
解夢佬 0

1. 給我5本英文書的書名+優美句子

《twilight》 1 Yes, it is enough. Enough for forever. —Edward 是的,夠了,永遠夠了 2 And how long have you been seventeen? —Bella 你滿17歲多久了 3 Edward Cullen is staring at you. —Jessica 愛德華 卡倫正在看著你 4 I don't care! You can have my soul. I don't want it without you—it's yours already! —Bella 我不在乎,你可以擁有我的靈魂,我不想讓它離開你,它已經是你的了 5 Are you still faint from the run? Or was it my kissing expertise? —Edward 你仍然在陽光下感到眩暈嗎,或是我的吻太專業了 6 I love you more than everything else in the world combined. Isn't that enough? —Bella 我愛你勝過世界上的一切,這還不夠嗎 7 Twilight, again. Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end. —Edward 黃昏再次來臨,一個新的結束,無論這天有多完美,它都將結束 8 You're talking about forever, you know. —Bella 你在說永遠,你知道嗎 9 That's the beautiful thing about being human. Things change. —Edward 開始人類生活是極好的。

事情變化了 10 I will stay with you — isn't that enough? —Edward 我會和你呆在一起,這還不夠嗎 樓主,老實說,暮光之城是我最喜愛的書了,一定要看哦 第二本Christ and the antichrist 基督與反基督三部曲 從另一個角度詮釋中世紀神權與皇權和科技人文的爭斗 "I swear by the name of HeQiu," carlo cudicini, "said lotito takes me in Constantinople as an end, etc, also don't like big in this terrible place when the boss! Isn't it is life? 第三本 傲慢與偏見 Affection is desirable,money is absolutely indespensable 第四本 The Last Templar-Raymond Khoury(最后的圣殿騎士) I am not alone 我不是孤身一人 第五本 達芬奇密碼 Well, perhaps no evidence, not the grail The only thing is, do you believe? He is a history of the great man A affect human person Thus, evidence proves only these But when I was a little boy When I am in the water inside I think I would die Let me live, let I can see my parents To go to school With my dog can play together, sometimes I have very strange Why do humans and god must choose one second? Perhaps humanity is sacred 好吧,也許沒有證據,沒有圣杯 唯一重要的是,你相信什麼? 歷史上耶穌是一個非常偉大的人 一個影響人類的人 就這樣而已,證據只能證明這些 但當我是個小男孩的時候 當我在那個水井里面的時候 我以為我會死 讓我活下來,讓我能再見到我的父母 能再去學校 能再跟我的狗一起玩有的時候我都很奇怪 為什麼人類和神非要二選一? 也許人類就是神圣的。

2. 給我5本英文書的書名+優美句子

《twilight》 1 Yes, it is enough. Enough for forever. —Edward 是的,夠了,永遠夠了 2 And how long have you been seventeen? —Bella 你滿17歲多久了 3 Edward Cullen is staring at you. —Jessica 愛德華 卡倫正在看著你 4 I don't care! You can have my soul. I don't want it without you—it's yours already! —Bella 我不在乎,你可以擁有我的靈魂,我不想讓它離開你,它已經是你的了 5 Are you still faint from the run? Or was it my kissing expertise? —Edward 你仍然在陽光下感到眩暈嗎,或是我的吻太專業了 6 I love you more than everything else in the world combined. Isn't that enough? —Bella 我愛你勝過世界上的一切,這還不夠嗎 7 Twilight, again. Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end. —Edward 黃昏再次來臨,一個新的結束,無論這天有多完美,它都將結束 8 You're talking about forever, you know. —Bella 你在說永遠,你知道嗎 9 That's the beautiful thing about being human. Things change. —Edward 開始人類生活是極好的。

事情變化了 10 I will stay with you — isn't that enough? —Edward 我會和你呆在一起,這還不夠嗎 樓主,老實說,暮光之城是我最喜愛的書了,一定要看哦 第二本Christ and the antichrist 基督與反基督三部曲 從另一個角度詮釋中世紀神權與皇權和科技人文的爭斗 "I swear by the name of HeQiu," carlo cudicini, "said lotito takes me in Constantinople as an end, etc, also don't like big in this terrible place when the boss! Isn't it is life? 第三本 傲慢與偏見 Affection is desirable,money is absolutely indespensable 第四本 The Last Templar-Raymond Khoury(最后的圣殿騎士) I am not alone 我不是孤身一人 第五本 達芬奇密碼 Well, perhaps no evidence, not the grailThe only thing is, do you believe?He is a history of the great manA affect human personThus, evidence proves only theseBut when I was a little boyWhen I am in the water insideI think I would dieLet me live, let I can see my parentsTo go to schoolWith my dog can play together, sometimes I have very strangeWhy do humans and god must choose one second?Perhaps humanity is sacred 好吧,也許沒有證據,沒有圣杯 唯一重要的是,你相信什麼? 歷史上耶穌是一個非常偉大的人 一個影響人類的人 就這樣而已,證據只能證明這些 但當我是個小男孩的時候 當我在那個水井里面的時候 我以為我會死 讓我活下來,讓我能再見到我的父母 能再去學校 能再跟我的狗一起玩有的時候我都很奇怪 為什麼人類和神非要二選一? 也許人類就是神圣的。

3. 【英語好句子,要寫出出自哪本書,最好是一本書中的,】

You can never have too much sky.You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky,and sky can keep you safe when you are sad.Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky.Butterflies to are few and so are flowers and most things are beautiful.Still,we take what we get and make the best of it.你永遠不能擁有太多的天空,你可以在天空下睡去,醒來又沉醉.在你憂傷的時候,天空會給你安慰.可是憂傷太多,天空不夠,蝴蝶也不夠,花兒也不夠,大多數美的東西都不夠,于是我們取我們所能取,好好享用.—— Sandra Cisneros (翻書自己打的哦)兔小白~。

4. 求英文的經典語句,一本英語讀物里面的

我個人覺得這個挺不錯的,高一的學生應該也不會覺得很難,后面幾句比較經典~ (*^__^*)

Dear friends:

To realize the value of ONE YEAR


ask the student who has failed a class


To realize the value of ONE MONTH


ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby


To realize the value of ONE WEEK


ask the editor of a weekly newspaper


To realize the value of ONE HOUR


ask the lovers who are waiting to meet


To realize the value of ONE MINUTE


ask a person who missed the train


To realize the value of ONE SECOND


ask a person who just avoided accident


To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND


ask the person who won a silver medel in the Olympics


Treasure every moment that you have!


Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.


Today is a gift.


That's why it is called present*!!


Show your friends how much you care。


Yesterday is History

Tomorry is a Mystery

Today is a gift

That's why we call it the present (這里運用到present的兩個意思)

5. 【求一本英語課外讀物的10個好句子~不能和{求一本英語課外讀物的10

Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower.(C C Schwab.US A Businessman)品格之于人,猶如芳香之于花.(美國實業家 施瓦布 C .C.)All rivers run into sea.海納百川.All roads lead to Rome.條條大路通羅馬.All that glitters is not gold.閃光的不一定都是金子Beauty lies in the love's eyes.情人眼里出西施.Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日畢.Do well and have well.善有善報.Actions speak louder than words.事實勝于雄辯.A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善終.An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼還眼,以牙還牙。

6. 求一句優美的英語句子


One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone. 2.幸福,不是長生不老,不是大魚大肉,不是權傾朝野。幸福是每一個微小的生活愿望達成。

當你想吃的時候有得吃,想被愛的時候有人來愛你。 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love. 3.愛情是燈,友情是影子,當燈滅了,你會發現你的周圍都是影子。

朋友,是在最后可以給你力量的人。 Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last. 4.我愛你不是因為你是誰,而是我在你面前可以是誰。

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you. 5.愛情,要麼讓人成熟,要麼讓人墮落。 Love makes man grow up or sink down. 6.舉得起放得下的叫舉重,舉得起放不下的叫負重。

可惜,大多數人的愛情,都是負重的。 If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love. 7.我們每個人都生活在各自的過去中,人們會用一分鐘的時間去認識一個人,用一小時的時間去喜歡一個人,再用一天的時間去愛上一個人,到最后呢,卻要用一輩子的時間去忘記一個人。

We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 8.一個人一生可以愛上很多的人,等你獲得真正屬于你的幸福之后,你就會明白一起的傷痛其實是一種財富,它讓你學會更好地去把握和珍惜你愛的人。 One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love. 9.年輕的時候會想要談很多次戀愛,但是隨著年齡的增長,終于領悟到愛一個人,就算用一輩子的時間,還是會嫌不夠。

慢慢地去了解這個人,體諒這個人,直到愛上為止,是需要有非常寬大的胸襟才行。 When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind. 10.當明天變成了今天成為了昨天,最后成為記憶里不再重要的某一天,我們突然發現自己在不知不覺中已被時間推著向前走,這不是靜止火車里,與相鄰列車交錯時,仿佛自己在前進的錯覺,而是我們真實的在成長,在這件事里成了另一個自己。

When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different. 11.離開我就別安慰我,要知道每一次縫補也會遭遇穿刺的痛。 If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 12.曾經擁有的,不要忘記。


已經失去的,留作回憶。 Don't forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can't get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. 13.我喜歡并習慣了對變化的東西保持著距離,這樣才會知道什麼是最不會被時間拋棄的準則。

比如愛一個人,充滿變數,我于是后退一步,靜靜的看著,直到看見真誠的感情。 I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things. Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings. 14.在自己面前,應該一直留有一個地方,獨自留在那里。



We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself. 15.有誰不曾為那暗戀而痛苦?我們總以為那份癡情很重,很重,是世上最重的重量。

7. 求一本英語課外讀物的10個最好句子不論什麼書,只要是初中階段的英

All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用. Where there is life ,there is hope. 一息尚存,希望不滅.You have to believe in yourself.That's the secret of success.人必須相信自己,這是成功的秘訣.l think; therefore l am. 我思故我在.A great men is always willing to be little.偉大的人物總是愿意當小人物.Good luck would never come in pairs.福不雙至. Long hair and short wit.頭發長,見識短.If you would not be known to do anything,never do it.若要人不知,除非己莫為.Easier said that done.說時容易做時難.Wall has ears.隔墻有耳.。

8. 誰有一本著名的書的優美句子


●信念是巍巍大廈的棟梁,沒有它,就只是一堆散亂的磚瓦;信念是滔滔大江的河床,沒有它,就只有一片泛濫的波浪;信念是熊熊烈火的引星,沒有它,就只有一把冰冷的柴把;信念是遠洋巨輪的主機,沒有它,就只剩下癱瘓的巨架。 ●站在歷史的海岸漫溯那一道道歷史溝渠:楚大夫沉吟澤畔,九死不悔;魏武帝揚鞭東指,壯心不已;陶淵明悠然南山,飲酒采菊……他們選擇了永恒,縱然諂媚誣蔑視聽,也不隨其流揚其波,這是執著的選擇;縱然馬革裹尸,魂歸狼煙,只是豪壯的選擇;縱然一身清苦,終日難飽,也愿怡然自樂,躬耕隴畝,這是高雅的選擇。

在一番選擇中,帝王將相成其蓋世偉業,賢士遷客成其千古文章。 ●只有啟程,才會到達理想和目的地,只有拼搏,才會獲得輝煌的成功,只有播種,才會有收獲。

只有追求,才會品味堂堂正正的人。 ●如果說友誼是一顆常青樹,那麼,澆灌它的必定是出自心田的清泉;如果說友誼是一朵開不敗的鮮花,那麼,照耀它的必定是從心中升起的太陽。


友誼不是感情的投資,它不需要股息和分紅。(友誼可以換其他詞語) ●盈盈月光,我掬一杯最清的;落落余輝,我擁一縷最暖的;灼灼紅葉,我拾一片最熱的;萋萋芳草,我摘一束最燦的;漫漫人生,我要采擷世間最重的———毅力。

●如果說生命是一座莊嚴的城堡,如果說生命是一株蒼茂的大樹,如果說生命是一只飛翔的海鳥。 那麼,信念就是那穹頂的梁柱,就是那深扎的樹根,就是那扇動的翅膀。

沒有信念,生命的動力便蕩然無存;沒有信念,生命的美麗便杳然西去。(劃線處可以換其他詞語) ●毅力,是千里大堤一沙一石的凝聚,一點點地累積,才有前不見頭后不見尾的壯麗;毅力,是春蠶吐絲一縷一縷的環繞,一絲絲地堅持,才有破繭而出重見光明的輝煌; 毅力,是遠航的船的帆,有了帆,船才可以到達成功的彼岸。

●愛心是一片照射在冬日的陽光,使貧病交迫的人感到人間的溫暖;愛心是一泓出現在沙漠里的泉水,使瀕臨絕境的人重新看到生活的希望;愛心是一首飄蕩在夜空的歌謠,使孤苦無依的人獲得心靈的慰藉。 ●心的本色該是如此。



從經濟學的觀點看,物質消費越大,欲望越小,快樂就越大,正應了中國人的一句古話“知足常樂”。反之,如果一個人的物質消費有限,而欲望無窮大,將會怎樣呢?路瓦栽夫人有那麼多“夢想”,又有那麼多“陶醉”,她怎麼能不痛苦、傷心呢? ●俄國作家契訶夫說:“有大狗,有小狗,小狗不該因為大狗的存在而心慌意亂。

所有的狗都應該叫,就讓他各自用上帝給他的聲音。 ●成熟是一種明亮而不刺眼的光輝,一種圓潤而不膩耳的音響,一種不需要對別人察顏觀色的從容,一種終于停止了向周圍申訴求告的大氣,一種不理會哄鬧的微笑,一種洗刷了偏激的淡漠,一種無須聲張的厚實, 一種并不陡峭的高度。

●愛,有的時候不需要山盟海誓的承諾,但她一定需要細致入微的關懷與問候;愛,有的時候不需要梁祝化蝶的悲壯,但她一定需要心有靈犀的默契與投合;愛,有的時候不需要雄飛雌從的追隨,但她一定需要相濡以沫的支持與理解。 ●微笑著,去唱生活的歌謠,不要埋怨生活給予了太多的磨難,不必抱怨生命中有太多的曲折。


●即使青春是一枝嬌艷的花,但我明白,一枝獨放永遠不是春天,春天該是萬紫千紅的世界。 即使青春是一株大地偉岸的樹,但我明白,一株獨秀永遠不是挺拔,成行成排的林木,才是遮風擋沙的綠色長城。

即使青春是一葉大海孤高的帆,但我明白,一葉孤帆很難遠航,千帆競發才是大海的壯觀。 ●生命不是一篇"文摘",不接受平淡,只收藏精彩。

她是一個完整的過程,是一個"連載",無論成功還是失敗,她都不會在你背后留有空白;生命也不是一次彩排,走得不好還可以從頭再來,她絕不給你第二次機會,走過去就無法回頭。 ●試試看——不是像企鵝那樣靜靜的站在海邊,翹首企盼機會的來臨,而是如蒼鷹一般不停的翻飛盤旋,執著的尋求。

試試看——不是面對峰回路轉、雜草叢生的前途枉自嗟嘆,而是披荊斬棘,舉步探索。 試試看——不是拘泥于命運的禁錮,聽憑命運的擺布,而是奮力敲擊其神秘的門扉,使之洞。