
解夢佬 0

1. 描述環境優美的英語句子

The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮從云后往下來,星星因倦意而眨眼著。所有的東西現在都進入了睡眠,沒有任何聲音或動作。)

Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle strokes.


2. 描寫環境的英語單詞、句子

tidy, beautiful, wonderful, dirty, polluted, clear, appalling, noisy, unclean, filthy, foul, nasty, unpolluted,beautiful; fair; lovely; pretty; comely; angelic; glamorous; beauteous; picturesque


Some wild folwers are very pretty.


A beautiful view greeted us.


The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his expectation.


The scene that red plum blossoms set off by the white snow was very beautiful.


She was very mad about the fine view of the West Lake.


Hangchow is famed for its scenic spots.


The hill adds to the beauty of the scene.


A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.


He enjoyed the fair land scape of his hometown.


This city is flanked on all sides by unspoiled country.


The scene was one of indescribable beauty.


It may offer mountain scenery, the combination of sun and sea, or features that are entirely manmade, like Disneyland in California.


There was no view anywhere, nothing but the oppressive and silent scrub.


From the windows you had a spacious view of the harbour with its crowded traffic.


It was a most beautiful sight.


The garden will look very beautiful when all the plants are in flower.


3. 描述環境優美的英語句子

The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮從云后往下來,星星因倦意而眨眼著。

所有的東西現在都進入了睡眠,沒有任何聲音或動作。)Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle strokes. (月亮在天空好似一盞夜燈。



4. 關于環境的英語句子大全

1.Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it.Only by saving the environment can save ourselves.


2.When the sky blue again,the rivers become clean,and the grass is always green,we'll live a healthier and happier life.


3.If we go on polluting water,the last drop of water will be our tears.


4.Saving oer environment is everyone's duty.


5.Our earth is just our future.


6.To protect the earth is to protect ourselves.

5. 關于環境的英語句子

We should pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin.

We should collect waste paper or bottles for recycling.

We should plant trees or flowers in or near our neighbourhood.

We should do something useful to improve the invironment.

We should not throw any litter onto the ground.

We should not draw pictures on public walls.

We should not spit in a public place.

We should not cut down trees. .

people are encouraged to use the enviromental friendly products.

6. 描寫描寫環境優美的句子


7. 英語關于環境作文萬能句子

Recently,our environment problem becomes more and more serious.

How to protect our environment becomes a hot topic.

If everyone pay attention to our environment,I believe that we will live in a lear and tidy society.

Protecting our environment is to protect our own home.

Only by protecting environment can we realise our sustainable develpment.

Protecting environment is benifitial to our offsprings.


8. 用英語來描述環境優美


心曠神怡 Carefree and happy

怡然自得 Be cheerful and contented devil-may-care

興高采烈 Elated

樂不思蜀 Abandon self to pleasures

心花怒放 Greatly elated

欣喜若狂 Jubilantly happy

慷慨激昂 Vehement

心潮澎湃 Feel an upsurge of emotion


清新 Fresh

溫馨 Mild and fragrant

典雅 Elegant

萬紫千紅 A blaze of colour

五彩繽紛 Colourful

美不勝收 Too beautiful to be absorbed all at once

迎風吐艷 Face the wind vomiting gorgeous

春色滿園 Thriving and prosperous

綠草如茵 A carpet of green grass


高樓大廈拔地而起 Many-storied buildings rises straight from the ground

交通便利 Have transport facilities

社會和諧 Society is harmonious

和諧社會 Harmonious society

小康生活 Comparatively well-off life

和睦相處 Be on friendly terms with

9. 有哪些描寫夜晚環境安靜的唯美的英文句子

1. The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮從云后往下來,星星因倦意而眨眼著.所有的東西現在都進入了睡眠,沒有任何聲音或動作.)

2. Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle strokes.


3.The setting sun crushed the mountain, the reddish sunset rose, piles of smiles, exposed the town suburb tranquil evening.


4.The summer came, the evening fell, and the concert began. I sat quietly on the balcony, ready to attend a lively music feast on summer night. You see, the starry night sky is the background of the music stage. Close your eyes and feel the summer breeze, how comfortable it is! When the wind comes, as if there is a warm current into my heart, is gentle and warm and warm feeling.


5.The night came quietly, with the heat and light and coolness and silence of the night.









