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1. 丁丁歷險記獨角獸號的秘密中5句經典英文臺詞

Captain Haddock: I thought you were an optimist.Tintin: You were wrong, weren't you? I'm a realist.Captain Haddock: Ah, it's just another name for a quitter.Tintin: You can call me what you like. Don't you get it? We failed.Captain Haddock: Failed. There are plenty of others willing to call you a failure. A fool. A loser. A hopeless souse. Don't you ever say it of yourself. You send out the wrong signal, that is what people pick up. Don't you understand? You care about something, you fight for it. You hit a wall, you push through it. There's something you need to know about failure, Tintin. You can never let it defeat you.。

2. 丁丁歷險記獨角獸號的秘密中5句經典英文臺詞

"the adventures of tintin" is a world-renowned film good at creating images spectacle spielberg and peter jackson together to create out. the film is based on the comic book "the unicorn's secret" adapted from, i deeply attract by the film. various roles in the movie gives lifelike realism, nearly two hours of viewing, i actually did not see it the characters are digital synthesis, there is not even a real person, shooting technology is really marvel !

"adventures of tintin" the film is not only good shooting technique, content is also very exciting, and brother, after reading the excited shouting look at the second part. movie hero tintin and his partner "snow" by international drug trafficking syndicates kidnapped on a cargo vessel, and thus lead to a just and evil.

hero tintin is a reporter, his distress when they are calm and optimistic, very smart. he hijacked the wrong aircraft through the wall of death, and even into the desert undaunted, the last pirate child red mubarak mother suffered a thousand difficulties to find "treasures secret. the evil always overcome not justice the vicious sacalin arrested. tintin is the kind face of difficulties, the all-conquering spirit deeply touched me, his body filled with charming youthful. more than a good movie, it is not seen enough!

although we never quite found the experience those things like tintin, but does not mean that there is no difficulty in our lives. as captain haddock said: "if there is a wall to stand in front of you, you should not hesitate to break through it!" this is not exactly tell us the difficulties life to how to do this?


3. 丁丁歷險記的好詞佳句


(《破損的耳朵》) :被阿爾卡扎將軍從上校侍衛官任上解職的迪亞斯下士,是個對阿爾卡扎懷恨在心的笨蛋,在每次進行破壞活動前,都會不自覺地以羅曼羅蘭的名言鼓勵自己。可惜,最后他因為不知道確切時間,被準備炸死將軍的定時炸彈送上了西天。

“現在,我給您開具違章通知書:在私人領地野營,還有采摘果實。這第三條罪狀嗎,是擅自游泳!”(《黑島》) :丁丁在英國蘇塞克斯郡坐的拖車出車禍撞上了一棵蘋果樹,蘋果落了一地,丁丁滾到河里。

可愛的無名英國警察天降現場,十分嚴謹地指出了上述問題。 “老皮猴兒!江湖騙子!迫害狂!丑八怪!食人魔!膽小鬼!草包!蠢蛋!海盜!禽獸!烏賊!王八!噬血狂!野人!混蛋!太便宜他了!骯臟的奴隸販子!”(《紅海鯊魚》):在發現原來“拉蒙那”號貨船卷入了奴隸交易后,阿道克船長連罵16個毫不重復的罵人用詞,估計在帆船上的那個奴隸販子被氣得(吵的?)夠嗆。

4. 求推薦幾本英文原版書

1.《鼴鼠和小鳥》 2.挺簡單,也挺有趣.3.Howl's moving castle~就是哈爾的移動城堡,也是英國人寫的童話,論幽默或懸念,和harry potter不相上下呢,而且環境描寫還比harry potter簡單~還有the heart is a lonely hunter,句子結構簡單,流暢優美~4.還是中英文對照 5.《Daddy-Long-Legs》充滿驚喜、溫馨與愛的青春讀本.6.美國的暢銷小說譯林雜志去年12月號有翻譯作為首發長篇,小說很淺顯,關鍵是情節很引人入勝,相比一些古典很容易看進去 6.《丁丁歷險記》 7.《哈利波特1~6套裝》CD轉192kMP3未刪節版英語有聲讀物[MP3],very cd上有下的.8.The nanny diaries:簡單有趣,推薦給女孩子;Exes Anonymous:推薦給失戀的人 應該差不多了吧。

5. 丁丁歷險記電影名句5句加中文






6. 幫忙翻譯一個英語句子~謝

As a reporter Tintin characters, but never recorded what people told him, on the contrary, he always go their own investigation and is not afraid of anyone and any force, so he became a symbol of peace and justice. Guidance in 2009 Steven Spielberg's "Tintin" will be out of comic books, the silver screen。