
解夢佬 0

1. 三年級英語句子有哪些


1. Hello! Hi!

2. Hello! I'm Wu Yifan. I'm from China.

3. What's your name?

4. My name's Chen Jie.

5. I have a pencil. Me too.

6. Good morning. Good afternoon.

7. This is Miss White. Nice to meet you.

8. Where are you from? I'm from America.

9. Let's go to school. OK.

10. . How many cakes? One cake

11. How are you? I'm fine, thank you.

12. Let's paint. Great

13. I like green. Me too.

14. I have a rabbit.

15. Cool! Super! Great! Wow!

16. May I have a look? Sure.

17. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome

18. I like hamburgers. Me too

19. Have some French fries.

20. Can I have some chicken? Sure.

2. 三年級的英語句子

some new shoes and some pencils. Mum. Mum: Ok. Write a list: Things you need for school. Susan, I want new books. I forgot (忘記) them: Yes. I need a new uniform, some new shoes, some pencils, some books, some felt pens, a long ruler and a small rubber. Mum: Oh! You forgot a lot (許多). Let's go and buy them. Susan: Do you want some new books. I'm ten years old. I'm in Garden City Primary School: What have you got? Susan? Susan: Yes. New term starts on Thursday 1st September. Mum: I've got a new uniformSusan: Hi, I'm Susan。

3. 三年級英語重點句子有哪些


(1)Goodbye.(再見.)See you. (再見.)


(3)Let's go to school.讓我們去上學.

(4)Look at me.看著我.

(5)Look at my head.看著我的頭.

(6)I like blue and pink.我喜歡藍色和粉紅色.

(7)——Let's paint. (讓我們畫畫.)——Great!

(8)——I have a teddy bear.我有一只玩具熊.——Really? May I have a look?(真的嗎? 我能看一下嗎?)

(9)It's nice.(它很漂亮.)I like it.(我喜歡它.)

(10)Have some milk.喝些牛奶.

(11)——Can I have some chicken?我能吃些雞肉嗎?——Sure,here you are.當然, 給你.——Thank you.謝謝. ——You're welcome.不用謝.

(12)I like French fries.我喜歡薯條.

(13) ——Happy birthday to you. (祝你生日快樂.)——Thank you .

(14)This is for you.這是給你的.

(15)How many candles?有多少蠟燭?

(16)——Let's eat the birthday cake. ( 讓我們吃生日蛋糕吧.)Great.( 太棒了.)縮略式Let's = Letus Who's = who is Don't = do not

4. 人教版小學英語三年級上冊重點詞匯和句型

英語句型轉換練習(一)第一人稱:( I 、we) 單數I+am復數We+are第二人稱:(you) 單復數一樣.You are第三人稱:(he she it ,they ) 單數he/she/it/ Tom +is復數they+are記住:英語中的人稱是和漢語一樣的,第一人稱是指我、我們.第二人稱是指你、你們.第三人稱就是他、她、它和他們、她們、它們.一般疑問句一、含有be動詞的句子把be動詞(am is are)和情態動詞(can,may,must。)

放到句首,其它照寫.遇I am/we are變成Are you,my變成your.Some變成 any.句號變成問號(?)例如:陳述句:They are in the park.He can play the guitar..二、不含be動詞的句子借助助動詞do/does,第三人稱單數用does,其余人稱用do,放到句首,其他照寫.特別記住:前面用does,后面的動詞一定還原成原形.遇I/we—you,my—your,some—any.句號變成問號(?)例如:陳述句:I like the ducks.He likes the dogs.一般疑問句:Do you like the ducks?Does he like the dogs?一、含有be動詞的句子在be動詞(am is are)和情態動詞(can,may,must。)后面加not,其它照寫.some變成any.例如:陳述句:They are in the park.He can play the guitar..否定句:They are not in the park.He can not play the guitar.或:They aren't in the park.He can't play the guitar.am not 不能縮寫 is not=isn't are not=aren't can not=can't二、不含be 動詞的句子借助動詞don't/doesn't,第三人稱單數用doesn't,其余人稱用don't,放到人稱后面,動詞前面其他照寫.特別記住:前面用doesn't,后面的動詞一定還原成原形.Some變成any.例如:陳述句:I like the ducks.He likes the dogs.否定句:I don't like the ducks.He doesn'tlike the dogs.。

5. 小學三年級上冊英語句子

1、向別人問好應該說――A: Hello! (你好!) B: Hi! (你好!)

2、問別人的名字應該說-――A:What's your name? 你的名字是什麼?

B:My name's Chen Jie. 我的名字是陳潔。

3、跟別人分手應該說――A: Good bye!(再見) B: bye.(再見)

4、A: I have a pencil. 我有一只鉛筆 B: Me too . 我也有。

5、早上相見應該說-――A: Good morning. 早上好!

B: Good morning! 早上好!

6、下午相見應該說――A: Good afternoon! 下午好!

6. 三年級英語改句子15句

1. Where are you from? I'm from America. 2. Good morning! Good afternoon! 3. Class, we have a new friend today. 4. Who's that woman? She's my mother。

5. Who's that man? He's my father. 6. Who's this boy?My brother. 7. I have a new kite.Oh, it's beautiful. 8. How many kites can you see? I can see 12. 9. The black one is a bird. Oh, how nice! 10. How many crayons do you have? I have 16 crayons. 11. Open it and see. That's right. 12. Do you like peaches?Yes, I do. /No, I don't. 13. What about pears? Oh, I like them very much. 14. Let's have some peaches and pears. 15. Have some fruits.Thank you, Miss White。.。