
解夢佬 0

1. 歌劇魅影經典5句話

One love, one lifetime 此生此情不渝 ?? ??Anywhere you go Let me go too 無論去何處都讓你我形影不離 ?? ??Say the word And I will follow you 說愛我,我將跟隨你 ?? ??Share each day with me Each night, each mornin 每一個晨昏時分 ?? ??Let your spirit start To soar 讓你的靈魂開始翱翔 ?? ??And you'll live As you've never lived before 你將會獲得前所未有的感覺 ?? ??Softly, deftly 柔和且靈巧地 ?? ??Music shall caress you 音樂會撫慰你 ?? ??Hear it, feel it 聆聽它、感覺它 ?? ??Secretly possess you 神秘的迷住了你 ?? ??Open up your mind Let your fantasies unwind 敞開你的心扉,讓幻想奔馳 ?? ??In this darkness that you know You cannot fight 在這個你無法抗拒的黑暗里 ?? ??The darkness of The music of the night 這夜晚音樂的黑暗 ?? ??Let your mind start a journey 讓你的心靈開始遨游 ?? ??Through a strange new world 看看這奇特的新世界 ?? ??Leave all thoughts of the life You knew before 拋開以往慣有的思慮 ?? ??Let your soul take you 讓你的靈魂帶著你 ?? ??Where you long to be 到你想去的地方 ?? ??Only then can you belong To me 唯有如此你才能屬于我 ?? ??Floating, falling 漂浮、降臨 ?? ??Sweet intoxication 甜美的醉意 ?? ??Touch me, trust me 觸碰我、相信我 ?? ??Savor each sensation 品嘗每一種感覺 ?? ??Let the dream begin 讓夢展開 ?? ??Let your darker side give in 讓你黑暗的一面屈服 ?? ??To the power of the music that I write 屈服在我音樂的力量之下 ?? ??The power of The music of the night 夜晚音樂的力量 ?? ??You alone can make my song take flight 你一個人就能讓我的歌曲飛馳了 ?? ??Help me make The music of the Night 幫助我做出夜晚的音樂 ?? ??Fear can turn to love 恐懼可以轉變成愛 ?? ??You'll learn to seeTo find the man 你會學著去了解發覺這個男人 ?? ??But secretly dreams of beauty 卻暗地里夢想成為俊美的男人 ?? ??Secretly, secretly 暗地里…暗地里 ?? ??Come, we must return. 來吧,我們得回去了 ?? ??No more talk of darkness Forget these wide-eyed fears 別再提黑暗,忘卻這些恐懼 ?? ??I'm here Nothing can harm you 我在這里,沒有什麼能傷害你 ?? ??My words will warm and calm you 我的話語能溫暖并撫慰你 ?? ??Let me be your freedom 讓我帶給你自由 ?? ??Let daylight dry your tears 讓白天帶走你的淚水 ?? ??I'm here with you, beside you 我在這里,在你身旁陪伴著你 ?? ??To guard you and to guide you 守護并引領你 ?? ??Say you love me 說你愛我 ?? ??Every waking moment Turn my head 在每個夢醒時分 ?? ??With talk of summertime 談談夏日時光,讓我墜入情網 ?? ??Say you need me with you 說你需要我陪伴 ?? ??Now and always 從現在直到永遠 ?? ??Promise me That all you say is true 向我保證你說的都是真的 ?? ??That's all I ask of you 那就是我對你的期盼 ?? ??Let me be your shelter 讓我做你的避風港 ?? ??Let me be your light 讓我成為你的陽光 ?? ??You're safe No one will find you 你很安全,沒人能找到你 ?? ??Your fears are far behind you 你的恐懼將遠離你 ?? ??All I want is freedom 解脫是我唯一所求 ?? ??A world with no more night 一個沒有黑夜降臨的世界 ?? ??And you always beside me 而你,永遠陪伴著我 ?? ??To hold me and to hide me 支持我并保護我 ?? ??Then say you'll share with me 請你告訴我 ?? ??One love, one lifetime 此生此情不渝 ?? ??Let me lead you from your solitude 讓我引領你走出孤獨 ?? ??Say you need me with you here, beside you 說你需要我陪伴,陪在你身畔 ?? ??Anywhere you go Let me go too 無論去何處都讓你我形影不離 ?? ??That's all I ask of you 那就是我對你的期盼。

2. 求劇院魅影的所有臺詞,歌詞的中英文,謝謝~


the phantom of the opera


[ti:the Phantom of the Opera]




[00:22.46]In sleep he sang to me

[00:26.97]In dreams he came

[00:30.68]That voice which calls to me

[00:34.41]and speaks my name

[00:38.57]And do I dream again?

[00:42.65]For now I find

[00:47.67]The Phantom of the Opera is there

[00:54.37]Inside my mind

[01:06.38]Sing once again with me

[01:10.35]Our strange duet

[01:14.27]My power over you

[01:18.26]Grows stronger yet

[01:22.37]And though you turn from me

[01:26.22]To glance behind

[01:30.17]The Phantom of the Opera is there

[01:38.28]Inside your mind

[01:48.64]Those who have seen your face

[01:54.61]Draw back in fear

[01:58.51]I am the mask you wear

[02:02.51]it's me they hear

[02:07.08]Your/my spirit and your/my voice

[02:10.58]In one combined

[02:15.53]The Phantom of the Opera is there

[02:22.56]Inside your/my mind

[02:40.03]He's there

[02:42.23]The Phantom of the Opera


[02:49.67]The Phantom of the Opera

[02:59.02]In all your fantasies

[03:02.62]You always knew

[03:06.69]That man and mystery

[03:10.58]Were both in you

[03:14.57]And in this labyrinth

[03:18.48]Where night is blind

[03:23.54]The Phantom of the Opera is there

[03:30.51]Inside your/my mind

[03:36.38]Sing, my angel of music

[03:40.04]He's there, the Phantom of the Opera

[04:00.94]edit by leo.lee


3. 歌劇魅影的英文簡介

The Phantom of the Opera(original title: Le Fantôme de l'Opéra) is a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux. It was first published as a serialization in "Le Gaulois" from September 23, 1909 to January 8, 1910. Initially, the story sold very poorly upon publication in book form and was even out of print several times during the twentieth century, despite the success of its various film and stage adaptations. The most notable of these were the 1925 film depiction and Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1986 musical. The Phantom of the Opera musical is now the longest running Broadway show in history, and one of the most lucrative entertainment enterprises of all time.

Characters 章節

Erik— The "Phantom", a deformed man (believed to be a ghost) Christine Daaé— A young, Swedish soprano. Raoul, Viscount de Chagny— Christine's childhood friend and love interest. The Persian— A mysterious man from Erik's past. Count Philippe de Chagny— Raoul's elder brother. Moncharmin and Richard— The managers of the opera house. Meg Giry— Madame Giry's only daughter, a ballet girl. Carlotta— The spoiled prima donna. Joseph Buquet— The chief scene-shifter. Debienne and Poligny— The previous managers of the opera house. La Sorelli— The lead ballet dancer. Little Jammes— A friend of Meg and also a ballet girl. Rémy— The manager's secretary. Mercier— The acting-manager. Gabriel— The superstitious chorus-master. Mme. la Baronne de Castelot-Barbezac— Meg as an adult. Mifroid— The commissary of police called in for Christine's disappearance.


4. 歌劇魅影的中英文歌詞






Think of me。


think of me fondly。


when we've said goodbye。


Remember me, once in a while 。


please promise me you'll try。


When you find ,that once again。


you long to take your heart back and be free 。


if you ever find a moment。


spare a thought for me。


We've never said our love was evergreen。


or as unchanging as the sea。


but if you can still remember。


stop and think of me。


Think of all the things we've shared and seen。


don't think about the things which might have been。


出處:出自《The Phantom of the Opera(歌劇魅影)》中的一首歌曲《think of me》。



這首歌曲是著名音樂劇《歌劇魅影》(the phantom of opera)中的一首歌曲,一首詠嘆調,演唱者為電影女主角克里斯汀。主要抒發對離開戀人的思念與不舍,劇中女主人公在首場獨唱中以此歌出現,贏得了滿場掌聲,同樣讓自己少時好友(or戀人)勞爾想起來了自己,隨后勞爾向其求婚。




5. 求《歌劇魅影》電影版的中英文歌詞


No one would listen


No one but her


Heard as the outcast hears


Shamed into solitude


Shunned by the multitude


I learned to listen


In my dark, my heart heard music


I long to teach the world


Rise up and reach the world


No one would listen


I alone could hear the music


Then, at last, a voice in the gloom


Seemed to cry “I hear you


I hear your fears


Your torment and your tears”


She saw my loneliness


Shared in my emptiness


No one would listen


No one but her


Heard as the outcast hears


No one would listen


No one but her


Heard as the outcast hears


6. 求《歌劇魅影》英文影評





后來,戲院的投資人勞爾(派屈克威爾森 飾)認出克莉絲汀是他的兒時玩伴,兩人墜入愛河。魅影發現后,自覺遭到背叛,怒而砍斷舞臺大吊燈的鐵鏈,讓整座華麗的水晶燈砰然粉碎在觀眾席上。





絕望的魅影送走緊緊相擁的這對戀人,在警察和群眾闖入地下密室前,悄然隱去,只留下一張似笑非笑的凄涼面具。In English:This piece describes for 19th century to occur in the French Paris opera house love story. When the value in 1882, in the opera house cave deep place, the fable lived a facial expression to be ugly, to wear the music talent which the mask, actually had great learning, for many years he has mysteriously appeared and disappeared, avoids the vision which the common people alarmed and afraid despises, is "the demon shade" (outstanding Swiss Germany Boteler plays the part of) by the numerous person. He frequently makes each kind of chaos posture of by the ghosts and demons, expels his repugnant singer, even also interferes the opera house lead candidate and play code arrangement. In having no intention, the demon shade discovered the small sign female singer gram Li silk 汀 (Ai Meiluo the woods play the part of) have the uncommon talent beautiful sound, lets him not adore already. Admires greatly -odd, the demon shade decided does not count all prices, 汀 trains the young appearance beautiful gram Li silk the chief soprano. However, most starts from to the spiritual stratification plane love of music, actually gradually transforms into intensely holds the desire. Overstates the demon shade by the practical action, sings all hindrances gram Li silk the enterprise person 11 to remove. Afterwards, theater investor Lowell (faction bent gram Willson to play the part of) recognizes the gram Li silk 汀 is his childhood plays the partner, two people fell deeply in love. After the demon shade discovery, determination encounters the betrayal, the anger cuts off the dance University of Taiwan hanging lamp the iron , lets the entire place magnificent quartz lamp crush with a crash in the auditorium. Is increasingly crazy along with the demon shade destruction rank smell of blood, the gram Li silk 汀 also gradually transfers the fear to his sentiment from the love, is afraid and pities. After half year, Lowell with the gram Li silk 汀 secret engagement, demon shade sudden this present existence to the opera house masked ball, the force opera house performs the opera which his personally spectrum does "the Tang Semi-annular jade pendant", and the designation 汀 holds the post of the leading lady by the gram Li silk. The confused gram Li silk , midnight rushes to the father grave in front of complains tearfully, Lowell then the pledge needs to fight to the bitter end with the demon shade. In "the Tang Semi-annular jade pendant" the first performance same day, the opera house all around covers entirely the police, 孰 the material demon shade unexpectedly kills the actor, changes by oneself plays the role of goes on stage, 汀 develops the match play with the gram Li silk. Develops when the play to the highest tide, the gram Li silk 汀 tears off his mask in the presence of the everyone time, the demon shade ashamed is brokenhearted, 。

7. 《歌劇魅影》的英文版簡介

The Phantom of the Opera is a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, based on the French novel Le Fantome de l'Opera by Gaston Leroux. It is considered by many to be the most successful musical of all time and is also the longest running show in Broadway history.

The music is composed by Lloyd Webber, with lyrics by Charles Hart. Additional lyrics are by Richard Stilgoe. The book was written by Lloyd Webber and Stilgoe. The central plot revolves around a beautiful soprano, Christine Daae, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius.

The Phantom of the Opera opened in the West End in 1986, and on Broadway in 1988. It won the 1986 Olivier Award and the 1988 Tony Award for Best Musical, and Michael Crawford (in the title role) won the 1986 Olivier and 1988 Tony for Best Performance by an Actor in a Musical. It is the longest-running Broadway show by a wide margin (celebrating its 10,000th performance on Broadway on 11 February. 2012), the second longest-running West End musical, and the third longest-running West End show overall.

With total worldwide box office receipts of over $5.1 billion (£3.5 billion), including a record-setting Broadway gross of US $845 million, Phantom is the highest-grossing entertainment event of all time and the most financially successful theatrical show in history. It had been seen by over 130 million people in 145 cities in 27 countries by 2011, the most successful entertainment project in history.

8. 劇院魅影的英語翻譯

Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera

. . . 《劇院魅影》


It has won many top awards in Britain and the United States.


The story has made "The Phantom of the Opera" the longest-running show ever performed on Broadway.


"The Phantom of the Opera" was first seen at Her Majesty's Theatre in London in nineteen eighty-six.