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1. certain 用某個的意思造句

1. For example, a radiologist at a big research hospital may provide a consultation for a rural hospital that doesn't have the expertise to diagnose certain conditions.


2. Similarly, there are other products, especially those used in a transient manner, or those used by people with certain disabilities, that must be optimized for beginners.


3. Understanding why a user performs certain tasks gives designers great power to improve or even eliminate those tasks yet still accomplish the same goals.


2. 用be certain of/about sth其中一個造四句話,要寫中文,還有我是個

He is certain of winning the match. 他確信能贏這場比賽。

If you to be certain of seeing play in London, you to book your seat advance.

如果你想確定的看到在倫敦的劇場, 你必須提前預訂座位

There is nothing of the universe you be certain of improving, but your own self!


Unless he is certain of doing as well , he will probably do best to follow the rules
