
解夢佬 0

1. 表達關心一個人的英文句子

1) You look more beautiful every time I see you. 每次見到你,你都更漂亮。

2) I love you with all my heart. 我全心全意愛你.

3) I love you for you. 我真心愛你.(簡單吧!當你想表示愛的是對方的人,而不是其他如錢財,權勢等,


4) For the same reason you like me, I like you, too.我也喜歡你啊,就想你喜歡我一樣.

5) My love for you is as deep as the sea. 對你的愛,似海深.

6) I'll love you as long as I live. 愛你一輩子(愛你千萬年).

7) If the sun were to rise in the west, I'd never change my mind to love you forever.即使太


8) You're the only man/woman I could be happy with.(這句話是不是太夸張?)

9) I'm so happy with you in this starry night.在這繁星閃爍的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快樂.

10)I love stars, and you're as beautiful as a star.我喜歡星星,而你就跟星星般美麗。(是


11) If you go away, I'll be blue. I'll miss you when you leave. 假如你走了,我會很沮喪. 你離


12) That reminds me too much of you.那使我很想你.(并不一定要用think、miss等單詞哦)

13) I'm singing a torch song for her. 我單戀她.(因失戀/單戀而唱的歌就是torchsong)

14) I'm sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon. 我要送你你最喜愛的紅玫瑰,讓


15) Will you accept me? I wanna share my life with you.你答應我的求婚嗎?我想永遠和你在一起

2. 英文作文《我崇拜的一個人》

My most admire person

Throughout the whole world, David Beckham is my most admire person. Not only because I like football, but also have I been moved by his spirit.

We all know that in the year 1998, Beckham has become a sinner in the World Cup. The red card nearly ended his sports career. But his spirit is so strong that nothing can stop him.

After his great effort, e has finally succeeded. He has become one of the most famous football players, which makes me admire him so much.

From a sinner to a hero, he suffers from so much pain. I need to learn from him.

3. apersoniadmire一個我敬佩的人用英文寫~要不是寫名人~寫身邊的``用

A Person I Admire Of all the people in my life, the person I admire the most is my teacher Mr Tao. He is not only kind but also nice to students .He always treats us kindly, we all very like him. The reason I admire him is because he is very smart and very good at English. Also,his English pronounciation is very nice.So I admire him. And I wish my English could be as good as his. I like my teacher Mr Tao very much,and I admire him too.。

4. 我崇拜的一個人英語作文


加油吧 When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After class,he often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a teacher.Hi搐肌陛可樁玖標雪缽磨s sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I met.That was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao" . 我附了翻譯: 當我上高中的時候,一個 老師讓我懂得了很多。老師比我大4,5歲,是個大男孩,我們都很喜歡上他的課,你能夠看到他總是面帶微笑,我們吵鬧的時候他僅僅只是皺一下眉。

放學 后,他經常和我們一起討論問題,他說的很好。我總是叫他MIAO老師并且喜歡他這個朋友,很高興能遇到他,他是我最愛愛的MIAO老師。

5. 關于英文作文我最崇拜的人的好詞好句

My favorite celebrityHe. Have made outstanding contributions to the development of quantum cosmology he.., repeatedly hit the track and field athletes, almost no chance of winning, although the Chinese in the game result is good, but the most headache is track and field sports, he still decided to take part in the 110 meter hurdle race, he said only two words -- china. The coach is very optimistic about him, often taught him some knowledge of sports, for he also than others harshly, total penalty of heavy running slowly, Liu Xiangyao adhere to the teeth, even in others the rest of the time he also in training. In the face of difficulties he a contemptuous disregard, in the face of setbacks he never looked down upon him with all the children of the Yellow Emperor, surging blood, chest jump a Chinese heart. His speed to make a spurt of progress, soon became the national team. "".When he was about to embark on the journey so proud of the motherland, one's blood boils with indignation. He, like a simmering bullets will off boring out. The order, he is like an arrow rushed out. Across a field, like a cross and a mountain. Because each is to determine the success or failure of the details. His sweat such as rain sway out, for the rough and the long road to add a glorious. At this moment, all the Chinese people's hearts are pulled, in silent prayer. He used the self-confident look to the world that he will not be lost, because his feet with the motherland solid land, compatriots have strong body behind him, and a beating heart of china. The spirit of his struggling touched every Chinese, inspiring each Chinese, shaking every chinese. Behold! He more than black, more than all, his straight chest crossed the finish line, the yellow skin brightly decorated with game, dress up game. The last step he took, the Chinese track and field as a step forward. His unremittingly spirit seems to tell people: do not bow to difficulties, China never lose!Liu Xiang is my idol, is my role model for spirit, is a high standard of quality I. And his youth infected me, I his one's blood boils with indignation. He put the Chinese track and field from the top, he let the Chinese track and field athletes raised his head, he is China and even the whole world model.樓主可以篩選,. Oh.He shouldered the responsibility to let Chinese athletics revitalization, behind him is a red national flag, I adore him, worship his spirit and wisdom, I worship him. The reason is simple -- worship him optimistic attitude and unremittingly upward, dedicated to the pursuit of, he is not a man.Maybe a little interested in science knows. This is why? His love of science and the pursuit of.I admire him, but only three fingers can move, but he is still strong in the face of life. He felt he did not lose too much: his fingers could exercise; his brain thinking; he had a lifetime pursuit of the ideal; he has his love and love for his family and friends.Although he is not as SHE.. But most admired, hey; he has a heart of thanksgiving, he was paralyzed, in his left hand fracture, sewing needle 13 cases, less than two days, he went to work. But we can imagine that? He wrote this book in completely lost his ability to speak, just move the good operation under the written. Of course, the origin and fate of the universe, black holes and time etc.."! Thoughts kept rolling in the brain, a variety of ridicule by foreigners. It is in this experienced setbacks, unable to get up after a fall of the predicament, the emergence of a person to China this fall in the track and field dragon again up, I kept thinking about, think, every day he was loading run four thousand five hundred meters. Although, a powerful figure; he, a cheetah general speed, never called crying tired. Someone asked him why; he, yes, perhaps he -- Hocking..;a brief history of time" in this book, Hocking told the story the black hole;no use, black too much!" He shook his head and said: ". The others run three thousand meters per day; He paid more than others;, but.The thought of Hocking, the eyes emerge out of the master of Science in that profound vision and tranquil smile, this person is Liu Xiang, more sweat than others. In the face of such a big hit, he can still face the life, facing all, visible;Chinese hurdler down strength, have climbed up strength, Hocking wrote a book ": the heroine Liu Hulan, Congjun father Mulan, the great leader Mao zedong, because he is the pride of Chinese people.Before the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. His extraordinary soul bearing up his ordinary body. Someone told him: ", Jay Chou as "hot", with a resounding name -- Liu Xiang. Liu Xiang is the person I admire mostLong so big, I admire people too 。

6. 描寫你所欽佩的人(英語)

Yaoming - My Favorite Sports Star

I am a basketball fan. My favorite sports star is Yaoming.As we all know, Yao is a super star in NBA now. He is famous in America not only for his amazing height, but also for his perfect skills in basketball and in communications. Although he is very popular throughout the world, he has never forgot his country and his teachers in China. He's the hero in my heart.