
解夢佬 0

1. 用比較級和最高級各造5個句子

例句 I am the tallest in our class. 我是咱們班里個子最高的。


My movements are the most graceful of us three. 三個人中我的動作是最優雅的。 表示在不少于三者的同類中“最。”

和of或among引導的介系詞片語連用。 Racing is the most interesting sport I've ever known. 賽跑是我知道的最有趣的運動。


You are always my fondest star. 你永遠是我最喜歡的明星。 用代名詞的所有格表示比較范圍。

最高級的用法 ①三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度時,用“ the十最高級”的結構表示.這種句式一般常有表示比較范圍的介詞短語.例如: Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three. He works (the) hardest in his class. ②最高級可被序數詞以及 much,by far,nearly,almost,by no means,not quite,not really,nothing like等詞語所修飾. 例如: This hat is by far/much/nearly/almost/not nearly/by no means/not quite/nothing like the biggest. How much did the second most expensive hat coat? ③表示“最高程度”的形容詞,如 excellent,extreme,perfect等,沒有最高級,也不能用比較級. ④形容詞最高級修飾作表語或介詞賓語的名詞、代詞時,被修飾的詞往往省略. He is the tallest(boy) in his class. ⑤作狀語的副詞最高級前可以不加定冠詞.例如 0f all the boys he came(the) earliest. 形容詞最高級前通常要加定冠詞the,而以下幾種情況一般不需要加定冠詞the: 1.形容詞最高級前有序數詞、物主代詞、指示代詞或名詞所有格等限定詞修飾時,最高級前不用the。如: The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黃河是中國第二長河。

2.形容詞最高級在句中作表語而比較范圍又不明確時,最高級前不用the。如: They are happiest on Saturdays.他們在星期六最快樂。

3.如果兩個形容詞最高級并列修飾同一個名詞時,第二個形容詞最高級前不加the。如: He is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.他是班上年齡最小、個子最高的男孩。


如: That book is most interesting.那本書非常有趣。 5.作賓語補足語的形容詞最高級前不加the。

如: I found it most difficult to get to sleep.我發現入睡最難。 6.在一些固定用法中,最高級前通常省略the。

如: With best wishes for you.向你致以最美好的祝愿。 比較級 ◎比較級 [漢語拼音]bǐjiàojí [英文]comparative degree [解釋]在英語中通常用下列方式表示的詞:在形容詞或副詞前加more(如 more natural,more clearly ),或加后綴 -er(newer,sooner )。

典型的是指形容詞或副詞所表示的質、量或關系的增加 A. “比較級+ and +比較級”或“more and more +原級”表示“越來越……”. It is getting cooler and cooler. 天氣越來越涼爽。 The wind became more and more heavily. 風變得越來越大。

B. “the +比較級……, the+比較級”,表示“越……越……”。 The more money you make, the more you spend. 錢你賺得越多,花得越多。

The sooner,the better. 越快越好。 C. 表示倍數的比較級用法: a. A is …times the size /height/length/width of B. The new building is three times the height of the old one. 這座新樓比那座舊樓高三倍。

(新樓是舊樓的四倍高) b. A is …times as big /high/long/wide/large as B. Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亞洲是歐洲的四倍大。(亞洲比歐洲大三倍) c. A is …times larger /higher/longer/wider than B. Our school is twice bigger than yours. 我們學校比你們學校大兩倍。


1) 規則變化 單音節詞和少數雙音節詞,加詞尾-er,-est來構成比較級和最高級。 構成法 原級 比較級 最高級 一般單音節詞 tall(高的) taller tallest 末尾加-er,-est great(巨大的) greater greatest 以不發音的e結尾和以- le結尾的雙音節詞只加-r,-st nice(好的) nicer nicest ,able(有能力的) abler ablest 以一個輔音字母結尾的閉音節單音節詞,雙寫結尾的輔音字母,再加-er,-est big(大的) bigger biggest hot熱的) hotter hottest "以輔音字母+y"結尾的雙音節詞改y為i,再加 -er,-est easy(容易的) easier easiest ,busy(忙的) busier busiest 少數以-er,-ow結尾的雙音節詞末尾加-er,-est clever(聰明的) cleverer cleverest narrow(窄的) narrower narrowest 其他雙音節詞和 important(重要的) 多音節詞,在前 more important 面加more,most most important 來構成比較級和 easily(容易地) 最高級。

more easily most easily 2) 不規則變化 原級 比較級 最高級 good(好的)/ better best well(健康的) bad (壞的)/ worse worst ill(有病的) old (老的) older/elder oldest/eldest much/many(多的) more most little(少的) less least far (遠的) 。

2. 寫出十個最高級的句子

最高級:the girl is the most beautiful one in my class.

the book is the thickest in all the books.

the red pen is the best one in the library.

this place is the niceset among all the places that i have ever visited.

Gao Ling is the best student in Grade 2.

She is the youngest in the class.

This picture is the most popular of the three.

Tom is the oldest student in Class 3.

The house on the hill is the biggest one.

No.3 picture is the most beautiful one.

Mike is the tallest.

Jack's mother gets up the earliest every morning.

3. 形容詞最高級的句子



The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黃河是中國第二長河。


They are happiest on Saturdays.他們在星期六最快樂。


He is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.他是班上年齡最小、個子最高的男孩。


That book is most interesting.那本書非常有趣。


I found it most difficult to get to sleep.我發現入睡最難。


With best wishes for you.向你致以最美好的祝愿。

4. 具有很好表達效果的句子有哪些

1、比喻——語言生動形象,富有感染力 皎潔的明月高掛在淡藍色的天空中,月光像流水一樣瀉下來,大地一片銀白色。








4、夸張——生動,突出強調 一個裝著一對鯨魚的米格飛機在被烏云蓋的就能看見芝麻粒那麼大小藍色的藍天上如同蝸牛般的火速飛翔著。


5. 寫五個比較級的和最高級的英語句子

His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.


There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.


This street is four times shorter than that one.


Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company.


It rains less in London than in Manchester.
