
解夢佬 0

1. 初中英語改寫句子

1. They sent him to a hospital so that his mother would not have to look after him all the time.

2. Are you sure that you have lost the book?

3. We don't know if it is going to rain tomorrow.

4. Exercise for one hour every day is good for your health.

5. 人們應該與大自然和諧相處。

6. do; change

2. 初中英語優美句子摘抄

1 each muscle, every fiber, every cell, was tired, tired numb

2 these illusions often emerge in the eyes of buck, and they are intertwined, and still deep in the forest the call of the ring.

3 a hear this voice, buck became restless, the in the mind is filled with the desire to understand

4 night came, and a full moon rises from the top of the tree to hang in the air, as in this piece of land, to the outside is shrouded in dark BaiGuangLi.





3. 初中英語填空按要求改寫句子1.Remembertocleanthetable(改為同義

按要求改寫句子1.Remember to clean the table(改為同義句)__Don't___ _forget____to clean the table2.bill became a swimming champion when he was ten year old(改為簡單句)bill because a swimming champion__at___ _the____ _age____ _of____ten.3.we can't live without water(改為含狀語從句的復合句)_If____there is no water we__can't___live4.the boy is so young that he can't look after himself(改為簡單句)the boy is__too___young__to___look after himself5.wang qi is going to be (a dancer)in the future(對括號部分提問)__What___is wang qi going to__be___in the future?6.We need (one cup of) yogurt(對括號部分提問)___How__ _much____yogurt do you need?7.Alice was born (is longurt in 1995)(對括號部分提問)__when___and___where__ ___was__alice born?8.I'm going to be (an artisi)in the future.(對括號部分提問)__what___ _are____you going to __be___in the future?9.My sister is too young to sweep the floor(改為同義句)My sister is __so___ __young___ _that____ _coludn't____sweep the floor10.Let's make a banana milk shake.(改為反義疑問句)Let's make a banana milk shake,___doesn't__us_____?11.he is going to be (an actor)when he grows up(對括號部分提問)__what___is he going to___be__when he grows up?翻譯句子1.你怎麼制作水果奶昔(how)how do you make a banana milk shake?2.我妹妹出生于1990年6月1日(born)my sister was born on June first 1990.3.這房子對我家來說不夠大(enough)This house isn't large enough to my family.4.這些老人打算下周搬到安靜的地方去(move)these old peopel are going to move somethere quiet next week.5.他們已經在北京住了十多年了(overThey've been in Beijing over ten years.6.在休息日,他們經常開車沿著海邊(coast)兜風In the day off,they often drive along the coast.7.我們計劃今天下午開班會(be going to)there is going to be a class meeting this afternoon.8.他足夠強壯,能搬起這塊重石頭(enough)he is strong enough to move this stone.9.這篇文章太難了,我理解不了(so……that)this article is so difficult that I cloudn't stand.10.那家商場有質量最好的衣服(quality)that store has the best quality clothes.希望對lz有用,這都是本人一個字一個字敲上去的.。

4. 初中英語看圖寫句子

1. The girl woke up late and it was already ten past eight in the morning.

2. She wanted to wash her face but someone was taking a shower in the bathroom.

3, She ran quickly to the bus stop.

4. It was too late. The bus has just left.

5. She wnated to take a taxi but she suddenly remembered that she had forgot to bring her bag.