
解夢佬 0

1. 關于人生的格言用英語怎麼說


People simply do not achieve target goals, will not get yourself.


The realization of the goal based on my strong desire to succeed.


Wisdom means that with the best way to pursue the highest goal.


Great energy is just for a great purpose.

2. 要人生哲理的話(英文)

If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.


What you are you do not see,what you see is your shadow.


They throw their shadows before them who carry their lantern on their back.


O beauty,find thyself in love,not in the flattery of thy mirror.


We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility.


The grass,your steps are small,but you possess the earth under your tread.


We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.


Do not linger to gather flowers to keep them,but walk on,for flowers will keep themselves blooming all your way.


By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.


Set the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky.


It is the most distant course that comes nearst to thyself,and that training is the most intricate which leads to the utter simplicity which leads to the utter simplicity of a tune.


3. "生活"的英文怎麼說

生活的英文是life,音標英 [laɪf]、美 [laɪf]。



He spent the last fourteen years of his life in retirement


復數: lives


1、add life 增加生氣

2、begin a life 開始生活

3、better the life 改善生活

4、breathe new life into sth 給予(某事物)生氣

5、bring back to life 使…蘇醒,使…復活,使…生動活潑



n. (名詞)




3、for life的意思是“一輩子,一生”,當所指的人為復數時,也可以用復數形式for lives。

4、for one's life的意思是“拼命地”;for the life of one的意思是“無論如何”,只能用于否定結構。


n. (名詞)

life, living



2、My life is really dreadful.我的生活真是糟透了。

3、He works for his living as a teacher.他靠教書為生。

4. 生活用英語怎麼說

life [laif] [復數] lives /laivz/ n. 1. 生命;性命 2. 生活;生存 3. 一生;壽命 4. 生靈;活人;活物 5. 生命期;生活階段 6. (物的)存在期,有效期,活動期,使用期;耐久性 7. [總稱]生物: 例句: plant life 植物 8. 人生;人事;世間;世事;世面 9. 人的活動;社會活動;社交活動 10. 生平;傳記 11. 生涯;生存過程 12. 生活方式;生存方式 13. 生機 14. 生命力;生氣;朝氣;活力;活躍 15. 朝氣、活力的源泉;活躍氣氛的人(或物) 16. 彈性;恢復力;順應性;伸縮性 17. 生命般寶貴的人(或物) 18. 無期徒刑 19. [口語]新機會;新生命; [常用于短語 get a life] 獲得新生 20. 靈魂;支柱;精髓 21. (酒等的)冒泡,起泡 22. (新鮮食物的)辣味,濃烈味道 23. 【美術】 實物;原物(大小);自然狀態;活體模型 寫生 逼真;栩栩如生 24. 被保險者;壽險對象 25. (宗教的)靈生;死后的幸福 26. 【棒球、板球】再次擊球的機會 27. 【物理學】(亞原子粒子的)生命期,壽命 adj. 1. 終身的,畢生的,一生的 2. 生命的;生物的 3. 用活體模型的,用活模特兒的;照實物做的 4. 人壽保險的 短語 1. a life for a life以命償命 [亦作 life for life] 2. all one's life一生,畢生,終身,一輩子 3. a matter of life and death a. 生死攸關的事情 b. 極為嚴重的事情 4. anything for a quiet life a. 只要生活安寧怎麼都行 b. 經不起別人絮聒,只得答應別人的要求;只要哄小孩不哭,什麼都可以滿足他 5. as large (或 big) as life a. 與原物一般大小 b. [口語]本人,本身;體態容貌完整無缺;毋庸置疑;千真萬確 6. as much as one's life is worth[口語]性命攸關 7. attempt the life of企圖弄死某人,企圖殺害某人 8. bad life a. 不道德生活 b. [人壽保險用語]估計活不到 (人壽保險所統計的)平均壽命的人,短命者 9. bear (或 have, lead) a charmed life吉人天相;天庇神佑,有護身符,吉星高照,冥冥中有神明保佑 [莎士比亞語] 10. be given a life【棒球、板球】 (擊球員) 被迫退場前還有一次機會 11. be settled in life生活得到安頓,成家 12. bet one's life[俚語] 確信,確保沒錯,用一切擔保,拿一切來打賭 [美國英語亦作 bet one's sweet life] 13. between life and death介乎生死之間,處于生死關頭 14. Bless my life!天呀!我的天呀!哎呀!好家伙!謝天謝地! [亦作 Bless me!] 15. bother (或 harass, nag, pester, plague, worry) the life out of someone跟某人糾纏不休,沒完沒了地糾纏某人;跟某人喋喋不休;叫某人不得安生 16. breathe (或 infuse) new (或 a new) life into給予生氣,賦予生機(或活力) [亦作 give new life to] 17. bring to life a. 使蘇醒,使復活;使康復 b. 使生氣勃勃;使精力充沛;使栩栩如生;賦予生命力 c. 讓人想起,使回憶起 18. carry (或 take) one's life in one's hand冒生命危險;手里提著腦袋過日子 19. cat-and-dog life(特指夫婦)過吵鬧不休的生活,像貓狗一樣不和 [常與動詞 lead 連用,有時作 cat-and-dog existence, fight]等 20. choke the life out of someone悶死(或掐死、扼死)某人 21. come to life a. 蘇醒過來;恢復知覺 b. 變得活躍;振作起來 c. 活靈活現;表現生動;惟妙惟肖出現 22. depart (from) this life離開人間,去世,逝世 23. during their joint lives見 joint 24. escape with bare life死里逃生,僅以身免 25. escape with life and limb未受重傷而逃脫 26. for dear (或 very) life為逃命;拼命地;不顧死活地;全力以赴地 [常與 fight, flee, ride, run 等連用] 27. for life a. 一生,終身,一輩子;余生 b. 為逃命,為保命 28. for one's life a. [口語] b. 無論如何也…,即使拿性命打賭也…,即使要我的命也…[用于否定句;亦作 for the life of me (或 him 等)] c. 為了逃命(或保命);拼命地;不顧死活地;全力以赴地(一般與 flee, run 連用) 29. form (the) life以原物做范本,根據實物(模擬),(人體)寫生 30. galvanize into (或 to) life a. 使(某人)受刺激而振奮活躍起來 b. 使(問題)重新提起 c. 使(市場)再度活躍 [亦作 galvanize life into] 31. gasp (one's) life (或 out)死去,斷氣 32. get a change in life得到出頭的機會 33. get a life[俚語]樂觀些,振作起來,別萎靡不振了(用來鼓勵別人積極樂觀地參與人生) 34. get on in life出頭;發跡;成功;飛黃騰達 35. get the fright of one's life[口語]從未如此驚嚇過 36. give new life to給予生氣(或活力),賦予生機 37. give (或 lay down) one's life捐軀,犧牲生命,獻出自己的生命 38. go in fear of one's life擔心被殺 (尤指暗殺);為自己的生命擔憂 39. guy the life out of someone無情嘲笑,極盡嘲笑之能事 40. have (或 get) a life開始過上(或過著)正常作息而又豐富多彩的生活 (有時用于祈使句,表示對某人的行為感到厭惡) 41. have as many lives as a cat死不了;不容易死;富于生命力 [亦作 have nine lives like a cat] 42. have more lives than a cat比貓還能活,比貓更富生命力 43. have the time of one's life[俚語]從未如此快樂過,過著最快活的時期 44. How's life?過得好嗎?你生活得好嗎? 45. I'll bet my life.我敢用一切擔保;我敢拿生命打賭;擔保一定是這樣;管保沒錯。

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