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1. brought up造句

brought up是bring up 的過去式1,We are going to bring up this question at the next meeting . 我們打算在下一次會議上提出這個問題。

2,,I really worry about her, but I know if I bring up therapy, she will stop speaking to me. 我真的非常擔心她,但是我知道如果我提出治療的話,她就會停止和我說話了。3,,They may bring up their children with stories of presidents who were born in log cabins or shotgun-shacks. 他們也可以用出生于圓木小屋或獵人家庭的總統的故事教育自己的孩子。

4,,What a( silly) way to bring up a child! 怎麼用這種(愚蠢的)方法養育孩子!5,,Sure. Is there anything else you need me to bring up to your room? 好的。你還需要我帶什麼東西到你的房間嗎?。

2. bring up造句

bring up



Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.


His work in maths needs to be brought up to the standard of the others.


These are matters that you can bring up in committee.


Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty.


3. 用tidy up造句

idy up


1、We should tidy up the place before we move in.


2、He began to tidy up his desk and finish off the week's work.


3、International attempts to tidy up the law have made some things better,but not all.


4. tidy up造句

1. Would you wait FOR a few minutes? I'll have to tidy upmyself. Take your time.

請稍候。我要梳理一下。別著急。 2. I then rang FOR the steward, and facing him boldly, directed him to tidy upmy stateroom while I was having my bath

我接著便搖鈴喚茶房進來。我大膽地看著他,吩咐他在我洗澡時把房間整理一下。 3. Of course, I never HAD to tidy upmy own room, nor did I need to wash my own clothes.

當然,我從來不用整理自己的房間,也不用洗自己的衣服。 4. Of course, I never had to tidy upmy own room, nor did I need to own clothes.

當然,我從來不用整理自己的房間,也不用洗自己的衣服。 5. Abigail: No I can't. I have to stay in and tidy upmy room.

艾比蓋爾:不行,我得留在家里,收拾房間。 6. You'd better tidy upthe room before the guests arrive.

在客人到來之前;你最好把房間收拾一下。 7. Be sure to tidy upbefore the guests arrive.

客人來到前一定要收拾一下。 8. Pixel editing: The process of examining and deleting individual pixels, typically around the outside of images, in order to tidy upoutlines.

校訂像素:沿著影像邊緣,檢查和刪除個別像素,使邊線整齊的操作。 9. Will you please tidy upall the odds and ends on the table?


5. turnup造句

turn up向上(翻、翹),翻起,翹起,卷起:He turned up the ends of his trousers and waded across the river.他卷起褲腳蹚過河.(折起衣邊或加寬折邊)把(衣服)改短:She turned up her skirt.她把她的裙子折邊改短.把…翻轉過來;使…面朝上,把…向上翻;使仰臥:They turned up the soil and planted trees.他們翻土種樹.翻掘,發掘出;發現,找到:The ploughman turned up some relics of ancient times.這個農民從土里犁出了些古代遺物.旋大,開大(以增加流量、速度、強度、響度等):Please turn up the desk lamp a bit.請把臺燈扭亮一點.to turn up the air-conditioning unit把空調開大。