1. 贊美新西蘭的句子
2. 描寫新西蘭的風景好句
新西蘭景點 (18張)
3. 用三個英語句子來介紹新西蘭這個國家
Country's name: New Zealand (New Zealand) National flag: Assumes the horizontal rectangle, is long andthe wide ratio is 2: 1. The flag is the , the upper left sideis red, the white for the English national flag "the rice" thecharacter design, right side has four to Bai Bian the red fivepointed star, four stars arrangements is asymmetrical. New Zealand isthe British Commonwealth of Nations member nation, red, is white "therice" the character design to indicate with England's traditionalrelations; South four stars expressions the cross ,indicated this country is located the southern hemisphere, meanwhilesymbolizes the independence and the hope. National emblem: The central design is the shield emblem. On theshield surface has five groups of designs; South four five pointedstars representatives the cross , symbolizes New Zealand;Mai Kun represents the agriculture; The sheep represents this countrydeveloped animal husbandry; The overlapping axe symbolizes thiscountry's industry and the mining industry; Three hoist the sails theship expresses this country marine trade importance. Right flank theshield emblem for grasps the weapon the gross profit person, left sideis the European immigrant woman which has the national flag; Placeabove has an English Elizabeth Queen when two th coronations ceremonyuses the royal crown, symbolizes Queen of England also is NewZealand's head of state; Underneath is the New Zealand fern, on thecolorful silk ribbon is writing "New Zealand" with English. National Day: On February 6 (in 1840), was called "the prestigeTanzania wise date" Country tree: Silver fern National bird: Several Uygur bird Country stone: Green stone, also calls the emerald 。
Physical geography: Is located south the Pacific Ocean, is situatedbetween between the and the . West separates TasmanSea and Australia faces one another, north neighbour Tonga, Fiji. NewZealand by North island, the south island, the Stuart island and itsneighbor some islands is composed, area more than 270,000 squarekilometers, special economic area 1.2 million square kilometers.Coastline long 6,900 kilometers. The New Zealand element is famous by"the green". Although within the boundaries the multi- mountains, themountainous region and the knoll account for its area above 75%,but here is the temperate zone marine climate, the temperature difference is not big, the plant growth is extremelyluxuriant, the forest vegetation rate reaches 29%, the natural grazinggrounds or the farm occupy the national territory area one half. Thelength and breadth forest and the pasture cause the green kingdomwhich New Zealand becomes is worthy of the name. The New Zealandhydro-electric resources are rich, national 80% electric power forhydraulic electrogenerating. The wooded area approximately composesthe nation land area 29%, the ecological environment is extremelygood. North island multi- volcanos and hot , south island multi-s and lake. North island first peak Lu Apei the Hu volcanoheight 2,797 meters, on the volcano have New Zealand biggest lake TaoBohu, the area 616 square kilometers. The south island stretchesacross south latitudes 40 ° - 47 °, on the island has national firstpeak storehouse Keshan. In Alps's Frantz Joseph and the Fuchs ,are in the world the elevation lowest . Outside the mountainhas a series of glacial lakes, especially Arab League brain lake area342 square kilometers, are the New Zealand second big lake. Su Selanthe waterfall, the dropping variance 580 meters, occupy the worldfront row. The island Southwest has the meter luck country park, thehigh peak is prominent. Population: 4.07 million, among, the European immigrant descendantaccounts for 78.8%, the gross profit person accounts for 14. 5%, Asianaccounts for 6. 7%. 75% population live in North island. The Aucklandarea population accounts for the national population 30.7%. Thecapital Wellington area population approximately composes the national population 11%. The Oake Lanchow is national population mostcities; The south island Christchurch city is the national second bigcity. The official language is English and the gross profit language.The general English, the gross profit person speaks the gross profitlanguage. 70% inhabitant believe in the Christ protestantism andCatholicism. 國名: (New Zealand) 國旗:呈橫長方形,長與寬之比為2∶1。旗地為深藍色,左上方為紅、白色的“米”字圖案,右邊有四顆鑲的,四顆星排列均不對稱。
是成員國,紅、白“米”字圖案表明同英國的傳統關系;四顆星表示座,表明該國位于,同時還象征獨立和希望。 :中心圖案為盾。
4. 用三個英語句子來介紹新西蘭這個國家
Country's name: New Zealand (New Zealand) National flag: Assumes the horizontal rectangle, is long andthe wide ratio is 2: 1. The flag is the , the upper left sideis red, the white for the English national flag "the rice" thecharacter design, right side has four to Bai Bian the red fivepointed star, four stars arrangements is asymmetrical. New Zealand isthe British Commonwealth of Nations member nation, red, is white "therice" the character design to indicate with England's traditionalrelations; South four stars expressions the cross ,indicated this country is located the southern hemisphere, meanwhilesymbolizes the independence and the hope. National emblem: The central design is the shield emblem. On theshield surface has five groups of designs; South four five pointedstars representatives the cross , symbolizes New Zealand;Mai Kun represents the agriculture; The sheep represents this countrydeveloped animal husbandry; The overlapping axe symbolizes thiscountry's industry and the mining industry; Three hoist the sails theship expresses this country marine trade importance. Right flank theshield emblem for grasps the weapon the gross profit person, left sideis the European immigrant woman which has the national flag; Placeabove has an English Elizabeth Queen when two th coronations ceremonyuses the royal crown, symbolizes Queen of England also is NewZealand's head of state; Underneath is the New Zealand fern, on thecolorful silk ribbon is writing "New Zealand" with English. National Day: On February 6 (in 1840), was called "the prestigeTanzania wise date" Country tree: Silver fern National bird: Several Uygur bird Country stone: Green stone, also calls the emerald 。
Physical geography: Is located south the Pacific Ocean, is situatedbetween between the and the . West separates TasmanSea and Australia faces one another, north neighbour Tonga, Fiji. NewZealand by North island, the south island, the Stuart island and itsneighbor some islands is composed, area more than 270,000 squarekilometers, special economic area 1.2 million square kilometers.Coastline long 6,900 kilometers. The New Zealand element is famous by"the green". Although within the boundaries the multi- mountains, themountainous region and the knoll account for its area above 75%,but here is the temperate zone marine climate, the temperature difference is not big, the plant growth is extremelyluxuriant, the forest vegetation rate reaches 29%, the natural grazinggrounds or the farm occupy the national territory area one half. Thelength and breadth forest and the pasture cause the green kingdomwhich New Zealand becomes is worthy of the name. The New Zealandhydro-electric resources are rich, national 80% electric power forhydraulic electrogenerating. The wooded area approximately composesthe nation land area 29%, the ecological environment is extremelygood. North island multi- volcanos and hot , south island multi-s and lake. North island first peak Lu Apei the Hu volcanoheight 2,797 meters, on the volcano have New Zealand biggest lake TaoBohu, the area 616 square kilometers. The south island stretchesacross south latitudes 40 ° - 47 °, on the island has national firstpeak storehouse Keshan. In Alps's Frantz Joseph and the Fuchs ,are in the world the elevation lowest . Outside the mountainhas a series of glacial lakes, especially Arab League brain lake area342 square kilometers, are the New Zealand second big lake. Su Selanthe waterfall, the dropping variance 580 meters, occupy the worldfront row. The island Southwest has the meter luck country park, thehigh peak is prominent. Population: 4.07 million, among, the European immigrant descendantaccounts for 78.8%, the gross profit person accounts for 14. 5%, Asianaccounts for 6. 7%. 75% population live in North island. The Aucklandarea population accounts for the national population 30.7%. Thecapital Wellington area population approximately composes the national population 11%. The Oake Lanchow is national population mostcities; The south island Christchurch city is the national second bigcity. The official language is English and the gross profit language.The general English, the gross profit person speaks the gross profitlanguage. 70% inhabitant believe in the Christ protestantism andCatholicism. 國名: (New Zealand) 國旗:呈橫長方形,長與寬之比為2∶1。旗地為深藍色,左上方為紅、白色的“米”字圖案,右邊有四顆鑲的,四顆星排列均不對稱。
是成員國,紅、白“米”字圖案表明同英國的傳統關系;四顆星表示座,表明該國位于,同時還象征獨立和希望。 :中心圖案為盾徽。
5. 描寫世外桃源的優美句子
忽逢桃花林,夾岸數百步,中無雜樹,芳草鮮美,落英繽紛。 夾岸數百步,中無雜樹,芳草鮮美,落英繽紛。 忽逢桃花林,夾岸數百步,中無雜樹 我直接把文章給你,你挑一個吧