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1. 感恩英語句子大全


1.We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received. 自己的好事別去提,別人的恩惠要銘記。

2.Do as you would be done 己所不欲,勿施于人

3.If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — rabbi harold kushner如果在每一件事情上你能夠集中注意力尋找好的,那麼你會突然發現你的生活充滿欣慰感激——一種培養心靈的感覺。

4.Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. if you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. — oprah winfrey如你對自己所擁有的感恩,你將會得到更多。但如果你專注于自己所沒有的東西,那你永遠都不會滿足。

5.It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.令你感恩的,不是你口袋里的,而是在你心中的。

6.Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. thankfulness may consist merely of words. gratitude is shown in acts. — henri frederic amiel感恩始于感謝之心,謝意正好完成了感恩。感恩也許只是一堆言語文字,感謝卻要以行動去表逹。”

7.The sheep have to kneel grace milk, a is nurturing the meaning of.羊有跪乳之恩,鴉有反哺之義。

8.Looks at the world to smoke, remember the kindness to blood.淡看世事去如煙,銘記恩情存如血。

9.The most beautiful scene occurs when we miss the mother when. -- Maupassant人世間最美麗的情景是出現在當我們懷念到母親的時候。——莫泊桑

10.Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave the. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers should thank him. -- Tagore蜜蜂從花中啜蜜,離開時營營的道謝。浮夸的蝴蝶卻相信花是應該向他道謝的。

2. 英語感恩句子大全


Thank you , my dear parents! Because of you , I can come to this wonderful world and enjoy every moment here.


Thank you , my dear teachers! Because of your teaching , I can discover the charm of knowledge and enjoy the happiness of reading .

3. 感恩英語句子大全

關于感恩的英語名言10句1.We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received. 自己的好事別去提,別人的恩惠要銘記。

2.Do as you would be done 己所不欲,勿施于人3.If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” — rabbi harold kushner如果在每一件事情上你能夠集中注意力尋找好的,那麼你會突然發現你的生活充滿欣慰感激——一種培養心靈的感覺。4.Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. if you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. — oprah winfrey如你對自己所擁有的感恩,你將會得到更多。

但如果你專注于自己所沒有的東西,那你永遠都不會滿足。5.It isn't what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.令你感恩的,不是你口袋里的,而是在你心中的。

6.Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. thankfulness may consist merely of words. gratitude is shown in acts. — henri frederic amiel感恩始于感謝之心,謝意正好完成了感恩。感恩也許只是一堆言語文字,感謝卻要以行動去表逹。”

7.The sheep have to kneel grace milk, a is nurturing the meaning of.羊有跪乳之恩,鴉有反哺之義。8.Looks at the world to smoke, remember the kindness to blood.淡看世事去如煙,銘記恩情存如血。

9.The most beautiful scene occurs when we miss the mother when. -- Maupassant人世間最美麗的情景是出現在當我們懷念到母親的時候。——莫泊桑10.Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave the. The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers should thank him. -- Tagore蜜蜂從花中啜蜜,離開時營營的道謝。


4. 關于感恩的英語句子有哪些

1. The remotest corners of the globe have to do, only Shien infinite period. Thank you, teacher!天涯海角有盡處,只有師恩無窮期。感謝您,老師!

2. Thanksgiving just won't be the same without you.沒有你,感恩節就不會一樣了。

3. From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.我們全體祝你們感恩節快樂。

4. Rivers pushes us to the vast sea, the dawn brings us bright morning; my dear teacher, you lead us to a magnificent life.江河把我們推向浩瀚的大海,曙光給我們帶來明媚的早晨;親愛的老師,您把我們引向壯麗的人生。

5. Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.老師,感謝您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,對您我滿懷感謝之情。

6、“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”

– Marcel Proust, Novelist

對于使我們高興的人,讓我們心懷感恩,他們是有魅力的植栽者,讓我們的靈魂綻放。– 馬塞爾·普魯斯特 (小說家)

7、Life is not a thankful,; The gratitude, all respect you. 感恩之心,人皆有之;感恩之人,世皆敬之。

8、Thankless people fall in trouble, can't be saved. 忘恩的人落在困難之中,是不能得救的。

9、He gave you a favour, he gives you now, to express him!是他給了你恩惠,是他給了你現在,去感恩他吧!

10、Institute of Thanksgiving, do a beneficial to society.學會感恩,做一個有益于社會的人。

11、Help, just lift a finger, and thanks is endless.幫助,只是舉手之勞,而感謝卻是永無止境的。

12、Light to see the world to smoke, remember the kindness blood.淡看世事去如煙,銘記恩情存如血。

13、A person who keep gratitude heart forever。 Are not in trouble.一個永保感恩心的人。就比較不會陷入困境。

14、No one is born this to who well so we have to learn to be grateful.沒有人天生該對誰好所以我們要學會感恩。

15、The stars can light up the night sky, thanks to weigh ourselves.星星能照亮夜空,感恩可掂量自我。

5. 有關感激的英文句子

Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 為了旅途中最值得留念的一天,謹向您表示感謝。

Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. 在您處的參觀訪問,是我們幾個月中最愉快的一次。謹向您表示感謝。

Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 為了旅途中最值得留念的一天,謹向您表示感謝。 Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful). 為了使我去紐約的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收獲),您做了許多事,特此致謝。

Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in 。 感謝您為使我們在……的停留期間的愉快所作的許多努力。

Thank you so much for your generous hospitality. 非常感謝您慷慨的款待。 I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness. 希望不久您能有機會到紐約來,使我能答謝您的盛情。

you must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here. 希望您光臨我處,使我能答謝您的盛情。 Thank you very much (ever so much) (most sincerely) (indeed) (from the bottom of my heart). 很(非常)(最真誠地)(確實)(衷心)感謝您。

Many thanks for your kind and warm letter. 感謝您友好而熱情的來信。 Thanks a million (ever so much). 萬分(非常)感謝。

Please accept ( I wish to express )my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for 。 請接受(致以)真摯的(衷心的)(深切的)感謝。

I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate 。


I am very sincerely (most) (truly) grateful to you for 。 為了……,我非常真摯的(深深的)(真誠的)感謝您。

There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of your letters. 再也沒有比收到您的來信更使我覺得重要(快慰)(感激)了。 Your letters are so much fun (comfort) (entertainment) (company). 您的來信充滿了樂趣(給了很大安慰)(帶來了歡樂)(使我不感寂寞)。

Your most courteous (considerate)(delightful)letter。 您那彬彬有禮(體貼入微)(令人欣慰)的來信…… I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(relieved)(amused)(enchanted)me. 我無法告訴您,您的來信使我多麼高興(寬慰)(覺得有趣)(陶醉)。

I love the way you say (put) things in your letters. You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting(important)(charming)(mysterious). 我很欣賞您在信中描述各種事物的手法,您的妙筆使細小的事情都顯得很有趣(重要)(動人)(神秘)。 It was good (fine)(charming)(thoughtful)of you。

承蒙好意(美意)(盛情)(關心)…… It was nice(characteristically thoughtful) (more than kind) of you。 承蒙好意(特別關心)(十二分好意)…… At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments. 首先,我要感謝您對我的友愛和問候。

Believe me, I am truly grateful for。 我確實真誠地感謝你…… We were deeply touched by 。

……使我們深受感動。 It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely)(truly)grateful. 這就是說“我深深的(真摯的)(真誠的)感謝”遠不足以(不能確切)(不能明確)表達我的謝意。

It's generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration). 承蒙對我的工作如此操心(為我花費這麼多時間)(對我如此關懷)。 We are indebted to you。

我們感謝你…… I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for 。 未能面謝,深表遺憾。

6. 有關感激的英文句子

Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 為了旅途中最值得留念的一天,謹向您表示感謝。

Thank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months. 在您處的參觀訪問,是我們幾個月中最愉快的一次。謹向您表示感謝。

Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip. 為了旅途中最值得留念的一天,謹向您表示感謝。 Thank you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interesting (pleasant)(resultful). 為了使我去紐約的旅游有趣(愉快)(大有收獲),您做了許多事,特此致謝。

Thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in 。 感謝您為使我們在……的停留期間的愉快所作的許多努力。

Thank you so much for your generous hospitality. 非常感謝您慷慨的款待。 I hope something will bring you to New York soon so that I can reciprocate your kindness. 希望不久您能有機會到紐約來,使我能答謝您的盛情。

you must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here. 希望您光臨我處,使我能答謝您的盛情。 Thank you very much (ever so much) (most sincerely) (indeed) (from the bottom of my heart). 很(非常)(最真誠地)(確實)(衷心)感謝您。

Many thanks for your kind and warm letter. 感謝您友好而熱情的來信。 Thanks a million (ever so much). 萬分(非常)感謝。

Please accept ( I wish to express )my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for 。 請接受(致以)真摯的(衷心的)(深切的)感謝。

I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate 。


I am very sincerely (most) (truly) grateful to you for 。 為了……,我非常真摯的(深深的)(真誠的)感謝您。

There is nothing more important (satisfying) (gratifying) to me than to receive one of your letters. 再也沒有比收到您的來信更使我覺得重要(快慰)(感激)了。 Your letters are so much fun (comfort) (entertainment) (company). 您的來信充滿了樂趣(給了很大安慰)(帶來了歡樂)(使我不感寂寞)。

Your most courteous (considerate)(delightful)letter。 您那彬彬有禮(體貼入微)(令人欣慰)的來信…… I cannot tell you how much your letter delighted(relieved)(amused)(enchanted)me. 我無法告訴您,您的來信使我多麼高興(寬慰)(覺得有趣)(陶醉)。

I love the way you say (put) things in your letters. You make even the smallest incident seem so interesting(important)(charming)(mysterious). 我很欣賞您在信中描述各種事物的手法,您的妙筆使細小的事情都顯得很有趣(重要)(動人)(神秘)。 It was good (fine)(charming)(thoughtful)of you。

承蒙好意(美意)(盛情)(關心)…… It was nice(characteristically thoughtful) (more than kind) of you。 承蒙好意(特別關心)(十二分好意)…… At the outset, I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments. 首先,我要感謝您對我的友愛和問候。

Believe me, I am truly grateful for。 我確實真誠地感謝你…… We were deeply touched by 。

……使我們深受感動。 It is a hopeless(definite)(positive)understatement to say that I am deeply (sincerely)(truly)grateful. 這就是說“我深深的(真摯的)(真誠的)感謝”遠不足以(不能確切)(不能明確)表達我的謝意。

It's generous of you to take so much interest in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much consideration). 承蒙對我的工作如此操心(為我花費這麼多時間)(對我如此關懷)。 We are indebted to you。

我們感謝你…… I regret very much that I did not have an opportunity to thank you personally for 。 未能面謝,深表遺憾。