
解夢佬 0

1. 用英語表示問好的句子,

How do you do?(初次見面通常用語) How are you?(比較熟悉的人之間用語) How are you getting along with。?(你近來。可好?) How are you doing?(您工作還順利吧?) How is everything?(一切還好吧?) How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend?(假期怎麼樣?)當今美國社會流行口語用語,大致有: What''s up?(近來可忙?) Hello?Hi? What''s going on?(近來可好?) How is life? How is it going?anything new? Pleased to meet you again!

I hope you enjoy you night and morning!


Sincere wishes to you and I hope you have a good lunch!


I tried to rich you couple of time on the phone without success.


I hope you had a good weekend and businesses are still running.


It is Ameir greeting you from Shhenzhen. How is going?


Any comments from you are appreciated!


Can you please confirm if you are available possibly on 23th November, 2006?


All the staff of our company show our warmest welcome to you for your coming!


2. 英語問候語,6句并帶中文

Tommy 湯米: Hi! How are you?

Danny丹尼: Fine thank you and you? 很好,謝謝你,你呢?

Tommy:Me too. Haven't seen you for some time 好久不見了

Danny:How are things going whit you 近況如何

Tommy:same as ever 老樣子 how are you doing 你過得怎麼樣

Danny: Fine,see you 很好,再會

Tommy:So long 再見

3. 【表示具體時間的英文句子例如現在是二點二十分,差十分鐘到六點.】

1.整點表達法:如果時間是整點,就用“鐘點數+o\'clock”這種形式來“報時”.有時也可只讀“鐘點數”,而不說o\'clock.如:It\'s ten(o\'clock)a.m.now.現在是上午十點.2.順讀法:按“鐘點數+分鐘數”的順序直接讀出來的方法叫順讀法.如:4:35讀作 four thirty-five,9:58讀作nine fifty-eight,5:04讀作five O four,11:00讀作eleven o\'clock等.3.逆讀法:按“分鐘數+to/past+鐘點數”的順序讀時間的方法叫逆讀法.A:分鐘數不超過30時,用“分鐘數+ past +鐘點數”表示“幾點幾分”.如:10:20讀作:twenty past ten 注意:①分鐘數是15時,一般不說“fifteen past +鐘點數”而要說“a quarter past +鐘點數”.②分鐘數是30時,一般用逆讀法“half past +鐘點數”.B:分鐘數超過30時,用“分鐘數+to+鐘點數”,其中“分鐘數”為60減去原分鐘數,“鐘點數”為“下一個鐘點數”,表示“差幾分幾點”.如:6:54讀作six to seven(six=60-54,seven =6+1) 9:45讀作:fifteen to ten(a quarter to ten) at,in and on都可以與time or date 相連構成短語,但是一般來說:1、at 5 o\'clock--at后常與時間連接 2、in july/in 1979--in后常跟月份和年代 3、on Monday/on May 5th--on后常跟星期幾或表示一個具體的日子。

4. 問好的英語句子有哪些

1. Nice to meet you.很高興見到你。

2. Glad to see you.認識你很高興。3. It's very nice to have a chance to meet you.真高興能有這個機會認識你。

4. Hi, John.嗨,約翰。5. Hello.你好。

6. Good morning , teachers and fellow students.老師、同學們早。7. May I introduce myself to you?我可以自我介紹嗎?8. I am pleased to see you.我很高興遇到你。

9. I enjoy the privilege of meeting you.我很榮幸遇見你。10.I am delighted to know you.我很高興認識你。

11. I am honored to know you.認識你深感榮幸。12. I am happy to see you.我很高興見到你。

13. It's a pleasure to know you.認識閣下深感榮幸。14. Hi (Hello), everybody.嗨,大家好。

15. Good morning, everybody. I am Danny Chou. I am still a student in high school.大家早,我是周丹妮。我還是個中學生。

16. May I take the liberty of introducing myself to you?我可以冒味地自我介紹嗎?17. Is everything going on well?一切還好嗎?18. Long time no see.好久不見了。19. Well ! This is a surprise! How have you been?嗯!真是個驚喜!近來可好嗎?20. How's everything?一切都好嗎?。

5. 用英語表示問好的句子,

How do you do?(初次見面通常用語) How are you?(比較熟悉的人之間用語) How are you getting along with。

(你近來。可好?) How are you doing?(您工作還順利吧?) How is everything?(一切還好吧?) How is your vacation/holiday(s)/Christmas Day/weekend?(假期怎麼樣?)當今美國社會流行口語用語,大致有: What''s up?(近來可忙?) Hello?Hi? What''s going on?(近來可好?) How is life? How is it going?anything new? Pleased to meet you again!I hope you enjoy you night and morning!希望您每天都開開心心。

Sincere wishes to you and I hope you have a good lunch!美好的祝愿送給您,希望您午餐愉快。I tried to rich you couple of time on the phone without success.我試圖給您打電話,但是沒有成功。

I hope you had a good weekend and businesses are still running.希望您周末愉快,生意興隆!It is Ameir greeting you from Shhenzhen. How is going?Ameir從深圳送來問候,最近進展如何?Any comments from you are appreciated!從您那里得到任何信息我們都將不勝感激!Can you please confirm if you are available possibly on 23th November, 2006?您能跟我確定在2006年11月23日您是否有空嗎?All the staff of our company show our warmest welcome to you for your coming!我們公司的所有員工熱烈歡迎您的到來。