody else."She was right.When I was 16 my mom got sick.Within a couple of months, she was gone.And everything changed。including the streets.結尾:We're all here because。

All right, all right. yo. some of you guys think。Some of you guys think that we don't belong here.it doesn't matter where we're from.Let me just say something.The streets are supposed to be about different people coming together.We call this a battle, but what are we fighting for?We're all here because we have this thing we do. we dance.Right?Being a part of the street used to mean more than turf or power.It was about bringing something new to the floor.And it shouldn't matter what we wear,What school or what neighborhood we're from.Because the best part of the streets is, it's not about what you've got.It's what you make of what you've got.So, if the four-one-oh is too scared to defend their title against us,Then, hell, we'll be outside doing our thing where the streets started.。

2. 舞出我人生3經典臺詞

You know, some famous guy once said,"To travel is better than to arrive. "And I was like, "What?"Because I used to think that there is only one path to take to where you want to get to be in life.But if you choose that one path,that doesn't mean you have to abandon all the other ones.I realise that it's actually what happens along the way that counts.The stumbles and the falls and the friendships.It's the journey, not the destination.You just gotta, I guess,trust that the future will work itself out like it's supposed to.

你知道 某個名人曾說過:"帶著希望旅行(的過程)遠勝于到達目的地(那一刻)。"而我就像 "什麼?"因為我過去認為生活中只有一條路能讓你去到你想到達的地方。但如果你選擇了那條路,并不意味著你必須得放棄所有其它的路。我意識到實際上這一路上所發生的才是最重要的,


3. 誰翻譯下舞出我人生中的Dear Life的中文歌詞

oh my baby, oh my love,哦,我的寶貝,哦我的愛

ooooooh, woah, oh, woah。woah.


early was the morn, flowers filled with dew,清晨一大早,露水沾滿花兒

i became somebody, through loving you.我變成了愛你的人

softly as a child, born in natural rain,像孩子一樣柔弱,在自然的雨水中誕生

i predict the seasons, to go unchanged.我預計著季節,來保持不變

sometimes in life,有時在我的生命里

you run across a love unknown,你跑過一個未知的愛

without a reason, it seems like you, belong.沒有一個理由,他就像你,歸屬

hold on dear life, 堅持住親愛的生活

don't go off running from what's new,在遇到新事物之前不要停止奔跑

i became somebody, through loving you.我變成了一個人,愛你的人

warm was the sun, that covered my body so.太陽的熱量,也溫暖著我的寶貝

reminded me of you, as i'd first known.你要提醒我,讓我最先知道

those were tha days, tha days, that changed my life, and made me new,


i became somebody, through loving you.


sometimes in life, 有時在我的生命里

you run across a love unknown,你跑過一個未知的愛

without a reason, it feels like you, belong.沒有一個理由,他就像你,歸屬

hold on dear life,堅持住親愛的生活

don't go off running from what's new,在遇到新事物之前不要停止奔跑

i became somebody, through loving you.我變成了一個人,愛你的人

as the sun shined, down on me,就像太陽的光輝,照耀著我

i know with you in love is where i wonna be,我知道河泥相愛是我的歸屬

oooh sometimes, i go on through life, 哦 有時,我繼續生活

thinking that love is something that's not meant for me,一想到愛對我來說毫無意義

woooah。somebody, somebody.哇。一個人 一個人

hold on dear life, 堅持住親愛的生活

don't go off running from what's new,在遇到新事物之前不要停止奔跑

i became somebody, through loving you.我變成了一個人,愛你的人

i became somebody, through loving you.我變成了一個人,愛你的人

oh, i became somebody, through loving you.哦,我變成了一個人,愛你的人

woah, oh. oooooooooooo瓦,哦,哦。。


4. 跪求~~~舞出我人生中原聲中for the love歌詞

Song by Drew Sidora feat. Mario[First verse]Every time I think about those times I did not have you Everytime I think about how my life was incomplete Every day I struggle to breathr to laugh, my heart skipped a beat From now on, you're the only thing I see My best and my worst to you it don't matter You can see through my flaws and keep lovin Me, me, me Each day we spend together gets better With you I can do anything And I share it with you。

. [chorus]From now on, everything that I have is yours For the love of you From now on everything that you need is yours For the love of you [Second Verse]Do you remember the night we stood out in the rain Soaking wet those 3 words I could not say I love you Now there's three things I need to do I'll tie you down then lead you Tomorrow take you through all night long It's only you I give my heart to Now baby I can say these words I want you, I miss you, I need you It's only you I give my heart to So kiss me on my lips, boy I love you You open my heart now it's yours Anything you want and more[chorus]Let me know, let me know Everything that I have is yours This is what I'm saying For the love of you From now on Anything that you need is yours For the love of you For the love of you, girl You know you've got me girl You know you've got me baby Yes I love you babe Got nothing but because Boy, you got me crazy Never let you down We've got nothing to lose, baby I'll be knocking at your door I'll be ringing at your door From now on Everything that I have is yours For the love of you From now on Everything that you need is yours For the love of you Yeah, just me and you baby, from now on Anything you ever need, you ever want Consider it done Cause you love you。

5. 誰有 舞出我人生 step up 的英文歌詞 或幫忙翻譯一下 我找不著 謝謝啦

Boy, no matter what we go through 男孩,不管我們要經歷什麼 You step up I'll step up too只要你自告奮勇站出來,我也會自告奮勇站出來的 It don't matter what the haters say 不管那些懷恨者說什麼 As long as you are my boo只要你是我的男朋友 And no matter how hard it gets 無論要經歷的有多艱難 This love will have no regrets我們的愛無悔 As long as when we steppin on the dancefloor It's me and you 只要我們站上舞池的時候只有你和我 Feel the rhythm of the beat, that's my heart 感覺一下心臟跳動的韻律,那是我的心聲 Cupid shot me with the arrow from the start 丘比特一開始就用他的箭射中我 And you know that it's your love that's got me trapped 你也知道正是你的愛讓我無法自拔 Everytime I try to leave you bring me back 每次我嘗試著離開是你把我帶回來 So much water at times I cried a river 有時我會淚流成河 You dried my eyes and brought me back to laughter 你拭干我的眼淚讓我重現笑聲 And when I lay next to you I wanna wake up 當我躺在你身邊的時候我想清醒過來 And when I break up it's only to make up 當我分手的時候你就只會跟我和好努力彌補 [Chorus] And if we don't step up we'll loose our groove 若是我們都不自告奮勇我們會松開我們之間的間隙 So confused don't know which way to move 我是那麼的迷亂不知道應該選擇哪條路走下去 Hold my hand and let me know you feel me too 你握住我的手讓我知道你也感覺到我 Look into my eyes and tell me baby I love you .Never get wet cuz I'll be your umbrella 你凝視著我的眼睛,跟我說“寶貝我愛你,你永遠不會被淋濕,因為我會做你的雨傘。”

And we can make it through any kind of weather 我們也可以度過任何的天氣 If you step up I'll step up boy 如果你自告奮勇站出來我也會自告奮勇站出來的 Cuz I'm tryin to be with you forever 因為我嘗試著想要永遠跟你在一起 [Chorus] When I step in a place, I feel my feet Lifting from under me 當我踏進一個地方,我感覺我的雙腳正在向上抬起 You grab my hands, spin me round 你捉住我的手,讓我旋轉起來 And right before I fall 正在我將下落的時候 You catch me and you say 你抓住我的手,說 Baby, it'll be okay “寶貝,別緊張 Just look into my eyes 只要看著我的眼睛 And we will make another day我們就能創造一個不一樣的明天。”。

6. 求



1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,結果往往出人意料)

2. Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解為傻人有傻福)

3. Miracles happen every day. (奇跡每天都在發生)

4. Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不離)

5. Have you given any thought to your future?(你有沒有為將來打算過呢)

6. You just stay away from me please.(求你離開我)

7. If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻煩,不要逞強,你就跑,遠遠跑開)

8. It made me look like a duck in water.(它讓我如魚得水)

9. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我們注定要做的一件事)

10. I was messed up for a long time.(這些年我一塌糊涂)

11. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我們是否有著各自的命運,還是只是到處隨風飄蕩)


1.You have a dream, you got to protect it.(如果你有夢想,就要守護它)

2.People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.(當人們做不到一些事情的時候,他們就會對你說你也同樣不能)

3.You want something. Go get it!(有了目標就要全力以赴)

4. Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something, not even me.(別讓別人告訴你你成不了才,即使是我也不行)

5.You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can't do it.If you want something, go get it. Period.(如果你有夢想的話,就要去捍衛它。那些一事無成的人想告訴你你也成不了大器。如果你有理想的話,就要去努力實現。就這樣)


1.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.(希望是美好的,也許是人間至善,而美好的事物永不消逝)

2.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. (恐懼讓你淪為囚犯。希望讓你重獲自由 )

3.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another. (懦怯囚禁人的靈魂,希望可以感受自由。強者自救

7. 《舞出我人生》開頭歌詞

我知道電影一開頭的第一首歌是show me the money而不是step up,我想你問的應該是這首歌,這首歌前的這句話是“This is defiantly the wickedest thing I hear of my life”就是你問的句子。

另附這首歌歌詞:Show off that body you got You got that dance floor so hot You workin that, You twerkin that You checkin that, like a clock Cant nobody do it like I do it, when I do it, dog I do it (Break it down) Break it down putcho back into it Main Yall aint ready for the **** im doing (Get up) Get up Putcho drinks down Dont want yall sausy your drinks out All over that your cheap blouse aint nothin but a small any anyhow (Still me) Still me I just changed the sound to the other one I had and just swapped it out (Switch) Kept somethin in the backround, cuz you in love with the song but you in love with the backround Come on let a momma work for me Make a playa wanna spend some money (Come on) I dont really like to spend a money But you can do what you do and do it well Imma Show off that body you got You got that dance floor so hot You workin that, You twerkin that You checkin that, like a clock (Show up) Show up, empty Nothin in um, Her..her No Silicone, no lipo, no botox no dumpy dump (No) All Natural, let the day spoil when another brother in this world Good lookin momma That good and hot to death make an athelete lose his breath And had to move that *** when you bump south You gonna need a couple skirts keep fallin out (For Real) a 10.5 on a rhictor scale a high number you can go to 12 shorty shaking like hell We ought be shamed ourselves, creator couldnt rock the bed that well (Look Out) Breakin it down, ridin this beat like (WOW) Papa jail man I gun her down Show off that body you got You got that dance floor so hot You workin that, You twerkin that You checkin that, like a clock This is defiantly the wickedest thing I hear of my life! OK! I've been sippin on that patron (Get Up, Get up) I'm ready, Give you what you want OK! (Get Up, Get Up) Might not feel the same way tomorrow (Ok) But I'll deal with that tomorrow (Get up, Get up) Cuz tonight you got me feeling like I wanna take you home Show off that body you got You got that dance floor so hot You workin that, You twerkin that You checkin that, like a clock。