
解夢佬 0

1. 用英語表達個人見解的句子有哪些


I think 。

As far as I am concerned。

For my part。

Personally speaking。

As to me,。

As I see it,。

It seems to me that。

In my view。

If I may say so, I think。

I'm of the opinion that。

If you ask me,。

I believe/feel。

In my opinion ,。

2. 一個史上很迷惑的英語句子

我的理解是連著三個BY短語,都是修飾DISTRIBUTE,BY通常都表示用什麼樣的方式,這里是表示通過三種不同的途徑來進行分發.所以我認為最簡單易懂的就是we distribute some goods by,by,by,但是肯定不是定語從句,只能算是三個并列的定語名詞some goods we distribute by merit,other we distribute by need,still others we distribute by chance.中間的修飾語都給省掉了.。

3. 速求英語作文,關于對火星文看法的一篇作文,說說同學們的看法,

Text-speakWith the development of the society and the industry of the International Technology,we have more access to the internet,when we chat online,to be more convenient,we began to use a kind of word,text-speak,which is always special.On one hand,text-speak can show our personalities and fashions,it can tell people whether I am happy or sad,as well as our interesting.Also,text-speak is full of humorous and wisdom,using it can indicate our knowledge and brilliant mind as is the active mood.So it can build a good thought and feeling.However,on the other hand,many people are fighting against it,because they think it can damage our language using habitat,at the same time,many people will have difficulty in understanding the text-speak due to its over shorten word,so they don't think using text-speak is a good idea.In my opinion,text-speak is a powerful tool to express our feelings,but if we overuse it,it may cause many problems.Therefore,control ourselves when using the text-speak and make it useful to our lives.。


7. 如果他以前沒有不斷地練習講英語,那麼他現在就不能如此出色地用英語表達思想.If he hadn't repeatedly practised speaking English, he could't be able to express himself so excellently.8. 如果你昨天幫她搬家具的話,她今晚就會請你跳舞了.If you had helped her move the furniture, she would invite you to dance tonight.9. 她領養了一個孩子,據她說這孩子原先是個孤兒.She has adopted a kid, who she says was an orphan. 10. 他是一個雄心勃勃的學生,我相信他將來會成為了不起的政治家.He is an ambitious student, who I believe will be a great politicianin the future.。