
解夢佬 0

1. 書面表達

小題1:Kangkang joined relay race yesterday. 小題2:I stayed up to play the computer. 小題3:The Olympic rings stand for five parts of the world. 小題4:Lingling studies English well. 小題5:My mother took to to see the doctor this morning. 試題分析:根據圖片和提示,只要能夠寫出正確的句子即可。

小題1:句意:康康昨天參加了長袍比賽。本題提示比較多,并且限制了時間yesterday,故join應變成過去式joined. 小題2:句意:我昨天晚上熬夜玩電腦。

本題只給了兩個提示stay up ,computer,時態不限,人稱不限,所以可以發揮一下。 小題3:句意:奧林匹克五環代表了世界的五個部分。

大家看到這幅圖就知道是說奧林匹克五環,stand for含義是代表,所以應用一般現在時組織句子。 小題4:句意:玲玲英語學的好。

本題給出了主語,賓語即修飾賓語的動詞。那麼時態可以 自由發揮。


2. 英語 書面表達 (看圖寫話)

Chongqing Municipality in a fourth-grade students in the bus's Xiaopeng on the road to see a thief to steal, then shouted, "You stole something!" "Mind your own business you!" This man called on the side ah stuck on the side of his neck . The car's driver, along with more than 30 people, and no one to speak out or to help. In an interview with reporters, when asked about "the next time this happens, you will put an end to it?" Xiao Peng said after a long time to consider "the will." He said at that time very afraid, angry that no one helped him 記得給我分啊 啊啊 啊啊啊啊啊啊 啊啊啊啊啊。

3. 英語 書面表達 (看圖寫話)

Governments and schools should have more public moral education to the general public, while no one in the bus extended their support to him? Why were the passengers in the bus quiet when witnessing a crime.

We have to question what is wrong? Was it simply the ignorance or the fear that stopped these passengers helping this boy. Was it this boy's fault to mind other people's business?

I don't have an answer but I hope the public ignorance to crime like this would not occur againSad is the only feeling I have after reading the news story about what happened to this 12-year-old boy after he had caught a thief in the bus, which had loaded with around 30 passengers

4. 書面表達看圖寫話:    根據圖示和提示詞,寫出恰當的句子,每


Something is wrong with Tom's bike。 / There's something wrong with Tom's bike。

What's wrong with Tom's bike? / Is there anything wrong with Tom's bike? 2。 The man / boy practices (playing) basketball every day。

3。 The pen / A pen / It is used for writing。

What's it / a pen used for? 4。 The 2008 Beijing Olympics ( Olympic Games) will start / begin in 48 days。

Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics ( Olympic Games) in 48 days。 (答案不唯一)。

5. 河南省09年中招英語書面表達題目及答案

中考英語書面表達訓練方法及應試策略 中考英語中的書面表達題,主要有“補全對話”、“看圖填詞”、“看圖寫話”、“看圖作答”、“看圖完成短文”、“看圖完成句子”和“根據提示的內容,完成某項寫作”等形式.這類題型的考試目的在于:通過書面形式測試考生口頭會話和作簡單書面表達的能力.下面作一簡要介紹:一、測試要點 一般說來,測試的主要內容都是以日常生活為背景,進行簡單的會話或寫作.例如:問候、問路、看病、打電話、購物、自我介紹等功能意念項目和簡單的應用文,例如:便條、通知、短信等.一個題目寫10個左右的句子,字數為80-100個左右.二、日常訓練與應試注意事項 1.平時要注意句型與對話的學習,注意聽說訓練,積極參與聽說訓練的教學活動,以達到會話相當熟練的程度.2.在會話中,注意常在情景中使用的習慣用語、套語的歸納和應用,做到脫口而出,應對如流.。

6. 看圖寫幾段話要點樣寫


考生必須根據所示圖片或圖片組,恰當地運用所學的詞句表達一個完整的故事,近年NMET書面表達均采用圖畫提示的書面表達形式,要求考生根據圖畫所表現的內容寫一篇100字左右的短文。那麼,如何根據圖畫的內容,運用正確的語言和規定的篇幅來寫好這類文章呢?1.確定圖畫的內容要點 碰上這類試題,考生首先應仔細審題,看懂圖片所表達的意思,根據圖畫內容整理出幾個要點,再根據這些要點決定要采用的語言形式。

如NMET 2000的高考試題中,書面表達部分題目是這樣的:假設你是李華,在美國探親,2000年2月8日清晨,你目擊了一起交通事故。警察局讓你寫一份材料,報告當時所見情況,請根據圖畫寫出報告,詞數100左右,結尾已為你寫好。

根據圖畫確定的內容要點是:(1)2000年2月8日發生了一起交通事故(2)我走在公園路(3)一位老人從街的另一邊公園里出來(4)一輛黃車開過來在公園路轉彎(5)黃車撞倒了老人并向西開跑(6)我記住了車牌號是AC864,并送老人去醫院2. 直截了當,開門見山 開門見山就是文章寫什麼,開頭就說什麼,直截了當,盡快入題,不要拐彎抹角,拖泥帶水,如NMET 98,寫的是參觀農場,開頭就是:Today we visited a farm.3.10句話左右組成文章 書面表達要求用100詞左右寫出含六個要點左右的短文,所以從近幾年的高考英語答案看,一般都以10個句子組成一篇文章。若用較少于8句話來表達,則句子容易復雜冗長,容易失控;若用多于10句話來表述,則句子零亂與瑣碎,文章缺乏整體感。

請看NMET 2000年的書面表達范文(8句話):(1)It was 7:15 on the morning of February8,2000. (2) I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.(3)Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third street and make a right turn into Park Road.(4) The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road.(5) He fell with a cry. (6)The car didn't stop but drove at great speed heading west. (7) I noticed the driver was young woman and the plate number was AC864. (8) About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.4.語言基本無誤(1)用有把握的句式 看圖寫話要用自己最熟悉、最有把握的詞語和句型將題中所規定的內容要點加以表達,進而串聯成文。在表達時句子宜短不宜長,應慎用分詞或復合句,對拿不準的表達,可采用“回避”的方法,在不改變原有意思的前提下,改換另一種表達方式,但切忌中文式的英語,或根據英語語法人為地編造一些不地道的語言材料。

如NMET 98高考作文是:5月3日,你參觀了一個農場,請根據圖畫用英語寫一篇日記。針對這篇文章的要點,我們就要使用以下有把握的句式,如:①give somebody a warm welcome②show somebody around③How glad somebody was to do something④have fun (in) doing something⑤say goodbye to somebody 其中,第一句式The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. 我們也可以用其它表達法:The farm workers warmly welcomed us. 或The people in the farm received us warmly等。

(2)注意用詞表達得當 用詞不當,會影響文章內容的正確表達。如:NMET 98的高考書面表達有如下要點:警察罰他們抓住下一個違章者。

有的學生用He let us catch an other off ender.這種表達就沒有He made us catch the next of fender. 來得恰當。因為文中是因違章被罰,站在路邊抓其他違章者一事帶有強迫性質,用“let”語意太輕,應改用make。

(3)重視英語虛詞的使用 “看圖寫話”所提供的圖畫內容要點,通常是分幅敘述,相互之間沒有邏輯的聯系。這就要求考生按照合理的順序,將句子連珠成串。

在不連貫時,可適當使用一些過渡性的連接詞,如and,then,however,besides,thus等,這樣使人看上去脈絡清晰,層次分明,文理通順,意思連貫。如:NMET 97范文中使用連詞and達到5次,NMET 98使用連詞and達到3次,NMET 99使用連詞and達到4次,NMET 2000使用連詞and達到3次,then l次,but l次。

5.結尾自然有力 文章結尾要干凈、利落,既不能拉雜,也不能草率,要顯得自然,恰當得體。請看如表1所示的例子:年份文章結尾句NMET 1992At four o'clock, we said goodbye and set off for home.NMET 1993It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.NMET 1998The time passed quickly. Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers.NMET 1999I hope you come and see for yourself some day.NMET 2000About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. 總之,做好看圖寫話的書面表達題,要做到內容切題,要點明確,文理通順,語言正確,篇幅適中,開門見山,結尾自然。