
解夢佬 0

1. 求一篇關于 信任 的英文

Trust flowerThe greatest trust is trust yourself, trust yourself than to trust others more difficult,. Maybe someone would say: trust is a be an easy job to matter, is not lift a finger."! What I'm trying to say。

You're wrong. The trust is to their own dedication to others and sure.In daily life, we can see everywhere on the " trust" for example. People taking a blind man across the street, the teacher to teach students knowledge, the parents of a child's education 。 。

Prior to participating in social practice at the time, I remember clearly the instructor teaches us" trust fall " of the game, to which it is to be what is the significance of trust. Through this activity, let the class together, learn together and trust. When we trust others also have to believe in yourself, the master of your own fate.As the saying goes: no bullies oneself, do not deceive, do not bully day, a gentleman so shendu. If there is no trust is present, then each other speculation, the lack of the so-called love. An egoistic, narrow-minded, no help each other, trust each other's appearance, so also, existence value and meaning? The trust between friends is very important, when we encounter a trouble when talk way and object. This is not a good thing? I believe that the "trust" can create many so-called cannot achieve, can be added to many of the so-called life color, can change many of the so-called bad ending.So we should give more trust, a little guess, more concern, a little less competition. Let the flowers in your trust in my heart! 這還有一篇剛剛寫的Learn to trustPeople often say: do not deceive others, because you cheating is often the most trust you, indeed, what is faith? Trust is when someone is lying to you but you for gospel truth, always think he is right for you is sincere, but trust but we face a life should have a positive attitude.I remember junior high school when, I and friends attended the school held a" confidence game" competition, the rules is a blindfolded, another led him to pass a fountain pool, there are still a few small stones can be numbers, we must use the stone went to the fountain pool on the opposite side, with the when the lowest group win. But accidentally fell into the water, also mean elimination 。 。

The game begins, we two looked at before a few groups of participants continued to fall, really embarrassed, like" soaked through", are all drenched, is awesome!Just as the former sigh, immediately when the umpire announced our name, the beginning of the game, my heart jumped away, then patted me on the shoulder saying: believe me! I like to eat this, head do not want anything, only belief is: I will win. The next second my eyes covered, a pitch-dark, heart" click ", a kind of never fear 。 。

Then the strong hands I hold, led me to the fountain, with a gunshot, I was so confused and with his trust and confidence step by step stepped pace, go ahead 。 。

Still afraid, eyes suddenly lit up, we successfully reached the end, the students scream, applause resounded through the whole campus. Us two just gave each other a trust. However, things are often beyond our expect, though we can't stop it happening, but we can change it. To create our own miracle.Nothing is impossible, only you do not want to. Remember, don't say: No. It is because we trust in each other, we are successful, we are proud of it. So trust on us has unusual significance.Trust, are scattered in a little seed, now it has developed into a big tree by its fruit feeding us. Therefore, we should learn to trust others, trust yourself.。

2. 想問下關于信任的英語名言急需要啊


trust;have confidence in;believe in;reliance;dependence更多釋義>>


信任 Trust,belief,confidence

相互信任 mutual trust,Bbelief in people,Share the one dream

建立信任 Confidence building,build trust,Credible

3. 請教一下關于信任的英語名言跪求答案一枚啊


1、If e is the only fortune. (Laski)


2、Cherish life will cherish today.


3、Life contains a day a day, symbol of life.


4、If you can make good use of, life is long.(Seneca)


5、Growth is the only witness of life. (Newman)


6、Life is a perilous defile, only the brave people.(Michelle pan)


7、Understand the life and love of life is happiness.


8、Don't waste life in doubts and fears. ( Emerson )


9、If e is a precious thing, death is the greatest evil. (Henie)


10、Espect for life, respect life. (Du Gaer)


11、We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough.


12、Who understand the true meaning of life, short life can be extended.(Cicero)


13、Have ambition, live on in spirit, no ambition, you have ceased to live.


14、The great use of life is to spend it for something that overlasts it.( W. James )


15、Life can be two times, but many people are not good at spending.(and Kate)

生命不可能有兩次,但許多人連一次也不善于度過。(呂凱特 )

4. 用以表達相信的短語或句型

I think so.我也這樣認為

Me too! 我也是

I think it's is!我相信應該是這樣

I think yes!我想是的

I am sure!我也肯定是這樣

B-it or not.



[口]真的, 相信我的話吧。

I trust what you say.


She has won his confidence, he trusts her.


To regard with doubt or disbelief.


I refuse to believe that.


To feel doubt or distrust about.


5. 關于寫一篇“trust”英語的短文

the impaotance of trust

Everyone needs friends.You will consult with your friends if there are problems that you cannot handle alone.Undoubtly,trust is the first step of making friends.Trusting in each is the foundation of the communication between you and your kith and kin.

In accordance with the development of the economy,people's living pace is much faster in the mordern society.The majority of our life is filled with the work for earning money .Our lonely hearts need the warmth from loyal lovers as well as honest friends who we must give our trust.Otherwise,there are cooperations everywhere in the economic society.Trust is necessary between the two partners.

Obviously,trust consists in many relationships in our life.The society in the abscenceof trust is non-existent.