
解夢佬 0

1. 美好人生 英語作文

There have been dramatic changes in people's lives in the 21st century, especially for the world's youths. The challenges they face are fierce and range from personal problems to work-related issues. As a result, some sociologists argue that compared to young people in the past, young people today encounter more distinct challenges in more diverse areas of their lives. I cannot agree more.Initially, with the advancement of science and the development of technologies such as the Internet, personal challenges have shifted patterns. Take dating as an example: in the past, people got to know each other mainly through middlemen or day to day encounters, and their contacts were limited. Thus there were fewer opportunities to compare individuals, and this decreased the chances for an individual to find someone suitable. Nowadays, with so many online dating platforms such as Zhen'ai and Baihe, people can easily get in touch with one another, which greatly increase people's range of choices. Besides, the Internet also allows people to get to know each other virtually before deciding whether to meet, which greatly reduces awkward situations.Secondly, the economic boom also altered the work-related challenges faced by the youngsters. An example would be the job seeking process. In China, decades ago, people's job allocations were mainly determined by state or local governments. This was especially true for college students. As a result, there was no need to worry about finding a job. But today it is different. College graduates swarm all over the country, and they have to find jobs on their own and compete with numerous counterparts. The number of well-paid jobs is quite limited. According to a recent survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, nearly 7 million college students are graduating in 2013, and so far only one fourth of those have found jobs. It was also mentioned by some educators that this year would be the hardest time for job hunting due to both the exploding number of students and the limited number of qualified candidates.To sum up, under the dual influences of science and technological progress as well as economic development, personal or work-related problems confronted by young people today are quite different from those of the past. 打了半天累死了 幫個忙給分哦。

2. 英語翻譯一定要地道哦

The attorney for Haley Joel Osment,18,requested and was granted a Glendale Superior court appearance continuation to Oct.23.His orginal court date was set for Sept.19.譯文:9月18日“海利•喬•奧斯蒙特”通過其代理律師向“葛倫德耳高等法院”申請并獲準將原定于9月19日的出庭時間延遲至10月23日.Osment,the actor made famous from films such as "The Sixth Sense" and "Pay It Forward," is facing charges including misdemeanor driving under the influence resulting from a car accident on Flintridge Avenue in La Cañada Flintridge on July 20.譯文:因出演《靈異第六感》與《美好人生》而走紅的(著名)童星“奧斯蒙特”,此次將面臨警方指控,指控其于7月20日在La Cañada Flintridge的Flintridge公路,由于違規駕駛而導致交通事故.其中:1、Glendale——葛倫德耳(美國加利福尼亞州西南部一城市,位于洛杉磯北面約六英里處)2、《靈異第六感》 ——又名:《鬼眼》The Sixth Sense3、《美好人生》——又名:《讓愛傳出去》,Pay It Forward,《愛心預支》,《浮世因緣》 4、La Cañada Flintridge——The name for La Cañada Flintridge comes from the Spanish word la cañada,meaning gorge,ravine.La Cañada Flintridged 是地名,音譯詞,這個名字來自西班牙語,原意為:峽山,溝壑.。

3. 臨別贈言的英語句子有哪些

祝賀畢業 Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled with success and joy of seeing your dreams come true.恭祝學成畢業!愿您前途似錦,夢想成真。

Congratulations on your graduation and hope the future will bring you success and a whole wide world of happiness.恭賀學成畢業,愿你吉星高照,鵬程萬里!I'm hopeful and confident, too, that the graduation ceremonies will really be a commencement and that satisfying and rewarding experiences await you.我真誠地期望并深信,歡慶畢業只是你美好人生的開端,心滿意足的燦爛前程正等待著你。May you enjoy to the fullest the happiness of today and the opportunity of each tomorrow.祝你享受今日的無上幸福與歡愉,愿你得到明天的每一個良機與幸運。

The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless. Graduation only marks a stage of one's education. Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.學海無涯。畢業只標志著一個人受教育的一個階段。

不斷求知,持續進取,才能使我們提升到一個個更高的臺階。*感謝老師 Thank you for making learning not a job but a joy.感謝您使我們把枯燥的學習變成快樂的享受。

I could have achieved no success without you unselfish dedication.沒有您無私的奉獻,就沒有我成功的今天。Whatever chaos reigned outside, we knew we'd find order, justice and chance to learn inside your classroom and tolerance and laughter. And excitement.我們深知,無論外面的世界怎樣變幻莫測,只要坐在教室里聆聽您的教誨,我們總能發現有序、正義和求知的良機,沐浴在寬容、歡笑和激動的陽光里。

I'm not your best student, but you're my most admirable teacher. On this special holiday, I, a student of yours, wish you youth forever.我不是您最優秀的學生,而您卻是我最崇拜的老師。在您的節日,您的學生愿您永葆青春。

*祝賀新婚 There is a certain ease in a happy marriage——a certainty, a contentment, that lies beneath all change. May the coming years bring you ever closer. May they give you contentment and adventure, astonishments and peace.--Pam Brown 幸福的婚姻里自有一種安逸——蘊涵于萬物變化中的某種可靠和滿足。愿未來的日子使你們更加親密。

愿未來給你們滿足、奇遇、驚喜和安寧。--布朗 Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished.--Og Mandino 愿你珍惜已得到的愛勝過一切。

當你韶華已逝,健康不再,愛將長存。--曼迪諾"Be kind to one another." This is the Golden Rule of marriage and the secret of making love last through the years.--Randolph Ray “善待對方”這是婚姻的金科玉律,也是讓愛相隨終生的秘訣。

--倫道夫•雷 May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age.愿你倆永浴愛河,祝你倆幸福與年俱增。Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes always!一生中只有一次美夢能實現,結婚使你倆的整個世界頓時變得絢麗多彩。

祝你們永遠幸福。Congratulations to the groom, best wishes to the bride. May your path be long and filled with joy.恭賀新郎、新娘!祝你們在漫長的人生旅程中相濡以沫,永遠幸福。

4. 人生美好的句子



























































5. 名人名言帶英語的

1. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

2.A friend indeed is known by sharing hardships. 患難是朋友的試金石。3.Plain living and high thinking. 生活要樸素,情操要高尚。

4.What is done by night appears by day. 若要人不知,除非己莫為。5.Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. 熱情而無知,猶如無光之火。

6.You never know till you have tried. 不嘗試,不知曉。7.Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人。

8.Pay what you owe,and you'll know what's your own. 付清你所欠下的債,方知什麼是屬于自己的。9.A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人若無友,猶如只有生命沒有太陽。

10.A good friend is my nearest relation. 好友如近親。11.A hedge between keeps friendship en. 淡交使友誼長青。

(君子之交淡如水)12.All are not friends that speak us fair. 說我們好話的未必全是朋友。13.Better an open enemy than a false friend. 虛偽的朋友比公開的朋友更可怕。

14.Better (be) alone than in bad company. 寧可獨處,勿交壞友。15.One never notices what has been done;one can only see what remains to be done. ——Marie Curie 切不要注意已經做了哪些,而只能去考慮還有哪些有待去做。

——居里夫人 16.Always aim for achievement and forget about success.——Helen Hayes 永遠要爭取去做出成就,別去多考慮成功。——海倫17.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 久別情深。

18.Actions speak louder than words. 事實勝于雄辯。19.Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. 家規再嚴,事端難免。

20.All good things must come to an end. 天下沒有不散的宴席(好景不長)。21.All shall be well,and Jack shall have jill. 有情人終成眷屬。

22.All that glitters is not gold. 閃光的未必都是金子。23.All things are difficult before they are easy. 萬事開頭難。

24.Always prepare for a rainy day. 未雨綢繆。25.As you sow,so shall you reap. 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。

26.Walls have ears. 隔墻有耳。27.Waste not,want not. 不浪費,不愁缺。

28.What is done cannot be undone. 生米已成熟飯/木已成舟。29.Where there's a will,there's a way. 有志者事竟成。

30.Where there's smoke,there's fire. 無風不起浪。31.While there is life there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。

32.Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited. 惡有惡報。 33.If wishes were horses,beggars would ride. 如果愿望都能實現,乞丐早就發財了。

(愿望不能代替實際)。34.Ill news comes apace. 壞事傳千里。

35.In unity there is strength. 團結就是力量。So said,so done. 說到做到/言出必行。

36.Well begun is half done. 好的開端是成功的一半。37.Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

38.No pains,no gains. 一分耕耘,一分收獲。39.Reading makes a full man. 讀書使人完善。

40.Failure is the mother of success. 失敗是成功之母。41.Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人。

42.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “Impossible”.——Napoleon凡是決心取得勝利的人是從來不說“不可能”的。——拿破侖43.Time is a bird forever on the wing. ——Robertson時間是一支永遠在飛翔的鳥。

——羅伯遜44.Don't waste life in doubts and fears. ——Emerson不要把生命浪費于懷疑與恐懼中。 ——愛默生 45.It's an ill bird that fouls its own nest. 家丑不可外揚。

46.at minds think alike.英雄所見略同。這類句子在網上搜一搜還是很多的,希望能幫到你。