
解夢佬 0

1. 英文短句 感悟人生的


1. Don't worry, be happy!


2. Look on the bright side.


3. Take it easy, man. Its not that big of adeal.

放輕松,老兄。沒什 大不了的。

4. Keep your chin up. Everything will be all right.


5. Be more opti mistic! Its not the end of the world.


6. Heaven will always leave a door open.


7. Dont get down. Things will work out eventually.


8. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you.


9. Hang in there! / Stick to it! The victory will go to you in theend.


10. Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesnt mean youre outofthe picture.


2. 人生的英語感悟

If I understand the idea, the BAZAR invites several of us towrite upon the above text. It means the change in my life'scourse which introduced what must be regarded by me as the mostIMPORTANT condition of my career. But it also implies--withoutintention, perhaps--that that turning-point ITSELF was thecreator of the new condition. This gives it too muchdistinction, too much prominence, too much credit. It is onlythe LAST link in a very long chain of turning-points commissionedto produce the cardinal result; it is not any more important thanthe humblest of its ten thousand predecessors. Each of the tenthousand did its appointed share, on its appointed date, inforwarding the scheme, and they were all necessary; to have leftout any one of them would have defeated the scheme and broughtabout SOME OTHER result. It know we have a fashion of saying"such and such an event was the turning-point in my life," but weshouldn't say it. We should merely grant that its place as LASTlink in the chain makes it the most CONSPICUOUS link; in realimportance it has no advantage over any one of its predecessors. Chapter IIattitude to life We have a saying "destiny" character creation, therefore, attitude, character and personality is = = = attitude is destiny, so if the right attitude fate, fate nature also went toward the direction of "correct" development, it is logical, but in the life "attitude" how to "set"? But what is more complex, more likely, it is not so simple, or just take a single options can finish. Because of "life", the life span 70 to estimate assume a paragraph, such as 10 years before and after 10 years of life needs and ideological attitude is not the same growth to 20 years old, he again into 30 acceptable and the environment is not the same, and so on, has grown to 70 years old, affirmation is living in another world, so that each to a stage, it must be different degree of growth, and learn the different environment, needs and responsibility or said. Also means different stages, will have different life "attitude", will make the necessary adjustments "attitude", to face your own health life. Basically should cultivate themselves, keep the following principles can: 1. With an open mind 2 the attitude to learn 3 good interpersonal interaction relationship 4 maintain healthy body 5. Have a happy family 6 work or business can be stable development 7. To see the future prospects If can be more "attitude", I dare say :you are a the happiest person in the world. 以下是這篇文章的漢語,由于本人不是很專業,所以請樓主對細節地方再做一下完善: 人生態度 我們有句話說“性格創造命運”, 因此,態度就=性格,性格又=命運,所以態度就=命運, 如果態度正確了,命運自然也就朝往“正確”的方向發展了, 這是必然的邏輯 但在人生的“態度”上要如何“設定”?可就比較復雜些, 更可能,就并不是那麼簡單了,或只采取單一選項就能完成。

因為“人生”全長的壽命,假設預估70歲為一個全程段落, 譬如10歲前以及10歲后,的生活需求與思想態度就不一樣了 成長到20歲再進入30歲,他所接受的環境肯定又不一樣了,以此類推, 一直成長到70歲,肯定又是生存在另一個世界中, 所以說每到一個階段,都有它一定不同程度的成長,與學習的不同環境 而有所變化,或說需求與責任。也就是說不同的階段,就要具備不同的人生“態度”,就要做出必要的調整“態度”,來健康面對自己的人生。

基本上應該培養自己,時時保持以下幾個原則即可: 1.開闊的心胸與視野 2.積極學習的態度來充實內在 3.建立良好人際互動的關系 4.保持健康的體魄 5.擁有一個美滿的家庭 6.工作或事業都能穩定發展 7.能看到未來的遠景 如能心存以上的“人生態度”,我敢說你定是一位世界上最幸福的人。

3. 誰能給我些優美的英文句子


獨自面對這份尊貴,思念的繭,慢慢長出溫暖。Walking in the city ofotxmfish, beauty is my own loneliness. Facing the nobleness myself,warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing.2、卸下一身的城市浮華,輕輕地把心交給美麗的家,終于可以休息一下了。

Demount all the luxuryof city, hand your heart to the beautiful home gently, then you canhave a good rest.3、寬大而簡潔的沙發,讓我忙碌的身體完全迷失,沉寂了一整天的氣息,又漸漸蘇醒過來。My busy body is lostcompletely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is drearyall the day comes to itself gradually.4、沖一杯原味咖啡,在明凈的空間里享受一個人的愜意。

Get a cup of coffee withoriginal taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the purespace.5、清新的花兒,靜立在圓幾上,綻放著自我的美麗。The clean flowers standon the circular table silently, opening its own beauty.6、攤開我最珍愛的雜志,跳躍在白楓立櫥上的幾道光線,陪我度過又一個簡單的午后。

Unfolding my mostprecious magazine, see the bouncing sunshine on the white maplecabinet which consort with me for a simple afternoon.7、輕柔的音樂在寬大的房間里回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的音符,彌漫出淡淡的味道。The soft music isconvoluting in the broad room, the note which is mapped on theingenious floor cupboard pervades light flavor.8、在最心愛的餐桌上享用美味的晚餐,是我一天來最大的幸福。

Having the deliciousdinner on the most precious table is the biggest happiness all theday.9、裝飾簡潔清雅的書房,延伸著我感性的觸角。在這個靈性的空間里,把我孤獨的靈魂放飛。

The studying room withsimple and elegant decoration extends my sensible antenna. I canfly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space.10、在這里,自然可以被賦予一種顏色,一種思想,一種境界。Nature can be endowed bya kind of color, a kind of thought, a kind ofconception.11、構造簡潔典雅的轉角書柜,蘊藏著古樸的純粹,完美我的精神寓所。

The turning-angelbookcase with simple and elegant structure contains the immemorialpureness, which can perfect my habitat of spirit.12、靜聆人生絮語,輕撫歲月腳步,感悟屬于自己的完美空間,心靈也就輕盈起來了。Listening to the wordsof life silently, touching the steps of times lightly, tasting theperfect space belong to you, then the heart will belight-hearted.13、在每一個清晨,安靜地享受家的溫暖與詩意,生活中最美的細節總是這樣令人陶醉。

Enjoying the warmth andpoetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in thelife are always so charming.14、清雅的生活方式,演繹對生命的深層感悟。The clean and elegantlife style deduces the deep thought of life.15、楓木的原始清香,在現代家居的優雅中四處漫溢。

The original fragrant ofmaple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room.16、清雅的色彩與結構,在紛繁的世界里,煥發出獨特的表現力和持久的生命力。The clean and elegantcolor and structure coruscate the unique expressive force andpermanent life.17、用藝術的思維凝結生活的感動,家也可以擁有如此生動的自由。

Coagulating the movementof life by the artistic thought, the house can hold the livelyfreedom also.18、都市的溫情,又融入大自然的樸質,使現代家具呈現出一種獨特的人文情懷。The warmth of citymelted with the natural simplicity makes the modern furniture takeon an unique humanism care.19、給自己的居室多一點光亮,不僅是對身心健康的保護,更是彰顯生活品位的完美裝飾。

Giving your room more light is not onlyto protect the health, but to decorate your taste of life.20、華美的客廳洋溢著嫻靜優美的氣息,素潔輕盈的色線營造著浪漫的情趣。生活,本就該如此無拘無束。

The gorgeous parlor arefull of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight lightmakes the romantic taste. Life should be so free inward.21、在這寧靜的時刻追憶似水流年,有太多的東西需要在內心里仔細珍藏,有太多的東西需要我們細細品味。Remembering the pasttimes in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasurecarefully, too many things to taste slightly.22、生活的色彩與個性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也總有一些依托讓你找到生活真實而豐富的憑據。

The understanding ofthe color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. However,you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to reallife.23、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空間里,欣賞如藝術精品般的家具,將生活的感動化為細致的品味,慢慢鑒賞。Living in the wonderfulspace of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furnitureand taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!24、面對四季的窗口,總有春暖花開的遐想,有一絲清風撲面而來,有幾縷馨香四處飄逸。

When facing the。

4. 關于感慨人生不易的句子










