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1. 雅思寫作中可以用來表觀點的詞語有哪些


表示態度的雅思作文連接詞:strangely enough, undoubtedly, fortunately,unfortunately, most importantly, surprisingly

句子: However, reaching the conclusion that change isinevitable is not the same as assuming that "change is always for thebetter". Unfortunately, it is not always the case that newthings are promoted because they have good impacts on the majority of people


2. 雅思大作文觀點句怎麼寫

there is another point of view that。.

some argue that。.,conversely, the view of others,such as.., is that。..

sb argue in favor of + 名詞 表示某人支持。.

as far as I am concerned, 我認為 I hold the view that 從句 = I consider that從句= I support/claim that。

sb is convinced that 從句

there is another statement that 從句

Another point I want to address is 從句

以上句型都可以用來表達觀點 -----鄭州大河雅思教師解答

3. 用英語表達個人見解的句子有哪些


I think 。

As far as I am concerned。

For my part。

Personally speaking。

As to me,。

As I see it,。

It seems to me that。

In my view。

If I may say so, I think。

I'm of the opinion that。

If you ask me,。

I believe/feel。

In my opinion ,。

4. 雅思大作文觀點句怎麼寫



如果題干中本來就有對某一話題的背景陳述,那考生所做的就是對題干中的這句話進行改寫和擴充。如下面這個題干:Nowadays, the traditions and customs relating to the food we eat andthe way we eat are changing. Why is it happening? Do you think this kind ofchange is positive or negative?第一句話Nowadays, the traditions andcustoms relating to the food we eat and the way we eat are changing就屬于話題背景陳述。


如下面這個題干:Some people think the increasing business and cultural contactbetween countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the loss of national identities. Discuss on both sidesand give your opinion.本題干就不包含話題的背景介紹,是直接對觀點的陳述(Somepeople… Others say…)。遇到這種情況,考生就應該根據自己已有的相關知識對該話題的背景進行補充,完成首段的開篇部分。

接下來是對背景介紹部分常用到的短語的匯總和羅列,可以幫助考生充實自己的語料庫。Recently, the rise in problem of/phenomenon of…has cause/arousedpublic/popular/wide/worldwide concern.Recently, the rise in problem of/phenomenon of…has been brought intofocus.…is yet another new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now.…are playing important roles in our lives.Whether … has been a topic of discussion.Whether … sparks much debate.話題觀點話題觀點位于首段的后面部分,是對題干中所提及的話題提出相應的觀點。

如果題干中呈現了兩類人的不同觀點,那這兩類人的觀點就是話題觀點部分的內容,只是在敘述方式上需要用另外的句子表達出來。同樣看下面這個題干:Some people think the increasing business and cultural contactbetween countries brings many positive effects. Others say it causes the lossof national identities. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion.這個題干就直接呈現出兩類人對同一話題的觀點,考生便需要將其改寫在話題觀點部分。

如果題干中沒有呈現兩類人的觀點,而是直接問你的看法或者問你同不同意某一觀點,那你自己的看法就是話題觀點部分的內容。如下面這個題干:The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertisingbecause it serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extentdo you agree or disagree with this opinion?這個題干就是直接問考生對某一話題的觀點。

對于這種觀點類大作文,考生在首段的話題觀點部分寫出自己的看法便好。在引出觀點上,常用到短語有:When asked about…, the vast majority of people say that…, but Ithink/view a bit differently.When it comes to…, some people believe that…, others argue/claimthat the opposite is true.There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements, but Itend to the…/prefer that…/the latter.Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledge that…They claim/believe/argue that…But I wonder/doubt whether…Generally speaking,…It is understandable for some people to hold the opinion that…It is a well-known fact that…I think that…Personally (speaking), I believe/ hold the view/perspective that…I am convinced that…As far as I am concerned,…I tend to believe that…I firmly believe that…I would concede/admit that…I would suggest that…My suggestion (concerning this matter) is that…My view/perspective is that…。

5. 雅思寫作中表示論證的句子模板有哪些

感謝您關注智課網(SmartStudy) 表示論證1:From my point of view, it is more reasonable tosupport the first opinion rather than the second.(在我看來,支持第一種觀點比第二種更有道理)2:I cannot entirely agree with the idea that…(我無法完全同意這一觀點)3:As far as I am concerned/In my opinion,…(就我來說…)4:I sincerely believe that…==I am greatly convinced (that)子句.(我真誠地相信……)5:Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a morepractical reason why …(最后,坦率地說,還有另外一個實際的原因…)歡迎關注智課網雅思課程:/expertclass-ielts。

6. 雅思大作文如何表示自己是中間觀點



這些也同時體現在雅思考試的作文評分標準上,雅思相較于托福而言,更傾向于考察學生對于問題的全面把握與客觀理解,因而從歷年的雅思寫作真題和其范文上分析,關于辯論型題目考官還是更青睞雙邊討論型的寫作方式,大多數高分作文都具備這一特點。放下分析解決型文章不談,辯論型文章的任務要求一般有以下幾種:1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?2 Discuss both these views and give your own opinions.3 To what extent do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? (措辭有時略有不同,但主要意思不變)4 What is your opinion?中國學生常常陷入對第一個指令的認識誤區,錯誤以為只能從同意或不同意的單一角度去分析問題,一些培訓機構有時也會在這些方面上誤導學生。

實際上,這個問題并不僅僅就是個單項選擇,而是可以從正反兩方面多角度去分析的,例如2008年3月13日的這道大作文考題:People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?專家認為,對于該題,完全可從健康作為社會責任和個人利益時的優劣兩個角度去討論,兼顧兩方面,從而可以達到寫作分析闡述上的客觀,避免有過于偏頗片面的看法。這在雅思作文考試中是應時刻注意的一點。

類似的思路還應用在第三個指令上,該要求的目的并非要求考生一定要得出一個“利大于弊”或“弊大于利”的狹隘觀點,然后針對這一方面進行分析;而應在論述過程中,對有益和不利方面均要涉及,一同闡明,最終得出一個客觀公正的結。在如2008年2月23日這道考題:In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy a wide variety of foods transported from all over the world. To what extent do the benefits of this development outweigh the drawbacks?人們在本國就可以買到來自于世界各地的食品,該題目要求對這一現象進行利弊的比較和討論,考生理應要對兩方面都進行闡述,才符合題目的要求。



Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while some people think more benefits has been brought to international business. Discuss both views and give you ur own opinion.如例選自2008年7月26日的考試,考生就需要就題目中不同人群對國際合作在不同領域所帶來的好處的看法進行論述,一個是環保方面,另一個是國際商務方面,這正好印證了雙邊作文類型之一,即對不同觀點進行分析。最后一個任務指令往往是要求考生自己給出觀點,乍看上去發揮的自由度很大,但雙邊態度仍應作為一個基本準則在前期的構思階段及后期的寫作中注意。


7. 雅思作文讓你討論兩種觀點并給出自己建議的文章怎麼寫,也就是說兩
