
解夢佬 0

1. 求,50個英語過去式句子

1.I went home after school yesterday. 2.Lily played games after class this afternoon. 3.Bob played football after school 4.Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday. 5.I went to the park yesterday.6.We went hiking last month.7.I bought this bag two hours ago.8.I lost my pen.9.I went to bed early yesterday.10.I went to school by bus this morning.11.We wore uniforms to school.12.My parents didn't have TV when they were my age.13.I visited my grandmother.14.I did some sports.15.I studied for the math test.16.I went to the beach.17.I played tennis.18.He went to the movies.19.I cleaned my room.20.I played the guitar.21.He came here two years ago. 22.We played basketball last week. 23.I washed my face yesterday. 24.I heard some noise outside. 25.I cried at home last night. 26.He travelled to Australia two weeks ago. 27.I caught my cat in the garden this morning. 28.She found her pen in her room. 29.I was a student three years ago. 30.I saw the film three days ago. 31.Mr Green bought a new computer yesterday. 32.She lived here two years ago. 33.Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night. 34.I arrived in Hong Kong yesterday. 35.The examination came off yesterday. 36.It was plenty hot yesterday. 37.He went home yesterday. 38.I was busy yesterday. 39.He was buried yesterday. 40.I called him yesterday. 41.I was a baby many years ago. 42.I met the teacher. 43.I palyed ping-pong just ago. 44.He called you 30minnutes ago. 45.They were friends. 46.There was a pen on my desk. 47.Long long ago,China was a greatest country. 48.Michel Jordan was a best palyer in NBA. 49.She told me that's ture. 50.They sold wine last year. 51.The accident took place last year. 52.There was an exciting match yesterday. 53.I went to the zoo last Sunday. 54.I did not go to the zoo last Sunday. 55.Did you go to the zoo last Sunday? 56.She took the bus to school. 57.She did not took the bus to school. 58.Did she took the bus to school? 59.He was a student when he was twelve. 60.He was not a student when he was twelve. 61.Was he a student when he was twelve? 62.They were good friends. 63.They were not good friends. 64.Were they good friends? 65.Mike got a dog as a present. 66.Mike did not get a dog as a present. 67.Did Mike get dog as a present? 68.Finally, the girl left home with hunger 69.I used to go work by bus. 70.He used to be a postman a long time ago. 71.He laughed,but didn't answer my question. 72.I had a word with Julia this morning. 73.He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up. 74.When did you have it? 75.I had it about ten minutes ago. 76.I used to work fourteen hours a day. 77.When I was a child, I often played football in the street. 78.Whenever the Browns went during their visit, they were given a warm welcome. 79.Where did you go just now? 80.I took a shower yesterday.81.I overslept this morning.82.I lost my cat.83.I was happy yesterday.84.My cousin came here yesterday。

2. 英語過去式句子

1.I went home after school yesterday.

2.Lily played games after class this afternoon.

3.Bob played football after school

4.Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday.

5.I went to the park yesterday.

6.We went hiking last month.

7.I bought this bag two hours ago.

8.I lost my pen.

9.I went to bed early yesterday.

10.I went to school by bus this morning.

11.We wore uniforms to school.

12.My parents didn't have TV when they were my age.

13.I visited my grandmother.

14.I did some sports.

15.I studied for the math test.

16.I went to the beach.

17.I played tennis.

18.He went to the movies.

19.I cleaned my room.

20.I played the guitar.

21.He came here two years ago.

22.We played basketball last week.

23.I washed my face yesterday.

24.I heard some noise outside.

25.I cried at home last night.

26.He travelled to Australia two weeks ago.

27.I caught my cat in the garden this morning.

28.She found her pen in her room.

29.I was a student three years ago.

30.I saw the film three days ago.

31.Mr Green bought a new computer yesterday.

32.She lived here two years ago.

33.Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.

34.I arrived in Hong Kong yesterday.

35.The examination came off yesterday.

3. 需要10個英語過去式的句子

1.He played football every day in the past.

2.She had a birthday party yesterday.

3.I was wantching TV when my father came home.

4.They went to Beijing a week ago.

5.He got up at 7 yesterday.

6.He did his homework last night.

7.He ate an apple just now.

8.We saw a bird in the tree .

9.My father took me to the park last Sunday

10.I saw a plane when I went to school yesterday

4. 十句好的英語句子過去式的

1. I got up late so I was late for school today.

2. Yesterday my sister broke a cup.

3. She cried just now.

4. The teacher asked me to go to the office .

5. Last year I could swim but now I can't.

6. On Monday, my mother went to the supermarket and bought much fruit.

7. Last night Lucy wrote an e-mail to her penfriend in England.

8. Before I loved Gigi, but I don't now.

9. I knew him when we were children.

10. Did you play computer games yesterday evening?

5. 求20個一般過去式的英文句子

① 表示過去某個時間存在的狀態或發生的動作,如:He was in the kitchen yesterday. I got up late yesterday morning. My father was unhappy yesterday afternoon. Did you have a good time last summer holiday/ ② 表示過去經常或反復發生的動作, 如:I often went to work by bus last year. When he was a child, he often listened to music. 3.一般過去時句子結構中常用的時間狀語; just now yesterday yesterday morning ( afternoon, evening ) last night ( week, month, year ) a long time ago, two hours ago, three days ago, a week ago, four years ago … in 1990 ( 1998, 2000 …) When I was a child ( he was six …), … 二、動詞的過去式變化 1.規則動詞的變化規則:① 一般在動詞原形末尾加-ed,如:watch C watched call C called listen C listened ② 動詞結尾是 e 的只加-d,如:dance C danced change C changed die C died ③ 末尾只有一個輔音字母的重讀閉音節動詞,先雙寫這個輔音字母,再加 -ed,如:plan C planned stop C stopped shop C shopped ④ 結尾是“輔音字母+ y”的動詞,先變 y 為 i,再加 ed,如:cry C cried study C studied worry C worried 2.不規則動詞過去式:英語字典后面常附有不規則動詞表,可以根據學習 的內容不斷收集積累,然后在使用中背下來。

在收集的過程中,你也會 發現有些不規則動詞的過去式變化也有一定的規律可循,如:①與原形相同:cut C cut put C put read C read set C set hit C hit let C let ②將 i, a, ea 變為 o:write C wrote ride C rode drive C drove win C won ③將 i, o, u 變為 a:swim C swam sing C sang sit C sat give C gave b Regular verbs (規則動詞) Irregular verbs (不規則動詞) egi nC beg an rin gC ran g co me C ca me run C ran ( 動 詞 過 去 式 檢 測 ) Cl ass___ Name_____ present happen past happened present am, is are past was were sat did wrote felt had said ate went saw came broke ran swam flew drew made knew took want finish clean call dance water paint joggle joke shout cheer listen laugh sniff sneeze rain play talk wanted finished cleaned called danced watered painted Joggled joked shouted cheered listened laughed sniffed sneezed Rained played talked sit do write feel have/has say eat go see come break run swim fly draw make know take stay help cook enjoy stayed helped cooked enjoyed stand drive get read stood drove got read Regular verbs (規則動詞) present talk stay help cook enjoy climb bark die visit like ski skate live travel past talked stayed helped cooked en。

6. 造十個英語過去式的句子

He bought it last week .

We got a letter from our old friend yesterday.

They saw a film last Friday .

Tom was late for class this morning .

He made great progress last term.

He made a model plane the other day.

I went to Beijing two days ago.

She sold her new bike.

The man walked past me quickly.

She smiled at me just now.