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1. 內向的英文

diffidence 英 ['dɪfɪd(ə)ns] 美 n. 無自信;羞32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333366303237怯;內向 短語 diffidence blazonness 缺乏自信 diffidence e 謙虛 docile & diffidence 溫順 shyness and diffidence 羞澀和感到膽怯 overcome diffidence and nervousness 克服不自信和緊張 With Awkward Diffidence 既尷尬又不安 擴展資料 雙語例句 1、I fervently wished we could warm up into some discussion, but my diffidence got the better of my conversational powers. 我熱烈希望我們能進行一次活躍的討論。

但是我的羞怯,壓倒了熱烈討論的動力。 2、It is with some diffidence that I try to speak to you in his own home of Newton as he was himself. 在牛頓自己的家里,我試圖就牛頓為題來進行演講,是有些忐忑不安的。

3、No usage or custom was a bondage for him, and so was he able to rid me of my shrinking diffidence. 任何風俗習慣都束縛不住他,因此他才能去除掉我身上的畏縮膽怯。 4、Of bashfulness, diffidence or fear we had none, our main object being to bask in the heat of our own fervour. 我們沒有害羞、膽怯和恐懼,因為我們的主要目的就是沉浸在我們自己的狂熱當中。

5、Even money did not make much difference; farmers maintained a certain proud and wary reserve that might be seen as diffidence, in the presence of citizens they could buy ahd sell. 即使有了錢,鄉下人也沒有什麼變化。在與他們做生意的城里人面前,他們保持著的某種尊嚴和小心翼翼的矜持,可能被看作膽怯。