
解夢佬 0

1. 幫忙賞析句子幫忙賞析兩個句子,都是在《朋友即將遠行》里面的:

第一句:生命的意義在于其過程的坦然精彩和醉人!即便短暫,即便憂傷,即便清苦,更即便生死戀人的決訣,那每一點每一滴不也都是生命天空的云彩,人生旅途的風景,其間不也有著絢目醉人的篇章嗎?諸如初戀,諸如鮮花……· 就讓生命隨時動起來,在每一個歡欣憂傷的日子,每一個相聚別離的時刻,坦然的放開心扉,擁抱陽光,用如花的心情去迎接每一天的到來,用如水的柔情去關愛感激心愛的人,更用那天空一樣純凈的心胸和靈魂去感激那每一時刻的生命,感動那每一剎那的感動!即便只活一天,也夠了!因此,只要恬淡坦然,不用刻意,簡單的生活就好.第二句:懂得舍,懂得放,自然春風和煦,月明風清.人生就在于一份坦然自出,正如那句“寵辱不驚,看庭前花開花落;去留無意,望天上云卷云舒.”,有著異曲同工之妙.。

2. 表達順其自然的短句子


it be, if it's not meant to happen. Just anything. Move on from it.

Just give it rest. It's not the end of the world for you. You have a

chance to be you. So, just let things be.

Never let it be

said that to dream is a waste of one's time, for dreams are our

realities in waiting. In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future.

Never expect. Never assume. Never ask. Never demand. Just let it be. If it's meant to be, it will happen.

Lord if it is your will then let it be done. But Lord if it's not your will then show me the pathway that you have prepared for me.