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1. 用英語表達個人見解的句子有哪些


I think 。

As far as I am concerned。

For my part。

Personally speaking。

As to me,。

As I see it,。

It seems to me that。

In my view。

If I may say so, I think。

I'm of the opinion that。

If you ask me,。

I believe/feel。

In my opinion ,。

2. 如何用英語表達自己的觀點


你可以一步一步地練習,來克服這個障礙。 5: It is tough for me to speak up and share my opinions, especially if they are somewhat controversial. 要我直抒胸臆很難,尤其遇到那些有爭議的事 Addresses expressing your opinions 如何表達自己的觀點 When people lack assertiveness, it is difficult for them to share their ideas, especially if they differ from the majority or from an influential person's opinion. The key to getting yourself to share your ideas is to be clear on what they are and how others could benefit from them. 當人們缺乏主張力時,要他們分享自己的看法是一件困難的事情,特別當他們的觀點和多數人或有影響力的人的觀點不同時就更難做到了。

要把自己的觀點表達出來,首先要清楚了解自己的想法,以及別人如何可以從中受益。 The best way to work on this assertiveness skills is to share your opinions in increasingly difficult situations. You may begin by expressing your semi-controversial views in a conversation with a friend. Then you express your opinions to your direct reports at work. Then you state a potentially unpopular viewpoint with your boss. And finally you express an outside of the box idea in a board meeting in front of your VP. 訓練這項主張能力水平的最好辦法是逐漸增加表達觀點場合的難度。


3. 【表達建議和觀點的英語常用句型有哪些

表達建議的句型:Why don't you。

Let's 。What about。

How about。Why not。

You'd better。You ought to。

You should。You should。

Hadn't you bet表達觀點的句型:I think 。As far as I am concerned。

For my part。Personally speaking。

As to me,。As I see it,。

It seems to me that。In my view。

If I may say so,I think。I'm of the opinion that。

If you ask me,。I believe/feel。

ter..I advise you 。有這幾個。

4. 【根據給出的話題,用英語進行表述自己的觀點

A poor memory can be a blessing when you undergoes some painful events that you won't even think about.Bad memories fades easily and you are protected from the sadness or anger that might be aroused by them.Forgetful people tends to be happy because they are less bothered by the meaningless trifles.So it is not definetely a bad thing if you cannot remember well.It just depends on what you remember--is it worthy or unworthy to be saved in your mind?And one who knows what to remember and what to forget can surely enjoy his life.。


一.英漢互譯做一個自我評價 (conduct a self evaluation )強項和弱項 (strength and weakness )小組討論 ( group discussion )表達自己的觀點 ( express one's own opinion )二.寫出下列各詞的近義詞maybe ( problely )difficult ( hard )crazy ( mad )smart ( wise )almost ( nearly )simple ( easy )if ( wether )三.用適當的介詞填空You should concentrate ( on )improving your weaknesses.I memorize new words better if wriee them ( down ).四.同義句轉換we often go to beijing by air .we often (fly )( to )beijing.They usually go home by bus .they usually ( take )( a)( bus )home.五.單項選擇Emily hasn't been to London .I haven't ( C )A.also B.too c.either D.already 六.根據中英文提示補全句子我認為這本書沒意思I ( don't )( think )the book ( is )interesting .。

6. 收集英文表達觀點的句型

1)It is true that 。, but one vital point is being left out.

2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

3) Some people say 。, but it does not hold water.

4) Many of us have been under the illusion that。

5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.

6) It makes no sense to argue for 。

7) Too much stress placed on 。 may lead to 。

8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that 。

9) Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that 。

7. 寫不好英語作文發現自己寫的英語作文很菜,使用的句子過于簡單化,


其實作文呢,我們老師說要用上好句子..背句子沒用吧,最好背詞組,這樣簡單一點.我每次考試都會用上最近看到的或者書上的一些“高級”詞組另外不是句子越長越好,最后總要的還是掌握好并靈活應用學過的詞組~要學會用上高級的或者不一般的句子,比如表示觀點吧,不要用i think,可以說on my personal note之類的..在連接前后句子時候,我會用what's more,in addition to 之類的..要想作文寫好,還要把開頭結尾寫好,最好用一點從句什麼的,倒裝句子也是不錯的選擇.不過要選自己得心應手的用嘿嘿..。

8. 【英語句子的表達是否正確,哪句錯了,該怎麼表達1.)heisadoctor,

這些句子看來是希望這種用法的:1) He is a doctor,but he doesn't like it,because he thinks it's a busy and tiring job.2) He is a doctor,but he doesn't like his job.3) I think study (of ) interesting.4) I think the student very interesting.5) I think the doctor boring.6) I think being a doctor is a boring job.7) He thinks his job boring.祝進步.。