
解夢佬 0

1. 用英語來描述我和閨密的友情故事

There is a warm and sweet call close friend. In the journey of growth, every girl wouldhave several close friend, weave together with a copy of the most sincere friendship.The first close friend I was in preschool know.我們一起生病,一起將以前的家長簽字剪下粘到考砸了的卷子上,一起觀察院子角落里的新葉,一起湊錢買吃的,一起為受男生欺負的女生打抱不平…… Together we get sick, together will be before the parents to sign cut glued to the exampaper, together with the observation of new leaves in the corner of the courtyard,clubbed together to eat, together with the popular with the boys bully girls who。




She is always wearing two upstanding pigtail. Liu Haixi sparse arrangement in the highbrow. A few small mole naughty ground based on her cheeks slightly cherry red on.Her smile, dimples and immediately left the shape. The two front tooth makes people feel that she is very simple.第一次遇見她時我正看著未及格的聽寫本。我盯著聽寫本有些發呆,突然,從肩頭不知誰遞來了一根波板糖。




The first time I met her when I was watching the failing dictation book. I stared at thedictation of the some in a daze, suddenly, I do not know who came from the shoulders of a wave plate sugar. I turned around, saw her smiling at me. Exposing a small eye teeth are looking in. Without my permission, will wave plate sugar into my hand, said: "sugar is sweet, eat it, your heart will be sweet." I was her idea to laugh. Then, webecame good friends. Now think about it, the original was a lollipop and she became friends, really miss childhood innocence.若說出一種花與她相符,那我必定會說“勿忘我”。它有一種獨具的質樸素雅的感覺,總帶給人淡淡的幽香。

她與我都只想要樸素而不單調的生活,每天都有新的小發現,驚喜之余也會思索與我們對生活的思考。If say a flower and she agrees, then I will say "don't forget me". It has a simple but elegant unique feeling, always bring people faint fragrance. She and I are just wantsimple and not monotonous life, every day a little to find new, more surprise will think and think of our life.六年前,我們分別。




我舍不得,但是卻就這樣無情與她再見。Six years ago, we were. But we believe that we will see. When I went back to look forher, he has left home. I seem to be a light energy, toward us hours often played up to where. We met season, the summer sun will my forehead the sun irritablely painful. I want to cry, but no energy. How I wish time would stretch out behind a lollipop, will have her. I loathe to give up, but it is so relentless and her goodbye.或許,我們會在另一個角落遇見。


你一定會笑著答應的,對吧?Maybe we will meet in a corner. At that time, I would take a sugar, handed it to her, asshe gave me the same. I will smile and say; "Hey, I want you to be my best friend." You will smile to promise, right?。

2. 祝閨蜜生日快樂的話語用英語來表達

閨蜜是:BFF=best friend forever

Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event. Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose.


My special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent.


3. 送給閨密的一段話,英語加翻譯類型


如果有一天,你心動了,戀愛了,我不會說什麼,只會把祝福送給你;如果有一天,你受傷了,疲倦了,我還是不會說什麼,只會把肩膀借給你靠。 --致我親愛的閨蜜

I am willing to accompany you for a lifetime accompany you laugh, make, accompany you cry, accompany you crazy. I want to grow old together, until the teeth when, also wearing a flower dress on the bed to gossip. Have you nice! I love you. Forever.

If one day, you Heartbeat, love, what I will not say, will only make wishes for you; if one day, you hurt, tired, I still will not say what, will only lend you rely on the shoulder. -- to my dear close friend

4. 用英語介紹自己的閨蜜帶翻譯40詞

This is my best best friend. Her name is Linda. She is a very considerable girl who always stays by by side when I am upset. I have been knowing her for over 10 years. We both like to go shopping and eating dilicious food.

這是我的好閨蜜,她叫 Linda。她是個非常善解人意的姑娘,總是在我沮喪的時候陪著我。我認識她十多年來。我們都喜歡逛街,都是吃貨。

5. 用一個詩句來形容朋友之間不舍的感情

1)依依不舍的留念、離愁別恨,如直接書寫離情別意的詩歌:李白《贈汪倫》《金陵酒肆留別》、柳永《雨霖鈴》、王維《渭城曲》 (2)情深意長的勉勵和贊頌 如:王勃《送杜少府之任蜀川》 、高適的《別董大》(“莫愁前路無知己,天下誰人不識君”一句重在對友人的勸勉) (3)坦陳心志的告白 借以一吐胸中積憤或表明心志 如:王昌齡《芙蓉樓送辛漸》“洛陽親友如相問,一片冰心在玉壺.”自比冰壺,表達自己開闊胸懷和堅強性格.參考書目:①《唐詩三百首》(圖文版) 京華出版社 2004年1月第一版。