
解夢佬 0

1. 求有關《荊棘鳥》的一段話的英文原文

There is a legend of The Thorn Birds sing only once a lifetime

That song more than all the world all the creatures of the songs are more beautiful sounds

To leave the nest the nest from the moment she was looking for thorn tree until you wish fulfilled

Then she gave her body headlong into the longest and most sharp spines on the

In that wild and open up between the singing voice of the branches

In the dying deep inside that she transcended the pain of their own

That song makes pale lark and the nightingale are

This is an incomparably beautiful song in the end life exhaust

However, the entire world is quietly listening to what God is also sky smile

Because the best things that can only be painful huge hit in exchange for

2. 《荊棘鳥》的名句景物描寫,和名句

《荊棘鳥》里富有詩意的環境描寫不僅為塑造人物起到了很好的烘托作用,而且增強了閱讀的美感,使讀者獲得了對人物所處環境的人文地理的豐富知識,因此也是其魅力源泉之一.讀者那一段段勾勒環境的文字,我們感受到了濃濃的澳大利亞風情,深深體會道不僅作品里的人物,就連那片土地也是奇特的.亞馬遜網上書店在介紹這本書使使那樣描述那廣袤荒涼的土地的:“保守這輪番而至的韓老侵躪;索取時,殘酷無情;花開時,絢麗爛漫;造化慷慨的粘結,有不失豐饒.天底下在沒有哪一個地方如此怪誕離奇.”書中生息于斯的一切均籠罩在那種獨特的氛圍里,可感可觸,隱隱中不由得令人生對命運的慨嘆.名言名句 有一個傳說,說的是有那麼一只鳥兒,它一生只唱一次,那歌聲比世上所有一切生靈的歌聲都更加優美動聽.從離開巢窩的那一刻起,它就在尋找著荊棘樹,直到如愿以償,才歇息下來.然后,它把自己的身體扎進最長,最尖的荊棘上,便在那荒蠻的枝條之間放開了歌喉.在奄奄一息的時刻,它超脫了自身的痛苦,而那歌聲竟然使云雀和夜鶯都黯然失色.這是一曲無比美好的歌,曲終而命竭.然而,整個世界都在靜靜地諦聽著,上帝也在蒼穹中微笑.因為最美好的東西只能用最深痛的巨創來換取……這就是荊棘鳥的傳說. 鳥兒胸前帶著荊棘,他遵循著一個不可改變的法則.她被不知其名的東西刺穿身體,被驅趕著,歌唱著死去.在那荊棘刺進的一瞬,她沒有意識到死之將臨.她只是唱著、唱著,直到生命耗盡,再也唱不出一個音符.但是,當我們把荊棘刺進胸膛時,我們是知道的.我們是明明白白的.然而,我們卻依然要這麼做.我們依然把荊棘刺進胸膛.。

3. 荊棘鳥好詞好句

1 . 有一個傳說,說的是有那麼一只鳥兒,它一生只唱一次,那歌聲比世上所有一切生靈的歌聲都更加優美動聽。

2 . 一切都是我自己造成的,我誰都不怨恨,我不能對此有片刻的追悔。

3 . 滿足是快樂,不滿是期待。恰當的滿足感才能提供幸福的可能性。

4 . 它的歌聲委婉動聽,萬物之中無可比擬。

5 . 自離巢的那一刻,它就在尋找著,不眠不休,只為尋找那棵屬于它的荊棘樹。

6 . 荊棘樹上,它在旁逸橫出的荊棘中放聲歌唱,至長至銳的尖刺穿透了他的身軀。 7 . 生命將盡,它超脫了痛苦,盡情歡唱,那甜美的歌聲連云雀夜鶯都難以企及。 8 . 歌聲至美,卻是以身殉曲。 9 . 然而萬物都在聆聽這美妙的歌聲,就連上帝也在蒼穹之中露出了微笑,因為唯有歷經磨難苦楚,方能得到最美好的事物。 10 . 維圖里奧的眼睛像鏡子,它們將看到的東西反射回來,絲毫也看不到他們背后的東西。梅吉的眼睛恰好相反,它們可以直通深處,一直通到她的靈魂。 11 . 它一生只唱一次歌。從離開巢穴開始,便不停執著地尋找荊棘樹。當它終于如愿以償,就把自己嬌小的身體扎進一株最長、最尖的荊棘上,和著血和淚放聲歌唱那凄美動人、婉轉如霞的歌聲使人間所有的聲音煞那間黯然失色! 12 . 鳥兒胸前帶著棘刺,它遵循著一個不可改變的法則。她被不知其名的東西刺穿身體,被驅趕著,歌唱著死去……只是唱著、唱著,直到生命耗盡……但是,當我們把棘刺扎進胸膛時,我們是知道的。我們是明明白白的。然而,我們卻依然要這樣做。我們依然把棘刺扎進胸膛。 13 . 回憶就是這樣的,即使是那些充滿深情厚愛的回憶也概莫能外,好像腦子里有一種無意識的愈合過程,盡管我們曾痛下決心永勿忘,但它依然能使創傷愈合。 14 . 有些事明知道行不通,可是咱們還是要做。但是,有自知之明并不能影響或改變事情的結局,對嗎?咱們制造了自己的荊棘叢,而且從不停下來計算其代價。我們所做的一切就是忍受痛苦的煎熬,并且告訴自己,這是非常值得的。

4. 英語語句間連接短語,句子都可以,更流暢些

可以采用一些短語啊,譬如What's more,Last but not least,in a word,this is to say,equally important,in addition,at the same time,even though,in spite of,on the contraty,on account of,above all,thanksto,in conclusion ,to speak frankly ,to sum up ,in short,as a consequence也可以用一些單詞譬如besides,futhermore,moreover,despite,however,nevertheless,yet,while,instead,so,briefly,hence,希望這些能夠對你有所幫助.。

5. 荊棘鳥英文簡介

After the novel "Thorn Bird" is published from 1977, not only is lucky US, with "Godfather" with for American ten big bestsellers; Becomes rapidly is all the rage the whole world the international bestseller, reorganizes the movie successively, cranks up the TV serial, controls the cassette tape, is one of entire 80's best bestsellers, moreover always some readers requested the author continues for it work. Little while ago, the author cooperated inviting of on the parties concerned with the composer, will reorganize personally face German audience's musical. At this point, although in more than 20 past, "Thorn Bird" beautiful still does not fade, regardless of is the soap opera or the novel original work, still moved trillion reader's hearts. A Canadian Quebec's reader said that,I have the book which several often review, "Thorn Bird" is one of them.also thought that, he is one of all time greatest love stories, endures for Romeo and Juliet's love side-by-side.I read every time.All has the new discovery.Colleen McCullough,On June 1,1937 had been born in Australian new south Wales state Wellington,the Australian present age renowned writer.She once has been engaged in many kinds of work - - tourism, the library, teaching; Afterwards has finally become a nerve pathologist, once went to school in US Yale University.Her first novel is "Timm", but "Thorn Bird" (The Thorn Birds) has formed in one's mind for four years, did the massive investigation work, Fang Shi has taken up the pen.A this book publication, the author then became famous overnight.The author is the men of many ability, likes photographing, music, the drawing, clothing cutting out and so on.She presently settles down in US.Besides enjoys a good reputation the world "Thorn Bird", tests Lin · Maccullough also to create other 12 novels, a biography, this book after the Western literary arena by the reputation is continues "Gone with the wind" the most successful family background novel and love legend."Thorn Bird" is called by the posterity Australia "Gone with the wind"。

6. 征求一篇《荊棘鳥》的英文隨筆

The Thorn Birds

It is said there is a kind of birds named the thorn birds. They only sing once in their lives. But the sound of singing is the most wonderful in the world. When they leave their nests, they will look for the thistles and thorns. And they don't give up till they find them. At last they thorn their chests with the longest and sharpest thorns. Then they sing the most beautiful songs at the great cost of life. But they must endure hardships to do all these.

I think we are like the thorn birds. We also have our own dreams like the best sound of singing. We should do our best to make our dreams come true like the thorn birds, too.

7. 《荊棘鳥》里的經典句子








