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1. 英語人物情緒描寫的句子100個


2 .他心里好像有種說不出的滋味,好像全世界的蛇膽都在自己肚子中翻騰,他受不了,想把這種苦吐掉,但是這東西剛倒嘴邊,又硬生生地咽了回去,空留他一口苦澀。 3.他忽而死死盯著那水果攪拌機,好象他自己的心在那兒攪拌、流血,再把那破碎的心植回胸膛,卻也只剩一攤死水。

4. 他不覺得悲,但心中又不知是什麼滋味,然而他忽而明白了:他現在心里早就麻木了!他嚼著口中的菜,卻覺得那菜似是泥做的,但要真是泥做的,也應該有些泥滋味吧! 5、平靜的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一樣歡騰。 6、英語測驗得了100分,小明抑制不住內心的喜悅,像小鳥一樣飛進了家門。


9、姐姐頓時歡天喜地,嘴咧得如同一朵綻放的荷花,久久地合不攏。 10、頓時,我好像掉進了冰窖里,從心頂涼到了腳尖。

1. he felt his heart file like a blunt the cruel cut, grief from a wound, a Sala sad.2. his heart seems to have a strange taste, as if the whole world is in the snake in his stomach churning, he can not stand, want to put this bitter spit, but this thing just down the mouth, and abruptly swallowed back, he left empty pint of bitter.3. and he stared at the fruit mixer, as if he himself in the heart stirring, then there is bleeding, my broken heart returned to the chest, but also only a pool of stagnant water.4. he did not feel sad, but I don't know what it is, but he suddenly understood: he was numb now! He chews the dish in his mouth, but thinks it seems to be made of mud, but it should be made of mud, and it should be a bit of mud.5. The surface of the calm lake stirred the waves, and my mood was as cheerful as a wave.6, the English test got 100 points, Xiao Ming can not restrain the joy of heart, like a bird flying into the family.7, red and red unwittingly entered the dream, dreaming of his own five colored wings, flying in the blue sky, really 8 happy.8, we can not say how happy feet like the wind, walk faster and stronger.9, sister suddenly happy, the mouth is like a blooming lotus, long time to close.10, suddenly, I seem to fall into ice, from top to toe cold heart.。

2. 英文表達情緒的詞

Admiring Adore Agreeable

Anticipate Ardent Aroused Assure Avid Bliss Brave Calm Capable Careful Caring Cautious

Centered Charitable Comfort Compassionate Concern Considerate Consoled Contented Delighted

Devoted Eager Ecstasy Elated Empathy Enjoyment Enthusiastic Excessive Excitement

Exhilarated Faith Fanatical Fancy Fearless Ferocious Fervent Fidelity Fond Freedom

Friendly Fulfilled Glad Gleeful Good Happiness Harmony Heartache Heartfelt Honorable Hope

Intimacy Irritated Joy Keen Kind Lost Love Manic Mindful Mollified Moved Murky Nervous

Nowhere Obsessive Obstructed Passionate Peaceful Placated Please Pleasure Powerful Proud

Regretful Rejoice Relieved Reserved Respectful Rested Safe Satisfied Sentiment Soothe

Speedy Spirited Stimulated Stormy Support Surprised Sympathy Tender Thrilled Trust Well

Wonderful Worshipful Zealous


敬佩崇拜愉快期望熱心被激起保證熱中強有力驕傲懊高興解除的極樂勇敢的安靜可勝任的仔細的關心的謹慎被集中的慈善舒適慈悲的關心考慮周到被慰問的滿足的歡欣的虔誠熱切的銷魂興高采烈的同情享受熱心過份興奮興奮的信念狂熱花梢無所畏懼的兇猛慷慨激昂的保真度喜歡自由友好的被履行的高興的高興的好幸福和諧心傷衷心高尚的希望親熱被激怒的喜悅敏銳的親切的失去的愛狂躁記住被減輕的被移動的黑暗的緊張的無處縈繞被阻礙的多情平安的被安撫的請樂趣后備的恭敬的休息的安全滿意的情緒安慰迅速Spirited 被刺激的風雨如磐的支持驚奇的同情招標興奮的信任井美妙虔誠熱忱

3. 有哪些心情詞(用英語表達)

blue/down/depressed 憂郁的,情緒低落的

sorry/sad 難過的

happy 高興的

excited 興奮的

light-hearted 心情歡快的

heavy-hearted 心情沉重的

crazy 瘋狂的

bored 百無聊賴的

pissed/mad/angry 生氣的,惱怒的

desperate 絕望的

supprised 驚奇的

troubled/bothered 困擾的

moody 情緒化的

exhausted/tired 疲勞的

lost/confused 迷惑的

horny/lusty 性興奮的

afraid/frightened 害怕的

pessimistic 悲觀的

cynical 憤世嫉俗的,偏激的

optimistic 樂觀的

confident 自信的

4. 形容人的情緒情緒詞英語

形容人情緒的形容詞:happy、delighted、joyful, cheerful、merry


英 ['hæpɪ] 美 ['hæpɪ]

adj. 幸福的;高興的;巧妙的

例句:Marina was a confident, happy child.



英 [dɪ'laɪtɪd] 美 [dɪ'laɪtɪd]

adj. 高興的;令人愉快的;樂意的

例句:I know Frank will be delighted to see you.



英 ['dʒɒɪfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美 ['dʒɔɪfl]

adj. 歡喜的;令人高興的

例句:A wedding is a joyful celebration of love.



讀音:英 ['tʃɪəfl] 美 ['tʃɪrfl]

釋義:adj. 高興的;快樂的

例句:Her cheerful spirits and bubble laughter infect the whole class.



英 ['merɪ] 美 ['mɛri]

adj. 愉快的;微醉的;嬉戲作樂的

例句:From the house come bursts of merry laughter.
