
解夢佬 0

1. 求馬達加斯加的10句英語句子加漢文


It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to. 我還是覺得他太顯擺了。

I still think he is kind旦亥測酵爻寂詫檄超漏 of a show off. 肯定是的啊!他是動物嘛!

You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal. 如果你們有天來曼哈頓的話,別擔心,打個電話就行。

If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first. 不過說真的,絕對要先打個電話,好嗎?

Seriously no, call. OK? 如果機艙內氣壓瞬間下降,請把面罩罩上。

In case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face。 好讓其他乘客不被你驚嚇的表情嚇壞。

to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers. 我們可能這樣就完了,馬蒂。

This could be it Marty. 但我還是想說,你是個真正的朋友,百萬里挑一的。

I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend. 謝謝!伙計,你是最棒的,永遠都是。

Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.

2. 求馬達加斯加的10句英語句子加漢文

他們不像你期待的那樣長大,真的很令人失望啊! It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want it to. 我還是覺得他太顯擺了。

I still think he is kind of a show off. 肯定是的啊!他是動物嘛! You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal. 如果你們有天來曼哈頓的話,別擔心,打個電話就行。 If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first. 不過說真的,絕對要先打個電話,好嗎? Seriously no, call. OK? 如果機艙內氣壓瞬間下降,請把面罩罩上。

In case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face。 好讓其他乘客不被你驚嚇的表情嚇壞。

to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers. 我們可能這樣就完了,馬蒂。 This could be it Marty. 但我還是想說,你是個真正的朋友,百萬里挑一的。

I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend. 謝謝!伙計,你是最棒的,永遠都是。 Thanks buddy. You are the best ever。

3. 我求《馬達加斯加3》電影5句優美句子(要英文句帶中文)每句一行

1 Love Always Comes As A Surprise 總是出乎意料2 Baby, you're a firework Come on, let your colors burst. Make 'em go You're gonna leave 'em falling down-own-own 朋友 你就是那創造美麗的煙火 來吧 給他們看看你醞藏已久的色彩 來吧 現在就點燃自己 這時你再俯瞰一切3 I`d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. 我情愿成為她最知心的冤家,在她傷心憂傷的時分給她依托的肩膀 4 But I`m not, so you do it. 不過我不是,所以你要替我做 5.Non, je ne regrette rien.不,我一點都不后悔(法語)。

4. 《2012》和《馬達加斯加》中的英語句子


Dr. Adrian Helmsley, part of a worldwide geophysical team investigating the effect on the earth of radiation from unprecedented solar storms, learns that the earth's core is heating up. He warns U.S. President Thomas Wilson that the crust of the earth is becoming unstable and that without proper preparations for saving a fraction of the world's population, the entire race is doomed. Meanwhile, writer Jackson Curtis stumbles on the same information. While the world's leaders race to build "arks" to escape the impending cataclysm, Curtis struggles to find a way to save his family. Meanwhile, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of unprecedented strength wreak havoc around the world.

Plot description:

5. 求介紹馬達加斯加的英語文

Watched movies, want to go to the Madagascar. Movie scenes that frame the screen is too beautiful. I may be too easily satisfied, a lot of people feel that SOSO films, but I really like. Protagonists looked pure comedy, but a very distinct personality. Marti's voice-over people like super feeling is so simple and honest, as if it is an awareness, but do not want to 1:00; Alex's hair is a bright spot, Gloria and Melmen. Also worth mentioning is that the film is full of wisdom penguins, who face the others, is always just smell and wave ~ ~ ~ and private ideas constantly, another strong operational capabilities. On board, Does wickedly easily the Tom Cruise unlock with that section of the paper clip. We also own and animals have long been divided into the clear. Whether Disney, Pixar, and even Hollywood, as the animals have repeatedly said that the human mouth, then, sometimes in order to convey some spirit, but more often is to enable busy all day in the lives of our civilization, taking time out aftertaste our natural wild genes. Not what he wanted, and looked at the yard chip will perform a variety of techniques lion, hippopotamus, giraffe, always feel that people but is also a kind of strange animals only.。

6. 求介紹馬達加斯加的英語文

MadagascarLive in the zoo of New York city, zebra, giraffe, hippo and penguins several good friends, they live comfortable and luxurious life in zoo, but the clever penguins and beautiful zebra expect the true nature what they hear,finally they travel far away across the sea , come to beautiful island-Alaska Island, experiencing the freedom in Alaska and cruel hunt. Stories are vivid and unforgettable!生活在紐約動物園里的獅子,斑馬,長頸鹿,河馬,企鵝幾個好朋友,他們在動物園里過著豪華舒適的生活,但是聰明的企鵝和漂亮的斑馬向往他們聽說的真正的大自然家園,最后他們漂洋過海,來到美麗的阿拉斯加島,體會了自由的快樂,殘酷的獵殺。


7. 急需馬達加斯加1的英文臺詞,最好全一點



Madagascar 1 《《《《馬達加斯加馬達加斯加馬達加斯加馬達加斯加 1》》》》 -Alex:Surprise! 大驚喜! -Marty:Alex! Do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming! When the Zebra is in the zone, leave him alone. interrupt: 打斷 daydream: 做白日夢 zebra: 斑馬 Alex!別在我在做白日夢的時候來打攪我! 斑馬在家,閑人勿擾。 -Alex:Come on ,Marty, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! 別這樣,Marty,我只是想來祝你生日快樂的! -Marty:Hey man, thanks. 嘿,哥們兒,謝了。 -Alex:Hey,I got something stuck in my teeth. It's driving me crazy! Can you help me out here? Please? stuck: 被卡住 drive me crazy: 使我發瘋了 嘿,我牙里塞了點東西,快受不了了。你能不能幫我把它取出來,拜托? -Marty:You came to the right place, my friend. Doctor Marty D.D.S is in the house! D.D.S: 牙科學博士 算你來對地方了,我的朋友。Marty醫生,牙科學博士正巧在家呢! Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may. I don't see anything.It'son the left. hop on: 跳上 sterilize: 消毒的 如果可以的話,請跳到我消過毒的檢查臺,上來。我什麼也沒看見啊,在左邊。 -Alex:Oh,sorry. 噢,抱歉。 -Marty:Okay, just don't talk with your mouth full. Right here. What a hack is this doing in there? 好,張嘴的時候別說話。找到了。這個東西在里面做什麼? -Alex:Happy birthday! 生日快樂! -Marty:Thanks man. It was behind the tooth! You're all right. 謝謝,哥們兒,原來它在牙齒后面啊,你沒事了。 -Alex:It's hardly on a shelf yet.Here, check it out. Look at that, look at that. Look at that, it's snowing. 這個還沒有上市呢,這個,看看。看看那兒,看看那兒,看見沒,在下雪喲。 Ten years old, ha!, A decade! Double digits. A big 10. You don't like it? decade: 十年 十歲啦,哈!,十年!兩位數,非同尋常的十歲!你不喜歡它嗎? -Marty:No, no. It's great! 不,不是,禮物很棒! -Alex:You hate it. I should have gotten you the Alex alarm clock. That's the one, that's the big seller. alarm clock: 鬧鐘 你不喜歡它,我應該給你一個Alex牌鬧鐘的。那