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1. 關于蛋糕的英語句子

Uh, so--so what do you want to do?

5 Why don't we just celebrate 15 With some jenny cake in the kitchen

Need more cupcakes. All the dads are staying for the party.

What's up with that? I have no idea.

I got to see all my cousins, and there was cake, so。 That's the saddest thing I've ever heard.

You think?

2. 英語作文生日蛋糕

生日蛋糕Birthday Cake Today is my birthday,when I go home after school,I find a big cake in front of me,then my mother and father say happy birthday to me,I feel so surprised and happy.I am 10 year-old now,it means I grow up,I should be more mature and learn to think about my parents.I make a wish,I hope I can make a big progress in my study.。

3. 做蛋糕過程的英語句子6句

First, take out a piece of cake on the turntable

Then,you need to prepare some flour, egg and so on.

Next,we began to knead dough.

We want to add egg

Then on the cake with cream

Finally decorate the cake