
解夢佬 0

1. 有誰知道這句英文句子是什麼意思,很唯美


今天多教大家一句:You are the apple of my eye.直譯是‘你是我眼中的蘋果’,真正意思其實是‘你是我最喜歡、最關心的人’。另一個說法是:You are the milk in my coffee.(你是我咖啡里的牛奶),咖啡加了牛奶更好喝,比喻你令我更美好。

還可說:You are that special someone.(你是那個特別的人)/ You light up my life.(你點亮我的生命)。

2. 有誰知道這句英文句子是什麼意思,很唯美Youaretheappleofmylife

或許你曾經對你心愛的人或對你很重要的人說過:‘你是我冬天的棉被’或‘你是我夏天的冰淇淋’等肉麻字句.今天多教大家一句:You are the apple of my eye.直譯是‘你是我眼中的蘋果’,真正意思其實是‘你是我最喜歡、最關心的人’.另一個說法是:You are the milk in my coffee.(你是我咖啡里的牛奶),咖啡加了牛奶更好喝,比喻你令我更美好.還可說:You are that special someone.(你是那個特別的人)/ You light up my life.(你點亮我的生命).。

3. 關于生活的英語單詞 句子 短語

life is like a song.

love makes people forget about time, while time makes people forget about love. don't let yesterday take up more of today. 愛情使人忘記時間,時間也使人忘記愛情。不要讓太多昨天占據你的今天!

“there are moments in life when you really miss someone that you want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. hope you dream of that someone. 人總有思念別人的時候,你渴望他在你夢境里出現,與你實實在在的擁抱!希望你能夢見這個人。

4. 這個英語句子的意思是什麼


all price of bread what you have asked


when are those breads cooked



When will thouse breads be cooked? I will eat the apple you bought. 簡單句 I will eat the apple that / which you bought. 定語從句