
解夢佬 0

1. 哈利波特的精彩語段中英文對照

一. 你們也許覺得我不算漂亮,


但千萬不要以貌取人, 如果你們能找到比我更漂亮的帽子, 我可以把自己吃掉。 你們可以讓你們的圓頂禮帽烏黑油亮, 讓你們的高頂絲帽光滑挺括, 我可是霍格沃茨測試用的禮帽, 自然比你們的帽子高超出眾。 你們頭腦里隱藏的任何念頭, 都躲不過魔帽的金睛火眼, 戴上它試一下吧,我會告訴你們, 你們應該分到哪一所學院。 你也許屬于格蘭芬多, 那里有埋藏在心底的勇敢, 他們的膽識、氣魄和豪爽, 使格蘭芬多出類拔萃; 你也許屬于赫奇帕奇, 那里的人正直忠誠, 赫奇帕奇的學子們堅忍誠實, 不畏懼艱辛的勞動; 如果你頭腦精明, 或許會進智慧的老拉文克勞,


那些睿智博學的人, 總會在那里遇見他們的同道; 也許你會進斯萊特林, 也許你在這里交上真誠的朋友, 但那些狡詐陰險之輩卻會不惜一切手段, 去達到他們的目的。 來戴上我吧!不必害怕! 千萬不要驚慌失措! 在我的手里(盡管我連一只手也沒有) 你絕對安全 因為我是一頂會思想的魔帽! -- 引自《哈利·波特與魔法石》71-72頁 英文版: Oh,you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep you bowlers black Your top hats sleek and tall And I can cap them all There's nothing hidden in your head The sorting Hat can't see So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be You might belong in Gryffindor Where dwell the brave at heart Their daring never and chivalry Set Griffindor apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff Where they are just and loyal Those patient Hufflepuff are true And unafraid of toil Or yet in wise od Ravenclaw If you've a ready mind Where those of wit and learning Will always find their kind Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends So put me on!Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hand(though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!

2. 哈利波特經典語句附英文



































3. 有關《哈利波特》的幾個英語句子

The story was taken place at Hogwarts magic school.The main content: Harry Potter was brought up by his uncle and aunt,because his parents were murder by Lord Voldemort.He was a wizard,but he did not konw until he received a letter form Hogwarts at his 11.And at the school, he had two friends-Ron and Hermione.The he began his long way to struggle against Voldemort with the help of the two.The main idea of the book: Justice will triumph over evil.It is a book full of magic and the story is very attractive,so every people fancy it.The most wonderful section: The scene that Harry and Voldmort had final battle at Hogwarts' hall. It derive from the seventh book Deathly Hallows。

4. 哈利波特中的英文好句


Courage has many kinds, against the enemy we need courage, but to the superman in front of friends to stick to his guns, also need a great deal of courage.永遠不要相信任何能夠獨立思考的東西,除非你看清了它把頭腦藏在什麼地方。Never believe any things to think independently, unless you see it to mind hidden in any place.該來的終究會來,一旦來了,他就必須接受。

What will eventually come, once arrived, he had to accept it.當我們面對死亡和黑暗時,我們害怕的只是未知,除此之外沒有別的。When we face death and darkness, we feared only unknown, besides is no other.只要我們目標一致,敞開心胸,習慣和語言的差異都不會成為障礙。

As long as we consistent aim, open, habits and language differences are not become obstacles.對于頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。For the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure.可是漠不關心,還有視而不見,往往會比直截了當的厭惡造成的傷害大得多。

But also turn a blind eye, indifference, often than straightforward abhor the damage.人們容易原諒別人的錯誤,卻很難原諒別人的正確。People easier to forgive the mistakes of others, but it's hard to forgive others correct.真相是一種美麗又可怕的東西,需要格外謹慎地對待。

Truth is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with.沉湎于虛幻的夢想,而忘記現實的生活,這是毫無益處的。Indulge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good.表現我們真正的自我,是我們自己的選擇,這比我們所擁有的能力更重要。

To show our true selves, is our own choice, this is better than what we have ability is more important.對事物永遠都使用正確的稱呼。對一個名稱的恐懼,會強化對這個事物本身的恐懼。

Things always use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears.在這個世界上,沒有誰的血統是高貴的,也沒有誰流的血是卑賤的。In this world, no whose lineage is noble, no flow blood is vile.暫時使疼痛變得麻木,只會使你最后感覺疼痛時疼的更加厲害。

Temporarily pain become numb, will only make you feel pain when last pain more severe.一個人的出身并不重要,重要的是他成長為什麼樣的人。A person's background is not important, the important thing is that he grew into what kind of person.最大的失敗就是不能理解還有比死亡更壞的事情。

The biggest failure is cannot understand and worse things than death.老年人低估年輕人,是愚蠢而健忘的。Old people underestimate young people, is stupid and forgetful.最終決定我們命運的不是能力,而是我們自己的選擇。

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneEventually determine our fate is not the ability, but our own choices. Harry Potter and the men 's required不知道前面會怎麼樣,但至少要比拋在后面的過去好。Don't know what will happen, but at least ahead than behind the past.沉湎于虛幻的夢想,而忘記現實的生活,是毫無益處的。

Indulge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good.總是無辜者最先受到傷害,幾百年以來是這樣,現在還是這樣。Always innocents first hurt, for centuries is so, now or so.除了死讀書,再靠一點小聰明之外,還有許多更重要的東西——友誼和勇氣。

Besides dies studies, again by a little trickier besides, still have many more important things -- friendship and courage.死亡實際上就像是經過漫長的一天之后,終于上床休息了。而且,對于頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。

Death actually like after a long day after finally went to bed. Moreover, for the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure.不論想擁有多少財富,獲得多長壽命,都可以如愿以償——這兩樣東西是人類最想要的——問題是,人類偏偏就喜歡選擇對他們最沒有好處的東西。No matter how much wealth, want to have long life, can obtain fulfiled - these two things are human want - the problem is that humans are like choice for their most no good thing.對事物擁有使用正確的稱呼。

對一個名稱的恐懼,會強化對這個事物本身的恐懼。Things have to use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears.真相,這是一種美麗而可怕的東西,需要格外謹慎地對待。

The truth, this is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with.被一個人這樣深深地愛過,盡管那個愛我們的人已經死了,也會給我們留下一個永遠的護身符。Be a man so loved, although the love of our people have been killed and will leave us a forever talisman.勇氣有許多種類,對付敵人我們需要超人的膽量,而要在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,同樣也需要很大的勇氣。

Courage has many kinds, against the enemy we need courage, but to the superman in front of。

5. 有關《哈利波特》的幾個英語句子

The story was taken place at Hogwarts magic school.

The main content: Harry Potter was brought up by his uncle and aunt,because his parents were murder by Lord Voldemort.He was a wizard,but he did not konw until he received a letter form Hogwarts at his 11.And at the school, he had two friends-Ron and Hermione.The he began his long way to struggle against Voldemort with the help of the two.

The main idea of the book: Justice will triumph over evil.

It is a book full of magic and the story is very attractive,so every people fancy it.

The most wonderful section: The scene that Harry and Voldmort had final battle at Hogwarts' hall. It derive from the seventh book Deathly Hallows.

6. 求50句哈利波特中的經典句子,中英文對照的,要完成英語寒假作業


Courage has many kinds, against the enemy we need courage, but to the superman in front of friends to stick to his guns, also need a great deal of courage. 永遠不要相信任何能夠獨立思考的東西,除非你看清了它把頭腦藏在什麼地方。 Never believe any things to think independently, unless you see it to mind hidden in any place. 該來的終究會來,一旦來了,他就必須接受。

What will eventually come, once arrived, he had to accept it. 當我們面對死亡和黑暗時,我們害怕的只是未知,除此之外沒有別的。 When we face death and darkness, we feared only unknown, besides is no other. 只要我們目標一致,敞開心胸,習慣和語言的差異都不會成為障礙。

As long as we consistent aim, open, habits and language differences are not become obstacles. 對于頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。 For the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure. 可是漠不關心,還有視而不見,往往會比直截了當的厭惡造成的傷害大得多。

But also turn a blind eye, indifference, often than straightforward abhor the damage. 人們容易原諒別人的錯誤,卻很難原諒別人的正確。 People easier to forgive the mistakes of others, but it's hard to forgive others correct. 真相是一種美麗又可怕的東西,需要格外謹慎地對待。

Truth is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with. 沉湎于虛幻的夢想,而忘記現實的生活,這是毫無益處的。 Indulge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good. 表現我們真正的自我,是我們自己的選擇,這比我們所擁有的能力更重要。

To show our true selves, is our own choice, this is better than what we have ability is more important. 對事物永遠都使用正確的稱呼。對一個名稱的恐懼,會強化對這個事物本身的恐懼。

Things always use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears. 在這個世界上,沒有誰的血統是高貴的,也沒有誰流的血是卑賤的。 In this world, no whose lineage is noble, no flow blood is vile. 暫時使疼痛變得麻木,只會使你最后感覺疼痛時疼的更加厲害。

Temporarily pain become numb, will only make you feel pain when last pain more severe. 一個人的出身并不重要,重要的是他成長為什麼樣的人。 A person's background is not important, the important thing is that he grew into what kind of person. 最大的失敗就是不能理解還有比死亡更壞的事情。

The biggest failure is cannot understand and worse things than death. 老年人低估年輕人,是愚蠢而健忘的。 Old people underestimate young people, is stupid and forgetful. 最終決定我們命運的不是能力,而是我們自己的選擇。

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Eventually determine our fate is not the ability, but our own choices. Harry Potter and the men 's required 不知道前面會怎麼樣,但至少要比拋在后面的過去好。 Don't know what will happen, but at least ahead than behind the past. 沉湎于虛幻的夢想,而忘記現實的生活,是毫無益處的。

Indulge in illusory dreams and forget the reality, it is no good. 總是無辜者最先受到傷害,幾百年以來是這樣,現在還是這樣。 Always innocents first hurt, for centuries is so, now or so. 除了死讀書,再靠一點小聰明之外,還有許多更重要的東西——友誼和勇氣。

Besides dies studies, again by a little trickier besides, still have many more important things -- friendship and courage. 死亡實際上就像是經過漫長的一天之后,終于上床休息了。而且,對于頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。

Death actually like after a long day after finally went to bed. Moreover, for the mind is lucid people, death is but another great adventure. 不論想擁有多少財富,獲得多長壽命,都可以如愿以償——這兩樣東西是人類最想要的——問題是,人類偏偏就喜歡選擇對他們最沒有好處的東西。 No matter how much wealth, want to have long life, can obtain fulfiled - these two things are human want - the problem is that humans are like choice for their most no good thing. 對事物擁有使用正確的稱呼。

對一個名稱的恐懼,會強化對這個事物本身的恐懼。 Things have to use the right call. Of a name, will strengthen the fear of the thing itself fears. 真相,這是一種美麗而可怕的東西,需要格外謹慎地對待。

The truth, this is a kind of beautiful and terrible thing, need extra caution with. 被一個人這樣深深地愛過,盡管那個愛我們的人已經死了,也會給我們留下一個永遠的護身符。 Be a man so loved, although the love of our people have been killed and will leave us a forever talisman. 勇氣有許多種類,對付敵人我們需要超人的膽量,而要在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,同樣也需要很大的勇氣。

Courage has many kinds, against 。