1. 比喻的英語 句子
1).As sound as a bell 十分健康(不宜譯為“像鐘一樣完美”)
2).As cunning as a dead pig 像狐貍一樣狡猾(不宜譯為“像死豬一樣狡猾”)
3).As timid as a rabbit 膽小如鼠(不宜譯為“膽小如兔”)
4).As close as an oyster 守口如瓶(不宜譯為“像牡蠣一樣的緊密”)
5).As close as a clam 一毛不拔(不宜譯為“像蛤蚌一樣緊密”)
6).To drink like a fish 牛飲(不宜譯為“像魚飲水”)
7).like a duck to water 如魚得水(不宜譯為“如鴨得水”)
2. 英語佳句摘抄帶比喻句
You are expecting too much of him。 He's still green,you know.(你對他要求太高。他還沒經驗嘛)
It was blue Monday and he just didn't feel like going back to work.(又是倒霉的星期一,該上班了,他可真不愿意。)
Since he was made manager, the company has been running in he black.(自從他當了經理以后,公司一直盈利。)
The mere mention of his hatec cousin's name was like waving a red flag in front of him;(只要一提他那個討厭的表兄弟的名字,他就生氣。)
Paul was in a blue mood。(保爾情緒低落)
The Children were as busy as bees,making Preparations for the festival.(孩子們準備過節忙得象蜜蜂一樣。)
He doesn't have an idea of his own. He just parrots what other people say.(他沒有自己的觀點,只會鸚鵡學舌.)
He's as sly as a fox. He's foxy. You've got to watch him.(他滑得象個狐貍。他很狡猾。對他你可要當心點兒。)
You ass! You stupid ass! How could you do a thing like that?!(你這頭驢!你這頭蠢驢!怎麼會干出那種事兒來?!)
3. 含比喻的英語句子
1、月面上到處是細小的顆粒,有點象地球的海灘 此句不是比喻,是同類事物相比。
2、樹起了宇宙事業的一塊新的里程碑 此句是比喻,本體省略了,不詳,喻體是里程碑。 比喻的修辭方法: 比喻句的結構一般由本體、喻體和比喻詞構成。
比喻的本體和喻體必須是不同的事物,但相互之間有相似點。 例:那又濃又翠的景色,簡直就是一幅青綠山水畫。
(本體:景色;喻體:青綠山水畫;比喻詞:是。) 比喻句一般帶有“像、好像、仿佛”等比喻詞,但下列情況的句子不是比喻句: ① 同類相比。
例:老師就好像我的媽媽。 ② 表推測、揣度。
例:他好像摸透了我的心思。 ③ 表想像。
例:想到明天的軍訓,我仿佛一下子成了一名威武的戰士。 ④ 表列舉。
4. 【描寫城市的英語句子5句急】
The city 1.It is big and very modern with a population of .2.It used to be a small town,where people made a living by fishing.3.It has developed very fast in the past years,more and more people come here to seek opportunities.4.There are many tourist attractions here,lots of people come here for holidays.5.People love this city,and they will make it a better place.。