
解夢佬 0

1. 描寫花的英語句子

1.Her hair is brown and curly.她有著一頭棕色而卷曲的頭發。

2.He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鷹鉤鼻

3.She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round .


4.He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had never seen.


5.She has a double chin. 她有雙下巴。

6.When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 當他笑的時候,我們看見他有一口整齊的牙齒。

7.He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. 他穿了一件花格子襯衫,看上去很隨便。

8.She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起來的時候很有魅力。

9.A friendly smile will help you to win others heart. 友好的笑容能幫助你贏得別人的心。

10. He jumped for fun.


11.She belongs to those who are very difficult to satisfy.


12.Everyone looked at her in astonishment.


13.The news depresses her.


14.He was in a rage.


15.She was red with anger.


2. 15種花用英語來表達

中國水仙new year lily 自尊/單戀 石榴pomegranate 相思/永生 月桂victor\'s laurel 勝利/不誠實 報春花polyanthus 初戀/自作多情 木棉cotton tree 熱情 紫丁香lilac 青春的回憶 吊鐘lady\'s eardrops 嘗試/熱心 紫荊chinese redbud 故情/手足情 百合lily 純凈/神圣 紫羅蘭wall flower 信任/愛的羈絆 桃花peach 被你俘虜 紫藤wistaria 沉迷的愛 杜鵑azalea 愛的快樂/節制 鈴蘭lily-of-the-valley 纖細/希望/純潔 牡丹tree paeony 富貴/羞怯 銀杏ginkgo 長壽 芍藥paeony 害羞 蝴蝶蘭moth orchid 幸福/純潔/吉祥 辛夷violet magnolia 友情/愛自然 蟹爪仙人掌christmas cactus 錦上添花 玫瑰rose 愛情/愛與美 郁金香tulip 名譽/慈善/美麗 茶花common camelia 美德/謙遜 千日紅common globe-amaranth 永恒的愛/不朽 非洲堇african vioet 永恒的美 天人菊indian blanket 團結/協力 梔子花cape jasmine 喜悅/純潔 木槿rose of sharon 勸告/短暫的美 風信子hyacinyh 悲哀/永遠懷念 百子蓮african lily 愛的來臨 牽牛花morning glory 愛情/依賴 君子蘭kafir lily 寶貴/高貴 荷包花lady\'s pocketbook 聚集財富 含笑花banana shrub 矜持/含蓄 非洲菊african daisy 神秘/興奮 含羞草esnsitive plant 敏感 茉莉arabian jasmine 你屬于我/親切 豬籠草pitcher plant 財源廣進 凌霄花creeper 好高騖遠 樹蘭orchid tree 平凡而清雅 康乃馨caronation 溫馨/慈祥 雞冠花cockscomb 永生/愛美/癡情 荷花lotus 神圣/純潔 鳶蘿cypress vine 關懷/依附 菩提bo-tree 結婚/圣潔 大理花dahlia 移情別戀/優雅 圣誕百合christmas bell 溫暖的心 一串紅scarlet sage 熱切的思念 紫薇crape myrtle 圣潔/喜悅/長壽 勿忘草forget-me-not 不要忘記我 睡蓮water lily 信仰/純潔的心 文心蘭dacing lady 樂不思蜀 吊蘭spider plant 無奈/還有希望 白頭翁pappy anemone 堅忍/背信之戀 向日葵sunflower 愛慕/光輝/高傲 矢車菊cornflower 纖細/優雅/幸福 竹bamboo 君子/平安 金魚草snapdrgon 傲慢/好管閑事 夾竹桃oleander 深刻友情/謹慎 金盞花pot marigold 離別之痛/迷戀 扶桑china rose 體貼之美/纖細 金銀花japanese honeysuckle 真誠的愛/羈絆 長春花old maid 愉快的回憶 金蓮花garden nasturium 愛國心 秋海棠begonia 親切/誠懇/單戀 非洲鳳仙african touch-me-not 不要碰我 美人蕉canna 妄想/猜疑 曼佗羅angel\'s trumpet 恐怖/敬愛 晚香玉tuberose 危險邊緣的快樂 梅花flowering apricot 忠實/堅毅 野姜花ginger lily 無聊 圣誕紅common poinsettia 祝福你/付出 菊花chrysamthemum 清廉/高潔 虞美人iceland poppy 安慰/遺忘/休息 曇花epiphyllum 熱情/短暫 鳶尾iris 優雅的心/使命 龍膽royal blue 最愛憂傷時的你 臘梅winter sweet 依戀/慈愛 麒麟花bojers spurge 自衛 木芙蓉cotton rose 纖細之美 九重葛paper flower 夏日戀情/陶醉 火鶴花flamingo flower 燃燒的心/煩惱 三色堇tricolor viola 思念/愛的告白 嘉德麗亞蘭cattleya 敬愛/善意/傾慕。

3. 表示花的英語單詞

flowerblossom 兩個都可以,同樣有兩個詞性,動詞為開花,名詞為花 鳶尾花:Flower-de-luce 四葉草:Bunge bedstraw herb 蝴蝶花:Iris 海芋:Alocasia 桔梗花:Platycodon grandiflorum is spent 櫻花草:The platicodon grandiflorum is colored 其他: 中國水仙 new year lily 自尊/單戀 石榴 pomegranate 相思/永生 月桂 victor\'s laurel 勝利/不誠實 報春花 polyanthus 初戀/自作多情 木棉 cotton tree 熱情 紫丁香 lilac 青春的回憶 吊鐘 lady\'s eardrops 嘗試/熱心 紫荊 chinese redbud 故情/手足情 百合 lily 純凈/神圣 紫羅蘭 wall flower 信任/愛的羈絆 桃花 peach 被你俘虜 紫藤 wistaria 沉迷的愛 杜鵑 azalea 愛的快樂/節制 鈴蘭 lily-of-the-valley 纖細/希望/純潔 牡丹 tree paeony 富貴/羞怯 銀杏 ginkgo 長壽 芍藥 paeony 害羞 蝴蝶蘭 moth orchid 幸福/純潔/吉祥 辛夷 violet magnolia 友情/愛自然 蟹爪仙人掌 christmas cactus 錦上添花 玫瑰 rose 愛情/愛與美 郁金香 tulip 名譽/慈善/美麗 茶花 common camelia 美德/謙遜 千日紅 common globe-amaranth 永恒的愛/不朽 非洲堇 african vioet 永恒的美 天人菊 indian blanket 團結/協力 梔子花 cape jasmine 喜悅/純潔 木槿 rose of sharon 勸告/短暫的美 風信子 hyacinyh 悲哀/永遠懷念 百子蓮 african lily 愛的來臨 牽牛花 morning glory 愛情/依賴 君子蘭 kafir lily 寶貴/高貴 荷包花 lady\'s pocketbook 聚集財富 含笑花 banana shrub 矜持/含蓄 非洲菊 african daisy 神秘/興奮 含羞草 esnsitive plant 敏感 茉莉 arabian jasmine 你屬于我/親切 豬籠草 pitcher plant 財源廣進 凌霄花 creeper 好高騖遠 樹蘭 orchid tree 平凡而清雅 康乃馨 caronation 溫馨/慈祥 雞冠花 cockscomb 永生/愛美/癡情 荷花 lotus 神圣/純潔 鳶蘿 cypress vine 關懷/依附 菩提 bo-tree 結婚/圣潔 大理花 dahlia 移情別戀/優雅 圣誕百合 christmas bell 溫暖的心 一串紅 scarlet sage 熱切的思念 紫薇 crape myrtle 圣潔/喜悅/長壽 勿忘草 forget-me-not 不要忘記我 睡蓮 water lily 信仰/純潔的心 文心蘭 dacing lady 樂不思蜀 吊蘭 spider plant 無奈/還有希望 白頭翁 pappy anemone 堅忍/背信之戀 向日葵 sunflower 愛慕/光輝/高傲 矢車菊 cornflower 纖細/優雅/幸福 竹 bamboo 君子/平安 金魚草 snapdrgon 傲慢/好管閑事 夾竹桃 oleander 深刻友情/謹慎 金盞花 pot marigold 離別之痛/迷戀 扶桑 china rose 體貼之美/纖細 金銀花 japanese honeysuckle 真誠的愛/羈絆 長春花 old maid 愉快的回憶 金蓮花 garden nasturium 愛國心 秋海棠 begonia 親切/誠懇/單戀 非洲鳳仙 african touch-me-not 不要碰我 美人蕉 canna 妄想/猜疑 曼佗羅 angel\'s trumpet 恐怖/敬愛 晚香玉 tuberose 危險邊緣的快樂 梅花 flowering apricot 忠實/堅毅 野姜花 ginger lily 無聊 圣誕紅 common poinsettia 祝福你/付出 菊花 chrysamthemum 清廉/高潔 虞美人 iceland poppy 安慰/遺忘/休息 曇花 epiphyllum 熱情/短暫 鳶尾 iris 優雅的心/使命 龍膽 royal blue 最愛憂傷時的你 臘梅 winter sweet 依戀/慈愛 麒麟花 bojers spurge 自衛 木芙蓉 cotton rose 纖細之美 九重葛 paper flower 夏日戀情/陶醉 火鶴花 flamingo flower 燃燒的心/煩惱 三色堇 tricolor viola 思念/愛的告白 嘉德麗亞蘭 cattleya 敬愛/善意/傾慕。

4. 英語中,表達花費的句型

reading and fishing.我看看書、釣釣魚打發時間。

Note:口語中,通常省略介詞in。再如: I used to spend my spare time going cycling.(我過去常常騎自行車兜風來消磨閑暇時間。)

take Pattern I(句型I) It takes sb. some time /money to do sth.. e.g. It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station.It takes thirty minutes for us to walk from here to the station. 我們從這兒到車站步行要花30分鐘。 It took him a lot of money to buy her a fur coat.It took a lot of money for him to buy her a fur coat. 他給她買皮外套花了很多錢。

Note:該句型中的it為形式主語,動詞不定式短語作真正主語。"for sb. to do sth."為復合動詞不定式結構。

take后也可不接間接賓語sb.。例如:How long does it take to go there by air?(乘飛機到那兒要花多長時間?) Pattern II(句型II) Sb. takes some time to do sth.. e.g. I took two hours to finish the composition. 我花了兩個小時才完成這篇作文。

They took three years to build the bridge. 他們花了三年時間建這座橋。 Pattern III(句型III) Sth. takes(sb.)some time. e.g. The writing of the article took me two days. 寫這篇文章花了我兩天時間。

The flight from Tokyo to San Francisco takes nine hours. 從東京到舊金山的飛行要花9個小時。 Note:take作"花費"解時,若主語是it,take既可用于花時間,也可用于花金錢;若主語是人或事物,則只能用于時間。

cost Pattern I(句型I) Sth. costs sb. some money. e.g. This computer cost me 5,000 yuan. 這臺電腦花了我五千元。 Note:cost接雙賓語時,作"花費"解,若只接錢數時,作"價值"解。

例如: This jacket costs 200 dollars.(這件夾克價值200美元。) Pattern II(句型II) It costs (sb.)some money to do sth.. e.g.It will cost you 500 dollars to repair the car. 修理這部汽車要花費你500美元。

How much did it cost to build the bridge? 建這座橋花費了多少錢? Note:該句型中的cost與take用法相同,可替換使用。注意,cost作"花費"解時,主語只能是事物或it,不能是人。

比較:[誤]I cost two yuan on the book/ to buy the book. [正]The book cost me two yuan.I spent two yuan on the book.(這本書我花了兩塊錢。) Pattern III(句型III) Sth. costs (sb.) time, labour, life,。

e.g. Such a difficult job costs a lot of time and effort. 這麼困難的工作需要耗費極多的時間和心力。 Careless driving will cost you your life. 粗心駕駛會使你喪命。

Note: cost也可以接時間、勞力、性命等作賓語,作"耗費""(使)付出"解。cost雖可用及物動詞,但無論哪種用法,都不可用于被動語態。

比較:[誤]They were cost much labour by the work. [正]The work cost them much labour.(這項工程耗費了他們大量勞動。) pay Pattern I(句型I) Sb. pays some money for sth.. e.g. I paid 3,000 yuan for the mobile phone. 我花三千元買了這部手機。

How much did you pay for the motorbike? 你花多少錢買的這輛摩托車? Pattern II(句型II) One pays sb./sth. (for sth.). e.g. He's paid the bill. 他已付了賬。 She paid the driver and got out of the taxi. 她付給司機錢后下了出租車。

Please pay the cashier for the meal. 請把飯錢付給會計吧。 Pattern III(句型III) One pays sb. some money for sth.. e.g. I paid him 100 yuan for the old bike. 我花100元買了他那輛舊自行車。

How much did you pay the shopkeeper for fixing the TV set? 你付給店主多少錢修理這臺電視機? Note:pay接雙賓語表示"付給某人多少錢",間接賓語也可用"to sb."表示。例如:Did you pay 100 yuan to him for the old bike?(你付給他100元買他那輛舊自行車了嗎?) Pattern IV(句型IV) One pays sb. some money to do sth.. e.g. He paid the boy 5 dollars to wash his car. 他付給那孩子5美元叫他洗車。

Note:pay作"花費"、"付款"解時,主語只能指人,不能指物。pay還可用作不及物動詞,即"pay for sth.",意思是"付某物的款"。

例如:I've paid for these books.(我已付了這些書錢。)表示"賠償"時,要用"pay back"。

例如:Let me pay him back.(讓我賠他吧。) I'll pay back for his book.(我要賠償他的書。)

練習:用至少五句話翻譯"我花了10元錢買的這本字典"。 答案: ①I spent ten yuan on the dictionary. ②I spent ten yuan buying the dictionary. ③It took me ten yuan to buy the dictionary. ④The dictionary cost me ten yuan. ⑤It cost me ten yuan to buy the dictionary. ⑥I paid ten yuan for the dictionary.。

5. 用英文描寫你最喜歡的花,不少于五句話

My favourite flower is (百合花)Lily. It is white in colour usually. It also have yellow, pink and red colour. It looks like a star. It grow up at China. I love Lily because it is fragrant and beautiful

我最喜歡的花是百合花。 這通常的顏色是白色。 它也有黃,粉紅色和紅的顏色。 它看起來象一顆星。 它在中國生長。


6. 用英文描字寫鮮花的詞語

彼岸花 Legend, long long time ago, a city border opens full vast Man pearl sand China , is just a Faramita flower, its fragrance of a flower has one kind of magic power , can let person remember self previous existence thing. Defending the Faramita flower's is two alluring women , one is that the flower evil spirit shouts the Man pearl , one is that the leaf evil spirit shouts sand China. But they have guarded marquis several Faramita in 1000 flowers, not have met all along , do not have a leaf because of the moment blooming,will not have when having a leaf. They are being missed each other frenzied , are being caused suffering to and by this agony. One day, they finally decide to go against magical regulation seeing a secretly. The green causing an eye is setting off that brilliant red Man for 1 year pearl sand China perianth , Kaide is especially pretty and coquettish beautiful. Gods and spirits crime comes down , this is also in accordance with expectation. The Man pearl and sand China are infiltrated into a transmigration, and are cursed to be able to together forever neither, accepting a tribulation generation after generation here below. From that, Man pearl sand China also lets the other shore spend , show appreciation being to open the flower in Uranian, the multicolored form resembles the palm in praying to Heaven, in but the city also had not appeared in this. This flower is to come untied in netherworld on the way , the Man pearl and every sand China reincarnation self smelting multicolored scent of Faramita on the way being therefore likely to remember previous existence in netherworld, swear then not parting , my once falls into the transmigration cursing once again. 傳說,很久很久以前,一個城市的邊緣開滿了大片大片的曼珠沙華,也就是彼岸花,它的花香有一種魔力,可以讓人想起自己前世的事情。

守護彼岸花的是兩個妖精,一個是花妖叫曼珠,一個是葉妖叫沙華。 他們守侯了幾千年的彼岸花,可是從來沒有見過面,因為開花的時候,就沒有葉子,有葉子的時候就沒有。


那一年的曼珠沙華紅艷艷的花被惹眼的綠色襯托著,開得格外妖冶美麗。 神怪罪下來,這也是意料之中的。

