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1. 求《無人生還》英文簡介



接著,“殺人兇手”開始一個一個地被殺害……無人生還。The plot seems simple, but it's the darkest and most intense crime thriller you can expect. Trapped on the island by stormy seas, the “murderers” soon discover that their fates have been foretold by a creepy nursery rhyme. In the manor where they're staying, the 10 jade statues on the dining table start to disappear as the island's occupants are picked off one at a time.故事情節似乎很簡單,但它絕對是你能想到氛圍最陰暗、節奏最緊湊的犯罪驚悚片。


It's natural for the guests to feel anger and despair as they face their ineluctable deaths. Agatha Christie, true to her reputation as the “queen of crime”, vividly depicts their humanity and represents how people react differently under immense stress.面對無法逃避的死亡,客人們自然會感到憤怒和絕望。阿加莎•克里斯蒂真是當之無愧的“偵探小說女王”,她用生動的筆觸描繪出了人性,展現了人們在高度緊張狀態下的不同反應。

Among the cast of characters is Vera Claythorne, an anxious, guilt-ridden woman who's willing to kill the others to survive. Then there's the ruthless, dissolute Philip Lombard, who seeks to cooperate with the other guests to find the real killer. One of Christie's virtues is her ability to set the scene swiftly and introduce characters using only a few short sentences, commented Kathryn Harkup, a columnist for The Wall Street Journal.在眾多角色之中,維拉•克萊索恩是一個焦躁并有犯罪傾向的女人,她為了活命可以殺害別人。還有冷酷無情,風流成性的菲利普•隆巴德,他試圖與其他客人聯手找到幕后真兇。

克里斯蒂的一大優點就是能快速設置情景,并且只需寥寥幾句話就能引入新的人物,《華爾街日報》專欄作家凱瑟琳•哈卡普評論道。The source of Christie's enduring popularity lies in her ample research and planning, according to Harkup. Throughout her prolific career, the late author killed off hundreds of characters by bullets, daggers and poison.哈卡普認為,克里斯蒂的人氣之所以經久不衰是因為她做了充分的研究和計劃。

在她多產的職業生涯中,這位已故作家塑造了成百上千個被害者角色,作案工具包括使用子彈、匕首和毒藥。“Christie's training as a pharmacist gave her invaluable knowledge of poisons and enabled huge variety and flexibility in her plots. No other crime writer has used so many poisons, so often and to such great effect,” Harkup wrote.哈卡普寫道:“克里斯蒂曾接受過藥劑師培訓,這段經歷教給了她寶貴的毒藥知識,讓她能創作極其豐富和多變的故事情節。

還沒有其他犯罪小說家如此頻繁地使用過這麼多毒藥,她的影響是空前的。” Sarah Phelps, the screenwriter of the BBC's adaptation, believes that what makes the Christie's novels timeless is their ability to touch on moral dilemmas. They are more than simple murder mysteries.該劇編劇莎拉•菲爾普斯認為克里斯蒂的小說之所以成為永恒經典,因為它們涉及到道德兩難的問題。

這些小說遠不止是謀殺疑案那麼簡單。And Then There Were None, for example, makes you think about what it means to take a life, according to Phelps. “At what point does judgment stop being dispassionate and start becoming psychotic? Does anybody really deserve this? There is something else。

the most forensic examination of guilt, transgression,” she told The Guardian.菲爾普斯說,《無人生還》會讓你思考殺一個人意味著什麼。她告訴《衛報》:“從何時起,人們不再冷靜地判斷,而變得歇斯底里?每個人的結局都是他們應得的嗎?一定還有別的隱情……找出真兇最有效的辦法。”

2. 求《無人生還》開篇 十個小兵人的英語原文

Ten little Indian boys, to eat to run ;Choked to death on a can't save, ten only nine.Nine little nigger boys sat up very late;Once I died in nine only eight.Eight little nigger boys traveling in Devin ;Leave a life when, in eight only seven.Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks;Ax half life rests, in seven only six.Six little Indian boys playing with a hive bees, provoked anger;Flying a sting. Alas, six only five.Five little Indian boys, be meddlesome lawsuit ;The lawsuits until death in five only four.Four little Indian boys, boys going out to sea was difficult;The fish to swallow a blood stained, four only three.Three little nigger boys walking in the zoo;The bear suddenly from heaven, three only two.Two little Indian boys, the sun for a long sigh ;Fried roast sad at heart, a two one.One little Indian boy, I'm going home! Just one person ;He went and hanged himself, and then there were none.


3. 《無人生還》的原文是什麼


But I now know how, no artist could content to simply create art.He is eager to own art will be recognised by the world, the nature is unable to overcome.

《無人生還》(And Then There Were None,1939年發行時書名為Ten Little Niggers。

后改為Ten Little Indians),又譯《十個小黑人》、《童謠謀殺案》、《孤島奇案》、《十個小印第安人》、《一個都不留》、《孤島十命》等。


4. 求英國懸疑小說and then there were none (無人生還)里那首小詩的

Ten little Indian boys went out to dine;

One choked his little self and then therewere nine.

Nine little Indian boys sat up very late;

One overslept himself and then there wereeight.

Eight little Indian boys travelling inDevon;

One said he'd stay there and then therewere seven.

Seven little Indian boys chopping upsticks;

One chopped himself in halves and thenthere were six.

Six little Indian boys playing with a hive;

A bumblebee stung one and then there werefive.

Five little Indian boys going in for law;

One got in Chancery and then there werefour.

Four little Indian boys going out to sea;

A red herring swallowed one and then therewere three.

Three little Indian boys walking in theZoo;

A big bear hugged one and then there weretwo.

Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun;

One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little Indian boy left all alone;

He went and hanged himself and then therewere none.

5. 《無人生還》中那個“十個黑孩子”的兒歌的英文原文

不是,那是美國1868年的一首流行兒歌(如今被視為種族歧視歌曲),作者是Septimus Winner:

Ten little Indian boys going out to dine;

One choked his little self and then there were nine.

Nine little Indian boys sat up very late;

One overslept himself and then there were eight.

Eight little Indian boys traveling in Devon;

One said he'd stay and then there were seven.

Seven little Indian boys chopping up sticks;

One chopped himself into halves and then there were six.

Six little Indian boys playing with a hive;

A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

Five little Indian boys going in for law;

One got in Chancery and then there were four.

Four little Indian boys going out to sea;

A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

Three little Indian boys walking in the zoo;

A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun;

One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little Indian boy left all alone;

He went and hung himself and then there were none.

6. 英國童謠無人生還












7. 求阿加莎《無人生還》英文版 @><@

Chapter I

Summary: Chapter I

Justice Wargrave, a recently retired judge, is taking a train to the seaside town of Sticklehaven, where he is to catch a boat to Indian Island. He recalls the rumors that have swirled around the island: since a mysterious Mr. Owen purchased the place, people have suggested that a film star or a member of the royal family really owns the island. Wargrave takes a letter from his pocket and glances over its contents. The letter invites him to spend some time on the island and is signed by an old friend of his, Constance Culmington, whom he has not seen for eight years. He reflects that Constance is exactly the kind of woman who would buy a place like Indian Island.

On the same train, Vera Claythorne ponders her invitation to the island. She has been hired as a secretary by Una Nancy Owen, apparently the wife of the island's owner. Vera reflects how lucky she is to get this job, especially after her involvement in a coroner's inquest into someone's death. She was cleared of all blame for the death, we learn, but Hugo Hamilton, the man she loved, thought her guilty. She thinks of the sea and of swimming after someone in particular, knowing she would not reach him in time to save him. She forces her mind away from those memories and glances at the man across from her, thinking he looks well traveled.
