
解夢佬 0

1. 5道關于服裝英語的句子翻譯


For temporary stitch, the colour of the thread should contrast with the fabric a little.


The most common used of basting is continuously even stitches.


Hand stitch is used for where permanent stitches are needed,but it would be unsatisfied if use sewing machines.


This pin applies to the fabric with middle thickness.


The lining is the additional layer for the shell,and it is very useful.

2. 誰能給我一些關于賣服裝的簡單英語句子

顧客:how much is this shirt? (這件上衣多少錢,他們也可以把shirt換成別的詞,例如pants,jacket,shoes,hat等等,但復數的時候會用how much are these。.)

你:it's。.Yuan (或者they are。.Yuan)

顧客:what is it (are they) made out of? (是用什麼材料做成的)

你:one hundred percent cotton (百分之百純棉,你也可以說別的材料)

顧客:is there anyway to make the price go down (有沒有可能便宜一點)

你:sorry,that's the price we have(對不起,這就是我們的價錢)

I can give you a ten percent discount (我可以給你十折)

3. 關于服裝的英語作文

Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful. A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful.Beauty also refers to what appeals to the mind. The virtue of the Chinese nation industry and bravery are taken as beautiful, because it helped to produce such a magnificent culture in the world. Einstein's theory of relativity is also perceived as beautiful, for it explains many natural phenomena so perfectly. Beauty is around us. If you keep an eye or pay some attention, it is never difficult to find something beautiful somewhere about you. Wonderful natural spots, historical relics, fine arts, splendid buildings, and kind people are just a few inches away。

4. 誰知道關于服裝方面常用的英文單詞和句子

clothes 衣服,服裝wardrobe 服裝clothing 服裝habit 個人依習慣.身份而著的服裝ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣garments 外衣town clothes 外衣double-breasted suit 雙排扣外衣suit 男外衣dress 女服tailored suit 女式西服everyday clothes 便服three-piece suit 三件套trousseau 嫁妝layette 嬰兒的全套服裝uniform 制服overalls 工裝褲rompers 連背心的背帶褲formal dress 禮服tailcoat, morning coat 大禮服evening dress 夜禮服dress coat, tails 燕尾服,禮服nightshirt 男式晚禮服dinner jacket 無尾禮服 (美作:tuxedo)full dress uniform 禮服制服frock coat 雙排扣長禮服gown, robe 禮袍tunic 長袍overcoat 男式大衣coat 女大衣topcoat 夾大衣fur coat 皮大衣three-quarter coat 中長大衣dust coat 風衣mantle, cloak 斗篷poncho 篷卻(南美人的一種斗篷)sheepskin jacket 羊皮夾克pelisse 皮上衣jacket 短外衣夾克anorak, duffle coat 帶兜帽的夾克,帶風帽的粗呢大衣hood 風帽scarf, muffler 圍巾shawl 大披巾knitted shawl 頭巾,編織的頭巾fur stole 毛皮長圍巾muff 皮手筒housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster)short dressing gown 短晨衣bathrobe 浴衣nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣pyjamas 睡衣褲 (美作:pajamas)pocket 衣袋lapel (上衣)翻領detachable collar 假領,活領wing collar 硬翻領,上漿翻領V-neck V型領sleeve 袖子cuff 袖口buttonhole 鈕扣孔shirt 襯衫blouse 緊身女衫T-shirt 短袖圓領衫,體恤衫vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt)polo shirt 球衣middy blouse 水手衫sweater 運動衫short-sleeved sweater 短袖運動衫roll-neck sweater 高翻領運動衫round-neck sweater 圓領運動衫suit, outfit, ensemble 套服twinset 兩件套,運動衫褲jerkin 獵裝kimono 和服ulster 一種長而寬松的外套jellaba, djellaba, jelab 帶風帽的外衣cardigan 開襟毛衣mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡膠雨衣trousers 褲子jeans 牛仔褲short trousers 短褲knickers 兒童燈籠短褲knickerbockers 燈籠褲plus fours 高爾夫球褲,半長褲braces 褲子背帶 (美作:suspenders)turnup 褲角折邊,挽腳breeches 馬褲belt 褲帶skirt 裙子divided skirt, split skirt 裙褲underskirt 內衣underwear, underclothes 內衣褲underpants, pants 內衣褲 (美作:shorts)briefs 短內褲,三角褲panties 女短內褲knickers 女半短內褲,男用燈籠短褲brassiere, bra 乳罩corselet 緊身胸衣stays, corset 束腰,胸衣waistcoat 背心slip, petticoat 襯裙girdle 腰帶stockings 長襪suspenders 襪帶 (美作:garters)suspender belt 吊襪腰帶 (美作:garter belt)socks 短襪tights, leotard 緊身衣褲handkerchief 手帕bathing trunks 游泳褲bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣bikini 比基尼泳衣apron 圍裙pinafore (帶護胸)圍裙shoe 鞋sole 鞋底heel 鞋后跟lace 鞋帶moccasin 鹿皮鞋patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋boot 靴子slippers 便鞋sandal 涼鞋canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋clog 木拖鞋galosh, overshoe 套鞋glove 手套tie 領帶 (美作:necktie)bow tie 蝶形領帶cravat 領巾cap 便帽hat 帶沿的帽子bowler hat 圓頂硬禮帽top hat 高頂絲質禮帽Panama hat 巴拿馬草帽beret 貝蕾帽peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖頂帽broad-brimmed straw hat 寬邊草帽headdress 頭飾turban 頭巾natural fabric 天然纖維cotton 棉silk 絲wool 毛料linen 麻synthetic fabric 混合纖維acryl 壓克力polyester 伸縮尼龍nylon 尼龍worsted 呢料cashmere 羊毛patterns 花樣tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan)dot 圓點花stripe 條紋flower pattern 花紋花樣veil 面紗。

5. 英語服裝的句子,有沒有哪個大神幫忙翻譯一下

important-Due to the unkque nature

of our hexagonal compresslon design

we have a loose thread backing to our

fabric. You must take care when using

our compression gaments to ensure

long life. Do not wear jewellery or sharp

edged objects(such as metal watches)

when putting on or talking off Hex

garments. Do not yse excessive force

pulling gaments on or off in areas

where our hexagonal design can be

seen. We cannot accept returns on

these gaments where misuse has

clearly occurred. Please follow the care

instructions closely .

重要 - 由于unkque性質



布。 使用時必須小心


長壽。 不要穿首飾或尖銳



服裝。 不要過度的力



看到。 我們不能接受回報


明顯發生。 請按照照顧


6. 有關服裝的英語作文加翻譯QWQ

A feature of all modern human societies is the wearing of clothing, a category encompassing a wide variety of materials that cover the body. The primary purpose of clothing is functional, as a protection from the elements. Clothes also enhance safety during hazardous activities such as hiking and cooking, by providing a barrier between the skin and the environment. Further, clothes provide a hygienic barrier, keeping toxins away from the body and limiting the transmission of germs.Clothing performs important social and cultural functions. A uniform, for example, may identify civil authority figures, such as police and army personnel, or it may identify team, group or political affiliations. In many societies, norms about clothing reflect standards of modesty, religion, gender, and social status. Clothing may also function as a form of adornment and an expression of personal taste or style.Throughout history, many materials have been used for clothes. Materials have ranged from leather and furs, to weaved and woven materials, to elaborate and exotic natural and synthetic fabrics. Recent scientific research estimates that humans have been wearing clothing for as long as 650,000 years.[1] Others claim that clothing probably did not originate until the Neolithic Age (the "New Stone Age").[citation needed] Articles carried rather than worn (such as purses), worn on a single part of the body and easily removed (scarves), worn purely for adornment (jewellery), or those that serve a function other than protection (eyeglasses), are normally considered accessories rather than clothing.Social status Alim Khan's bemedaled robe sends a social message about his wealth, status, and powerIn some societies, clothing may be used to indicate rank or status. In ancient Rome, for example, only senators were permitted to wear garments dyed with Tyrian purple. In traditional Hawaiian society only high-ranking chiefs could wear feather cloaks and palaoa or carved whale teeth. Under the Travancore Kingdom of Kerala, (India), lower caste women had to pay a tax for the right to cover their upper body. In China, before the establishment of the republic, only the emperor could wear yellow. History provides many examples of elaborate sumptuary laws that regulated what people could wear. In societies without such laws, which includes most modern societies, social status is instead signaled by the purchase of rare or luxury items that are limited by cost to those with wealth or status. In addition, peer pressure influences clothing choice.[edit] Religion See also: Category:Religious vesture Muslims usually wear white robes and a cap during prayersReligious clothing might be considered a special case of occupational clothing. Sometimes it is worn only during the performance of religious ceremonies. However, it may also be worn everyday as a marker for special religious status.For example, Jains wear unstitched cloth pieces when performing religious ceremonies. The unstitched cloth signifies unified and complete devotion to the task at hand, with no digression.[citation needed] Sikhs wear a turban as it is a part of their religion.The cleanliness of religious dresses in Eastern Religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism is of paramount importance, since it indicates purity.Clothing figures prominently in the Bible where it appears in numerous contexts, the more prominent ones being: the story of Adam and Eve, Joseph's cloak, Judah and Tamar, Mordechai and Esther. Furthermore the priests officiating in the Temple had very specific garments, the lack of which made one liable to death.Jewish ritual also requires rending of one's upper garment as a sign of mourning. This practice is found in the Bible when Jacob hears of the apparent death of his son Joseph.相關的中文平行文本如下:服 裝(亦稱為衣物、衣服、衣著)最廣義的定義,除了指軀干與四肢的遮蔽物之外,還包括了手部(手套)、腳部(鞋子、涼鞋、靴子)與頭部(帽子)的遮蔽物.幾 乎所有的人類都有穿著衣物的文化.人類穿戴衣物除了有功能性的理由外,也有社會性的理由.衣物能夠保護脆弱的人體免于天氣與環境的傷害,而同時服裝中的每 個物件也帶有某種文化與社會意義.社會階級 在許多社會中,擁有高地位的人會將某些特別的服裝或飾品保留給自己來使用.只有羅馬皇帝可以穿 戴染成紫紅色(Tyrian purple)的服裝;只有高地位的夏威夷酋長可以穿戴羽毛大衣與鯨齒雕刻.古代中國只有皇帝皇后才可以穿十二章衣和翟服.在許多情況下,有些抑制浪費的 法律體系會精細地管理誰可以穿什麼服裝.在其他的一些社會中,沒有法律會去禁止低地位者去穿戴高地位者的服裝,然而那些服裝的高價位很自然就限制了他。

7. 關于服裝的英語單詞

bathing trunks 游泳褲 109. patterns 花樣 151. breeches 馬褲 87. detachable collar 假領. evening dress 夜禮服 22, leotard 緊身衣褲 107, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 6. headdress 頭飾 138,帶風帽的粗呢大衣 41. acryl 壓克力 146. polyester 伸縮尼龍 147. mantle, corset 束腰,活領 55. pelisse 皮上衣 39,上漿翻領 56. apron 圍裙 112. plus fours 高爾夫球褲. lace 鞋帶 117. underpants. gown:shorts) 93. frock coat 雙排扣長禮服 27. habit 個人依習慣, outfit. suspenders 襪帶 (美作. rompers 連背心的背帶褲 19:tartan) 152. girdle 腰帶 102,男用燈籠短褲 96. knitted shawl 頭巾. clothes 衣服. sleeve 袖子 58:necktie) 127. dress 女服 11. turnup 褲角折邊. ready-made clothes. dress coat. knickers 兒童燈籠短褲 82. three-piece suit 三件套 14. cardigan 開襟毛衣 77. slip, jelab 帶風帽的外衣 76. beret 貝蕾帽 135. bow tie 蝶形領帶 128. middy blouse 水手衫 66. stays, swimsuit. galosh. dust coat 風衣 35:tuxedo) 25. garments 外衣 7. bathrobe 浴衣 50. suit. wardrobe 服裝 3. brassiere. suit 男外衣 10. worsted 呢料 149. housecoat. top hat 高頂絲質禮帽 133. slippers 便鞋 121. full dress uniform 禮服制服 26. double-breasted suit 雙排扣外衣 9. heel 鞋后跟 116. tights. wing collar 硬翻領. coat 女大衣 31, overshoe 套鞋 125. overcoat 男式大衣 30. nylon 尼龍 148:duster) 48. sheepskin jacket 羊皮夾克 38. cotton 棉 141. cap 便帽 130. mac, ensemble 套服 71. ulster 一種長而寬松的外套 75. short trousers 短褲 81. corselet 緊身胸衣 98. tunic 長袍 29. T-shirt 短袖圓領衫. natural fabric 天然纖維 140. belt 褲帶 88,編織的頭巾 45. nightshirt 男式晚禮服 24,挽腳 86. tailcoat:suspenders) 85. silk 絲 142, raincoat 橡膠雨衣 78. patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 119. underskirt 內衣 91. turban 頭巾 139. three-quarter coat 中長大衣 34. synthetic fabric 混合纖維 145. shawl 大披巾 44. lapel (上衣)翻領 54, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋 123. bikini 比基尼泳衣 111. jellaba. pinafore (帶護胸)圍裙 113. sole 鞋底 115. topcoat 夾大衣 32. linen 麻 144. waistcoat 背心 100. round-neck sweater 圓領運動衫 70. sandal 涼鞋 122. Panama hat 巴拿馬草帽 134. vest 汗衫 (美作, bra 乳罩 97,胸衣 99. uniform 制服 17. hood 風帽 42, muffler 圍巾 43. tailored suit 女式西服 12:undershirt) 64. tartan plaid 格子花 (美作, nightdress 女睡衣 51,服裝 2. stockings 長襪 103. dinner jacket 無尾禮服 (美作. scarf,禮服 23. shirt 襯衫 61. shoe 鞋 114. clog 木拖鞋 124. kimono 和服 74. polo shirt 球衣 65. trousseau 嫁妝 15. hat 帶沿的帽子 131. pyjamas 睡衣褲 (美作. broad-brimmed straw hat 寬邊草帽 137. socks 短襪 106, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作. braces 褲子背帶 (美作,三角褲 94. briefs 短內褲, cap with a visor 尖頂帽 136. buttonhole 鈕扣孔 60. suspender belt 吊襪腰帶 (美作. tie 領帶 (美作. town clothes 外衣 8. nightgown. canvas shoes, djellaba, morning coat 大禮服 21. formal dress 禮服 20. clothing 服裝 4. jacket 短外衣夾克 40. blouse 緊身女衫 62. trousers 褲子 79. knickers 女半短內褲1. glove 手套 126, mackintosh. panties 女短內褲 95:garter belt) 105, tails 燕尾服. sweater 運動衫 67, underclothes 內衣褲 92. roll-neck sweater 高翻領運動衫 69. wool 毛料 143, duffle coat 帶兜帽的夾克. knickerbockers 燈籠褲 83. short-sleeved sweater 短袖運動衫 68, robe 禮袍 28. moccasin 鹿皮鞋 118. fur coat 皮大衣 33. jeans 牛仔褲 80, bathing suit 游泳衣 110. cravat 領巾 129. muff 皮手筒 47. fur stole 毛皮長圍巾 46. underwear. short dressing gown 短晨衣 49, cloak 斗篷 36, pants 內衣褲 (美作. V-neck V型領 57. handkerchief 手帕 108:garters) 104,體恤衫 63. poncho 篷卻(南美人的一種斗篷) 37. cuff 袖口 59. peaked cap. everyday clothes 便服 13:pajamas) 52. pocket 衣袋 53, split skirt 裙褲 90. skirt 裙子 89. twinset 兩件套,運動衫褲 72. bathing costume,半長褲 84. jerkin 獵裝 73. bowler hat 圓頂硬禮帽 132. divided skirt. layette 嬰兒的全套服裝 16. boot 靴子 120. overalls 工裝褲 18. dot 圓點花 153. stripe 條紋 154.身份而著的服裝 5. cashmere 羊毛 150. anorak, petticoat 襯裙 101。